
Discussion in 'Alternative Treatments and Research' started by Tutuff, Feb 4, 2014.

    1. Tutuff

      Tutuff Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      this may have been posted here many times...but in case it hasnt....this may help some people

      im sure this wont help anyone that has 'T' due to an actual auditory problem.....but if you have it from some sort of sinus thing like a cold/infection.....then try some maximum strength mucinex and lots of seems to be bringing the severity of mine down a lot....good luck to you all with miserable affliction
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    2. EddyLee

      EddyLee Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Googled and found this,


      Jeffrey PedersenHere's the rub though-- Mucinex D hasn't actually lowered my "base" level of tinnitus. My personal affliction is binaural at a low-medium level. But, my left ear has been constantly louder by a large factor. The Mucinex has apparently brought the left ear to almost the same level as the right ear.

      This makes sense to me because the left side of my head has always felt a little different than the right. I always develop eye strain and headaches on the left side first, and often have a sense of pressure or congestion on the left. This suggests that there might be some chronic sinus pressure or congestion on the left side that is being relieved by the Mucinex D.

      If this is in fact the case and is working for me, there may be others out there with a similar situation. So perhaps try it and see if it gives you any benefit at all. This is something I've been trying for about 24 hours, and I don't know if the relief will continue, but it is noticeable and welcome for now.
    3. xmierce

      xmierce Member

      Buford, Georgia
      Tinnitus Since:
      If you get fluid in your ears that can cause conductive hearing loss and increase the tinnitus in your ear. The Mucinex can thin the mucus to drain the fluid and improve the ears itself. I have not heard about Mucinex reducing T in other ways though..
      • Agree Agree x 1
    4. Neyma

      Neyma Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      My chest is congested and my right ear feels congested as well. I'm hesitant on trying the Mucinex because I'm afraid it might Spike up my tinnitus.has anybody experienced a spike in their tinnitus from Mucinex?my ear feels clogged and my hearing is very muffledI feel that if I take the Mucinex it might unclog my ear and I can hear better.if someone out there has tried musinex with success please let me know.
    5. Life4U

      Life4U Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I am using mucinex extended release right now....decreases sleep
    6. Janetita

      Janetita Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      10 months
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      So does mucinex spike tinnitus?
    7. Virginia1027

      Virginia1027 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      August 2013
      That's what I want to know. Does it spike tinnitus?
    8. Alue
      No Mood

      Alue Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma
      No. It shouldn't. I've researched it and used it since getting tinnitus. It's actually helpful if your eustachian tubes get plugged up. Just drink lots of water with it.
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
    9. rsmcfar

      rsmcfar Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I use Mucinex regularly without issue.
    10. BuzzyBee

      BuzzyBee Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not Sure
      How about sleep issues? Someone reported the extended release type caused problems, but what about just straight guaifenesin? Mucinex comes in a few different varieties and it makes sense that the decongestant type would affect sleep, but the guaifenesin shouldn't cause issues, right?
    11. Michael Leigh

      Michael Leigh Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Brighton, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      Tinnitus can spike, please read the post below. @Virginia1027

      Why has my tinntus spiked? Why has my tinnitus & hyperacusis increased?

      I believe when tinnitus and hyperacusis was caused by exposure to loud noise and the symptoms have reduced over time and a person habituates. If these conditions start to become worse again, it is likely (but not always) the reason is due to being around loud sounds or in some cases headphone use might be responsible. A prelude to this can be tinnitus spiking and a person might not be aware of the risks they are putting themselves to.

      Tinnitus can and does spike for many people and this is not necessarily caused by loud noise or sounds. After a while it usually returns to baseline or into its normal rhythm. Danger can present itself after a person habituates and the tinnitus has reduced to mild or moderate levels for most of the time. If one isn’t careful, it can be easy to forget and slip back into the old lifestyle of: Attending clubs, concerts and the cinema where sound levels can be quite high.

      I think a person with tinnitus should attend clubs, concerts and the cinema if they want to, providing they use noise-reducing earplugs to protect themselves. However, one should remember that nothing is one hundred percent safe. If external sound is loud enough it is able to pass through the mastoid bone and enter the inner ear and could irritate the cochlea. The mastoid bone is the hard piece of bone behind each ear. It is honeycombed with air pockets.

      When at a club or concert, my advice is to stay clear of large standing floor speakers and not to go too near the front stage where the music is likely to be booming out at high sound levels.

