New to Spike

Discussion in 'Support' started by cornbreadfead, Jun 27, 2014.

    1. cornbreadfead

      cornbreadfead Member

      Palm Beach, FL
      Tinnitus Since:
      About 5 years ago, I experienced the big T. I went to the doc, did all the tests, and got a pat on the ass on the way out of the office minus copay. Fast forward 5 years-laying on couch, notice t. Like many others, panic, and start to research. More panic, haha. So fast forward a month and the t is still there. Prior to T was hitting the gym hard, headphones on but not loud, car radio on, same, and worked around some decently equipment but was cautious to protect ears. Since spike, I don't wear headphones, keep volume of stereo less, and much more cognizant of surroundings. My ears have since become more sensitive to the added protection!!!The T seams to stand out more now. In the past I would not hear it or it would fade with the air conditioner or fan. Now it seems to try and keep up. ANY SUGGESTIONS PLEASE!!! There seems to be a lot of knowledge and understanding on this board and would really appreciate any help. Thank you (Sorry for any typos).
    2. Jay M

      Jay M Member

      South Carolina, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      How did you recover 5 years ago? What did you do and what's different between now and then?
    3. AUTHOR

      cornbreadfead Member

      Palm Beach, FL
      Tinnitus Since:
      That's the question ? I guess there are times when you handle things differently. I know that the T seems to not fade when an outside source increases in volume? I know anxiety lays a big roll (check) stress (check). I guess I just don't understand how protecting my ears better is being counter productive. But it is! Went to osteopath and spent 200 for some adjustments and told to come back at least 3 more times (at same rate). I do notice that when my head is on a pillow, the noise is louder. If I laying down and I touch my chin to my neck, the volume lowers again. But if this is a neck or nerve issue, why is the T increasing in volume with outside sources?

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