Keep Searching for Solutions to Living

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by John42, Jan 6, 2018.

    1. John42
      No Mood

      John42 Member Benefactor

      Alberta Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      probably industrial noise
      I wish you weren't looking for answers to Tinnitus ( T ). Acceptance is key. You are hearing a noise no one else can hear.

      For me, mostly it is similar to being in a basement, sitting near the water pipe for outside and someone turns it on and it never turns off. It varies from day to day in intensity from almost nothing to so loud that I have a hard time hearing the kettle whistle. No rhyme or reason to what sets it off. When it goes loud we call it a spike .

      It's very stressful to live through. I contemplate suicide because I don't know when/ if the spike will stop. It has been around 7 or 8 years since the onset of this malady and I'm still standing.

      I don't have a lot to offer other than; keep on searching for answers on how to cope with this condition. What will work for one individual may not work for you. I have to use a sleep aide to go to sleep. I used to use Zoplecone to put me out but it is not a medication one should take for a prolonged period. It made me very irritated and angry.

      I'm taking Quitiapene now -it's better. I wish I didn't have to take anything. But I sleep and get up and go to work and try to live as best I can. I find it helps to try and stay stressless, although it is hard to do, for me anyway.

      I keep coming to this site looking for ways to manage this condition and at least come away with something new to try. Maybe one day they can fix this. Keep hoping and keep searching. Best of luck.
    2. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Welcome to the forum and thanks for a positive post. Yes, tinnitus is tough particularly at the initial days. But it is not an end game and is livable. You and many others prove that. As for finding a cure someday, we sure hope so. Here is what is on the news recently and we do have a thread on Treatment section for this research going on in University of Michigan.

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