Loud Noises Make a Quick Whooshing Sound in One Ear

Discussion in 'Support' started by Spider, Apr 26, 2013.

    1. Spider

      Spider Member

      Does anybody else have this? I've tried searching but couldn't find anything and was wondering if it was linked to T.

      The sound is feels wind coming/whoosing out of the ear. It only lasts a split second.
      If I press onto the tragus (the small flap thing near the opening of the ear) and let go it has the same effect.
    2. Hudson

      Hudson Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Mild hyperacusis. Mine does the same thing. It seems to go away after a while, it's related to the tensor tympani muscle. It's supposed to tense up in anticipation of a loud sound. I think a lot of it has to do with anxiety. How long has this been going on for you?
    3. AUTHOR

      Spider Member

      It started around the same time my tinnitus started (6month ago). Not long after an ear cleaning at the ENT doctor. It happens much more when I'm thinking about it. I have a lot of anxiety going on too.

      Did yours begin with your T?
    4. Ivan Cheung

      Ivan Cheung Member

      London, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      I have the same symptoms for over two weeks now. Besides whoosing I have also experienced different high pitch and different morse code peep noise, but it seems to me when I have more sleep the night before the less I have.
    5. AUTHOR

      Spider Member

      With more sleep is it better throughout the whole day?

      Mine is very low when I wake up, but it goes back up to normal levels after an hour or so.
    6. Ivan Cheung

      Ivan Cheung Member

      London, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Mine flucturates thoughout the day. I can hear those noises only with certain sounds (or frequency) e.g. running water tap, ventilation fan, train noise etc.
    7. Fish

      Fish Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 2012
      Spider and other guys, does it also happen when you:

      - yawn
      - stretch yourself
      - say something loud/scream
      - bend down and lift something heavy?
    8. Ivan Cheung

      Ivan Cheung Member

      London, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Fish, there are two phenomenom related to tensor tympani. One is the tensor tympani twiching, where one can experience a low pitch rumbling noise. Another is the ability to hear high pitch morse code noise or sound distortion. Some say noise distortion may be caused by tensor tympani syndrome. I found the latter one bothers me like hell.

      which one do you experience? former one or latter?
    9. AUTHOR

      Spider Member

      Saying something loud causes it to happen and yawning sometimes
    10. AUTHOR

      Spider Member

      I get a vibration sensation, the sound that comes with it is hard to describe
    11. Fish

      Fish Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 2012
      I had this for years, long before my "real" tinnitus has started. I had it for soooo long I didn't really care about it;

      It's in my right ear, when I perform certain actions (most often when saying something very loud) I hear this one-two seconds long roaring sound. I can say something without any problems and I might talk and talk but right after I finish the sentence I hear *whooosh*.. I started paying attention to it in december 2012 when I developed a pulsatile tinnitus in the same ear that would appear always in the late evening and be gone once I woke up the next morning. Thankfully the pulsating resolved itself completely after few weeks. I still have my *whoosh* when I yawn etc. and I wonder what might could it be but I can live with that. It's not the end of the world.
    12. AUTHOR

      Spider Member

      The same thing happens sometimes when I talk too, the WHOOSH at the end of my sentence. I mentioned it to my ENT doctors, one ignored it completely and another said "it can't be explained"
    13. Fish

      Fish Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 2012
      Same here Spider, same here.

      One of the ENT doctors I talked about this (the best doctor I met) mentioned it could be some sort of an involuntary reaction of a "tensor tympani" muscle due to stress, TMJ disorder or related to lordosis. I don't know what else could I do though and it doesn't bother me that much either so I will just ignore it for the time being. Sometimes it disappears on it's own just to come back a day or two later.
    14. anna84

      anna84 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I have the whooshing sound in my left ear, in exactly those situations listed above. Also, just after waking up in the mornings it is more intense - then it occurs while talking , not necessarily loud, and in general when I am in horizontal position it is more intense.

      Fish, have you investigated it any further? It does not bother me that much either, but I would prefer to have it cured.
    15. busybee

      busybee Member

      London, United Kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi peeps, have come on here tonight looking for an answer as to why my ears are playing up so bad last week or so, but search engines always come back to tinitus, I can understand how you all feel....its driving me bonkers!!!I normally can ignore but tonight only being quiet helps, every word I say I have a swooshing sound. Intersting reading your comments, especially hudsons comment, ive had tinutus since a child
    16. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, Busybee,

      Has your tinnitus, or swooshing sound, gotten worse lately? Do you know of anything unusual that has occurred lately that could have caused it?

      I'm one of the members here who has pulsatile tinnitus, a swooshing sound in the ear. I have both regular tinnitus and pulsatile tinnitus; my swooshing has gotten a bit calmer recently, or else I've gotten somewhat used to it. But it is still very bothersome, particularly when trying to sleep or when in a quiet room.

      Have you been to any doctors yet, or had any tests? I certainly understand what you're going through!
      • Like Like x 1
    17. Tonia

      Tonia Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Wax removal Via water removal, stress,
    18. VibesJr

      VibesJr Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hey I just came across this post and I've been experiencing this problem for 3 months now. After looking around for a bit, I realized that this is a problem that some of us have and that it can't be fixed. I was wondering how to live with it since listening to stuff at high volumes or going to the movies might be a pain.
    19. Paul Fontaine

      Paul Fontaine Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud Music I guess, not really sure
      Same here, it's quite interesting to be honest.
    20. Lilli

      Lilli Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      This happens to me too. Is this a serious problem? Should I be worried? I'm deaf in one ear if that makes a difference

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