New Member Here. Hi

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Pat, Jan 15, 2012.

    1. Pat

      Pat Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi All, I've had tennitus for only a few months now, it all started when i hit my head on a medal bar. It wasn't even a hard hit. I guess it dosen't have to be. I'm still trying to cope with this condition . My doctor gave me sleeping pills and thats about it. I read an artical by Peter Austin with some very good advice. Check it out. I'm just beginning to read all the stories in this forum. My first question is three days ago i went out to my husband's garage , he didn't know i was there and started the chain saw, ever since its been twice as bad, unbearable especally at night. Has it spiked to this level forever? Help!!!!! Thanks
    2. calin

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Hi Pat.

      Check the thread on sound of tinnitus. What is your T like?

      I can't answer your question as it hasn't happened to me like that. Perhaps someone else can help.

      Have you seen a doctor?
    3. AUTHOR

      Pat Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Calin, My t sounds like a pulsating tinny sound. I got checked by my family doctor and had a CAT scan, and a hearing test, everything was fine. I am so glad i found this site, I was at the end of my rope. Im reading all the forum letters and downloaded music from Jim(what a blessing, thank you Jim) Last night was the first half decent sleep i've had since i can remember. 4 whole hours. It sure is good to find out i'm not alone. What a great support group. Thanks.........pat
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    4. calin

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      You are definitely not alone!

      My T is like that too. the pulsing is with my heart beat.

      I use melatonin just before bed. It is quick and it last through the night. I put 1/2 tsp in my sleepy time tea!

      Oh, have you a sonic toothbrush? Some of us are trying that technique out. Join in if you wish!

      Don't be a stranger!!!
    5. Don H

      Don H Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      The toothbrush sounds like a primitive form of sound frequency therapy. But hey why not give it a go! I am curious as to what part of your head hit the metal bar? I am also curious to find out if you have any high frequency hearing loss. Perhaps your Doc can add a tiny little pill for anxiety that has a sedative in it instead of the sleeping pills which may become addictive. Let me know.
    6. AUTHOR

      Pat Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Don, I hit the back of my head, and i don't ;have any hearing loss, i had that checked out also, I also tried hypnosis, what a waste of money, i learned as much on this forum as i did there..oh well , live and learn. I'll ask my doctor for an anxiety pill in stead, thats all i need is to get hooked on sleeping pills...Thank for your concern..pat

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