Joseph Rauschecker PhD DSc, Georgetown University Medical Center Georgetown University

Discussion in 'Worthy Causes' started by Tinnitus Talk, Jan 13, 2019.

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    1. Research on hearing loss and tinnitus in Dr. Rauschecker’s lab is aimed at understanding the brain mechanisms of the disorder. His research suggests that an abnormal limbic system elevates the perceived importance of the tinnitus sound or fails to suppress it, and that interactions between the auditory and limbic systems may be at the root of this disorder. He is currently raising funds to take this research to the next phase by developing a non-human primate animal model.

      Learn more about Dr. Rauschecker’s research at Georgetown University.

      Donate to Dr. Rauschecker’s research.

      100% of your donation will go to Dr. Rauschecker's research.
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