New to the Forums! Slightly Worsened Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Nicklas!, Mar 17, 2015.

    1. Nicklas!

      Nicklas! Member

      Sweden, Norbotten
      Tinnitus Since:
      since late 90's
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
      Hello everyone!

      I guess i'll start of by saying my name is Nicklas and I've had tinnitus for the majority of my life. Back in school I was exposed to a quick burst of sound and since then i've ben living with it. I do not remember exactly when but around 1998 or 1999 sounds about right.

      My Tinnitus recently worsened, not by much, but to the point where I'm getting distracted by it...

      January 22, 2015, when I went to bed, as I laid on my right side I heard a faint beeping sound on my right ear, this sound is intermittent, and keeps "shooting of every 2, 3 seconds or so, I have this quick beep lasting for about a tenth of a second.

      As I sit here now, typing with some sound in the background, it's not really an issue, it's when it gets a little more quiet around me as it's easier to pick up this sound.

      Also, since I started experiencing this new sound, I feel like my usual tinnitus have ben making small pattern changes, like fluctuating more often in volume levels... Although, I don't know if this is because I now sit all the time and listen for my new sound that im paying more attention to my old tinnitus, which i previously never did.

      It's funny though, here I've ben living up to this point in my life, (i'm 24 y.o), and ive never ben bothered by my tinnitus, with exception of when I first got it ofcourse! And all it took was a little thing like this to completely switch everything up.

      But, at least I know, since i've managed it before, I can do it again. It's just going to take time!

      So anyways, since I found these forums interesting I thought I should make an account and try and aquant myself with you guys!
    2. Steve

      Steve Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Sheffield, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Flu, Noise-induced, Jaw trauma
      Hi Nicklas and welcome,

      Mine has changed a lot over the years from what it started out as. Depending on the day and how loud it is I get quite a few fluctuating sounds. I don't recall getting these until a couple of years ago.

      Maybe it's the same as you as I only really notice the fluctuation when I'm paying attention to it. I hear it all the time but I don't pay attention all the time but it's still hard to tell.

      • Like Like x 1
    3. john mccluskey

      john mccluskey Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Nicklas my story is very similar to yours . I've had mild tinnitus for over a year usual annoyance when trying to sleep but no big hassle really . On January this year I was lying in bed usual ringing going on when beep beeeeeep beeeeepp beeeep what the hells this I thought . January the 14th 2015 a day that's now tattoted on the inside of my brain . I went from mild tinnitus in my right ear too both ears going nuts 24/7 . I have no idea why those beeps started or when it will end .but stay strong brother we'll get through this x
      • Agree Agree x 1
    4. James Brown

      James Brown Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      09-1998 2013(worst)2018 (T+H)
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposition-noise trauma-siren
      Just a small advise...protect your ears from loud noises as much as you can....because one thing is when you have mild T ,like you have now and other is having a loud sound or high pitch inside your head.
      I know your situation because i had been there for 15 years, and believe me ,mild T is just a minor issue.Avoid loud music ,headphones ,explosions ,fireworks and stuff like football horns and sirens. This is the best advise i can give you.
      • Useful Useful x 1
    5. AUTHOR

      Nicklas! Member

      Sweden, Norbotten
      Tinnitus Since:
      since late 90's
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
      Hey guys! James Brown, Thank you for your suggestions. I actually got rid of my headphones. The night my tinnitus worsened I had ben sitting on a skype call for 4 hours or so, and friends and family really thought I should start using speakers instead. Which I am using now instead of the headphones.

      John mccluskey, I dont know if you did anything special at the day that made your tinnitus worsened, in my case I suspect the headphones. You and I both really need to make sure it doesnt get any worse than it need to be.

      Steve, It's reassuring hearing from you that despite tinnitus changing up you seem to be able to cope with it faily easily. Makes me feel a little bit easier ^^..

      As for me, since I wrote this post, I can honestly say im still making decent progress at habituating. Tomorrow its ben exactly 2 months and I feel tons better since then. Now that I know a little more how fragile our ears really are, i'll have to make an effort to adjust to some new life-styles. Take care everyone!
    6. john mccluskey

      john mccluskey Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Good luck Nicklas

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