      In many instances people will get a warning when visiting these places. If the decibel levels are too high their tinnitus might spike and then return to baseline. However, some people do not pay attention to these warnings and continue to subject their ears to loud sounds and think they are perfectly safe because they are wearing earplugs. Under these circumstances the tinnitus might spike again and this time it might become permanent. I am saying might because nothing is for certain. In my opinion a person with tinnitus needs to follow the warnings their auditory system and tinnitus is telling them.

      Regarding headphones. Many people have contacted me after they have habituated to tinnitus and returned to using headphones and listened to music through them at low volume. All of them have noticed an increase in their tinnitus. Some of them noticed their tinnitus spiked but carried on listening to music through headphones and then the tinnitus increased to a higher and more permanent level.

      It must be said, that some people with tinnitus use headphones and have no adverse effects and that is perfectly fine. My opinion on this is, anyone that has tinnitus that was caused by exposure to loud noise, shouldn’t listen to any type of audio through headphones even at low level.

      It saddens to say, if a person doesn’t heed the warning signs their auditory system and tinnitus is telling them, then they will eventually feel because tinnitus is very unforgiving. It is fine when some people are telling others what they want to hear: "listen to music through headphones because life is for living".Go to the club as often as possible you’re safe with earplugs. If your tinnitus increases you will be the one that will be in the suffering.

      I have read many posts in tinnitus talk, where people had habituated and the tinnitus is low. They returned to listening to music through headphones and clubbing during the week and weekends. Some are now regretting this because their tinnitus has increased and they are in distress. Just because a person habituates doesn't mean they can forget everything and carry on in some instances recklessly. You can of course do this but my advice is to do things in moderation and not to excess, because the end result is often returning to ENT for help and visiting tinnitus forums because you are unable to cope.

    12. Alue
      No Mood

      Alue Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma
      What does that have to do with Mucinex? Are you a bot?
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    13. Virginia1027

      Virginia1027 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      August 2013
      Thank you, Alue! While I appreciate Michael's effort it did not answer my question!!

      Anybody else have any thoughts/advice?
    14. Shera

      Shera Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      head trama caused TMJ/neck problems/ETD
      I'm curious if phenylephrine is safe like guaifenesin (AKA Mucinex)? But I'm thinking they might be the same thing.
    15. Alue
      No Mood

      Alue Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma
      They are different, but phenylephrine is mostly safe from what I've seen. I have taken it since getting tinnitus without ill effect.
    16. Shera

      Shera Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      head trama caused TMJ/neck problems/ETD
    17. Nick07

      Nick07 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      possibly noise or unknown
      I think it's like he does have some kind of automated system. Most of it seems like it was copied and pasted. He replied to my comment about spontaneous recovery with a link that had nothing to do with it too. I'm sure he just wants to help though.

      On the subject of Mucinex, I see no reason for it to cause a spike.
    18. JasonP
      No Mood

      JasonP Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I hope you are dong well. I was curious though, how long does it take for this to work for eustachian tubes? How often does it need to be taken before they become unclogged?
    19. donnyb

      donnyb Member

      Michigan, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      slept next to air conditioner for prolonged period -Menieres
      It's been some time since I've tried Mucinex. I can't seem to remember if there was any benefit, but I didn't use it for long because it seemed to dry me up too much. Perhaps I should try again and this time ask my doctor if I should do something different with the dosage and frequency. Maybe if I used it off and on for a few days at a time I might be able to try it long enough to see if it helps. I definitely have some sinus issues, but that's only been acute or chronic for the past 8 to 10 years that I'm aware of. But, my tinnitus goes back about 27 years and has been associated with Meniere's Disease.
    20. Catherine35

      Catherine35 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      October 2006
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hearing loss
      I remember trying mucinex awhile ago bc I was having horrible T and I was congested and it def helped! But I had a severe vertigo attack so I didn’t try it again.
      After reading the post regarding mucinex and drinking lots of water, I decided to try it again last night. The T def got way way worse throughout the night even while drinking lots of water but I didn’t get dizzy and now, the next morning, the T has subsided greatly! My main issue is the hyperacusis. Anyone know what I should do with this now?
      Thanks for mentioning mucinex in this feed. It’s helped me. For now.
    21. JasonP
      No Mood

      JasonP Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey Alue, I hope you are doing well.

      I went to a hearing aid specialist and told him I was having some hearing distortion sometimes in my right ear. He looked inside and said I had some fluid in the ear and told me to take some Mucinex to drain the eustachian tube. How many days did you take it before it helped?

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