Just Want to Say Thank You for All Your Knowledge and Support

Discussion in 'Support' started by Leah, Sep 25, 2013.

    1. Leah

      Leah Member Benefactor

      Chardon, Ohio USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      People from all over the world here to help each other. So glad I found you.
      Nobody gets it like you do. No matter what time of day or day of the week, I can "check in". Wish I could hug every one of you and say thanks.
      Hope today was good for you and tomorrow even better.
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    2. gary

      gary Member Benefactor

      Macomb, MI. USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Who Knows
      Leah, I just saw your post, it is very touching the way you put it. I feel the exact same way. It is so nice to know that that there is help here 24/7 somewhere, be it half way around the world or in a town right by you, to help or just listen.

      Your comment "No one gets it like you do" is right on the money. If you have not had it you just don't really know, no matter how it is described to someone, they can only imagine, which is a good thing, I would not wish this on anyone. This site has helped more than any of the different Dr's I have seen over the past year.

      Take care neighbor....
      • Like Like x 2
    3. TJPositive

      TJPositive Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Right back at you and to all other members of this community. (y)

      When I first found this site I thought it would be counter-productive to be talking about tinnitus all the time. Boy was I wrong. I feel I'm dealing with it better than I ever have. Was not expecting this at all.
      • Like Like x 1
    4. RaZaH

      RaZaH Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Reykjavík, Iceland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Benzo + loud noise
      Yeah, indeed . This board has a very nice, positive and supportive vibe.

      Love this place but can't wait to have no reason to come here anymore , except to tell you how I found my "Cure"!:)
      • Like Like x 1
    5. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I agree Leah... this site has been one of the most helpful parts of my treatment and I am so grateful. Isn't it amazing tht we come from so many different parts of the world and walks of life? .

      Which reminds me: we should show our gratitude by donating to Tinnitus Talk. I see most of you all are benefactors. Bless you. I will walk the talk tomorrow and donate.
      • Like Like x 1
    6. meeruf

      meeruf Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I have to agree with Leah.

      Thank you for all the support. Its just amazing. Here we are. From all corners of the world. Sharing and caring for each other. Fantastic!

      When I was in my darkest hour, I found this site. For me, it was everything in that moment. Not even my mother understood what I was going through, and that was very depressing. She was just like: "Ignore it and go on. Help me make dinner". Yeah, sure. Forget about the jet-engine-tinnitus. Good luck. And the sound of meat cooking is just awful and makes everything worse. I'm not blaming my mother, she did the best she could. But she just don't understand. She said she have had disco-tinnitus many times. Well, disco-tinnitus is another ball-game.

      Yeah, just thank you guys!
      • Like Like x 1
    7. yonkapin

      yonkapin Member Benefactor

      Melbourne, Australia
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2012
      Yeah, this really is a great place with awesome people.

      When I first got my tinnitus I was deadset on trying to avoid all forums because I had done a quick browse around on some of the other tinnitus forums and they were filled with some real negative and loony types - not the sort of stuff you want to see when you're new to tinnitus and don't really understand what's going on. Then luckily I stumbled onto here and found that everyone here is super supportive and sensible, so kudos to the staff for keeping things in check in that regard, it makes a world of difference imo!
    8. Relic Hunter

      Relic Hunter Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      I just wanted to say Thanks a million to all those who got this site up and running and to the people who keep it going.
      It is a God send.

      I found this site only by accident shortly ago. I have been on other tinnitus forums but this is by far the best. A great deal of diversity and knowledge from all over the world as well as compassion and understanding.

      One of the worse things about tinnitus is the loneliness. It seems like no one really understands nor cares. Here we can reach out even if it half way round the world and know that someone out there DOES understand.

