
Discussion in 'Support' started by Mukul Kumar Sharma, Mar 13, 2011.

    1. I guess most of us suffer from either sleeplessness or too much of sleep. Personally I suffer from insomnia. Whether it is coz of my work related stress or something else I know not but I can never go off to sleep till late in the morning. A couple of hours of sleep and I am done. The rest of the day is spend in a weird kind of dizziness. I really miss a good nap.
    2. Jim

      Jim Member Benefactor

      San Francisco
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Mukul, Welcome to the group. Insomnia was a real problem for me as well. Can you give a little more info, I looked at your profile and couldn't get if your insomnia is tinnitus related or not. If it is caused by your tinnitus I can tell you what I did to relieve it.
    3. AUTHOR
      Mukul Kumar Sharma

      Mukul Kumar Sharma Member

      Kolkata, India
      Hey Jim! It's very much tinnitus related. Can you please help out?
    4. Jim

      Jim Member Benefactor

      San Francisco
      Tinnitus Since:
      I was pretty much a walking zombie due to no sleep. The stress and fatigue were killing me. I would finally fall asleep when exhausted only to wake in an hour or so. I had to drug myself. Then I started to stress about taking sleep drugs.

      At the present time I sleep with earphones with masking sounds ("sound enrichment") all night and I take about 2 mg of Ambien to get myself to fall asleep. I used to take an additional 2 mg at 2am if I woke up but that doesn't happen anymore. My doc tells me not to stress about taking the small amount of Ambien so I don't anymore. Not like I have a choice though. I tried several other drugs and settled on Ambien because of the minimal side effects for me. Some nights I can sleep without the Ambien but not often.

      I'm so used to the earphones now that I probably would continue to wear them even if the tinnitus vanish. I actually like wearing them now. They block out noise that would otherwise disturb my sleep. I don't ever take a nap. I try to be really tired when I go to bed and get up when I awaken in the morning.

      I don't like to recommend taking drugs to sleep, I wouldn't if I didn't have to, but it saved me. Good luck.
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    5. AUTHOR
      Mukul Kumar Sharma

      Mukul Kumar Sharma Member

      Kolkata, India
      Thanks a lot man... Hope it helps me too... No harm in trying 4 a few days... Thanks again... :)
    6. pathworker2017
      No Mood

      pathworker2017 Member

      Belfast United Kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      2012 approx
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      currently unknown, conductive hearing loss suspected
      It has been a while since contributing to the forum and I think this thread is probably the right one to post to, recently my tinnitus has escalated to the point where sleep eludes me at almost every turn. I am lucky if I manage three hours sleep in any one given night and I am getting very close to being at my wits end!!

      I'm not quite suicidal but pretty much standing at the edge of that precipice and quite frankly it is very unsettling. Ideas and suggestions please!!!
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