      Thank you to one and all.
    9. David J

      David J Member

      Kent, Ohio
      Tinnitus Since:
      Ditto..............I had been reading for a long while before I posted. Great site, great people..........lots-O-help, Lots-O-hope, Lots-O-love.................THANKS!
    10. gary

      gary Member Benefactor

      Macomb, MI. USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Who Knows
      I have belonged to a lot of different groups over the years, I have been a member of this one for over a year now. I must say, I find it so amazing, with all the various members, posts and replies, I have not found one bad apple in the whole bunch. all everyone wants to do here is help each other. How refreshing not to let our egos get in the way.
      I know this site has educated me, and has made me a much better listener....
      • Like Like x 1
    11. AnneG

      AnneG Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      True, everyone here has been a big comfort. If it wasn't for this forum i would not have any idea how to strengthen myself. Atleast here i know i'm not alone, that there are hundreds of other that are on the same boat as me. Its hard wheb your facing something alone. But in this forum i could never feel like I'm in this alone. I wish i knew each and everyone here in person <3 wishing everyone all the best and may we all find the peace we so long to have :)
    12. Cher69

      Cher69 Member Benefactor

      York, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Totally agree with all the posts above and wish to say my sincere thanks to all those who have helped me along on this journey. The words of wonderful support, reassurance, encouragement and amazing knowledge that are shared on this web forum have been inspiring I feel very close to complete strangers and regard you all as my T family x
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    13. Sailboardman

      Sailboardman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sensorineural hearing loss right ear.
      I'm a newbie and found this site scouring the internet for T info. I was in the darkest of dark places and found some hope and light coming out of this site. after my intro, I immediately recieved some welcomes. Some like billie48 who has spent many hours sharing his personal intial struggles with T & H, and his road to recovery. his success story was especially meaningful and gave me hope.

      If he would have left the site after habituating to T, I may not have had the opportunity to gain insight, from his experiences over the years. I'm personally glad he is still monitoring this terrific site, to help newbies like me, learn the secrets of habituating this demon. that goes for all you veterans and loyal followers of this board. I thank you all!
      • Friendly Friendly x 1
    14. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Thank you Sailboardman for the kind words. I am only one of many who are contributing to help out the newer sufferers. Collectively the members here have lots to offer to the newer sufferers. Hope you will find more useful info from this site as you browse around the site. We are here to help because we have been helped before by some caring souls. Just returning in kind what kindness we have received. I have contemplated leaving the site recently due to some health challenges unrelated to T. But having gone through 'hell' with T (and H in my case) and knowing how much some one can suffer with this T beast, I do feel most of the T veterans here just want to help. The world is a better place with people helping people, even strangers.
    15. BobDigi
      Kick ass

      BobDigi Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise
      I know just what you mean. I love my family and girlfriend dearly. But in all honesty they were useless when i was dealing with early T depression. They tried. But the truth is they were no help.
      Tinnitus is something people can't see, hear or understand, unless they have T.
      This site was more help to me than anything. That includes friends, family, girlfriend, ENT and doctor. Actually ENT guy was pretty good. And one friend tried his best. But you get my point.
      This site was easier and nicer to use than the main UK sight. The people are great and always give great advise and help. The UK site was hard to use. It even looked bleak and depressing.
      This site looks great, works great and is full of great people.
    16. Mal

      Mal Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Cinema speakers
      I also want to use the occasion to just say thanks. Tinnitus has wrecked my life, but tinnitustalk has helped me hang in there and find a new foundation to stand on. I'm basically "checking in" every day, several times even, to check for new information and just to feel the belonging aspect, and to know, that I don't have to explain my weird mood here or excuse my lack of energy.

      Especially thanks to @Markku @Steve @Dr. Nagler and @attheedgeofscience for providing a far superior counselling compared to the official health system. You guys should be funded from an official instance for making the world a better place, simply.

      I wish, that I could help more in this regard, but for a very related reason I can't. My economy has once again met the negative numbers and annoying bank-advisors because of tinnitus. If I ever regain succes in my career (which I unfortunately doubt), I know who to thank for this.
      • Friendly Friendly x 2
    17. ThomasF

      ThomasF Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Probably loud music
      I haven't been here for very long but feel an enormous amount of relief from reading the various threads on this site.

      The treatment threads repeatedly give me hope that a cure is in our future. Please stay hopeful everyone.
      • Hug Hug x 2

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