New to this site - the best I have found and struggling at the moment

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Lyndean, Feb 26, 2014.

    1. Lyndean

      Lyndean Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi - I am from the UK and my T started in 2003 after surgery to remove a benign brain tumour, getting this was in some ways worse than being diagnosed with a brain tumour!!.

      I received some lovely support from a local tinnitus clinic, they explained about the negative emotions causing anxiety and panic as the body struggles to cope with this intrusive noise - the brain then attaches importance to this noise and brings it to the fore, but eventually it will fade back into the background again. After months of struggling, this did happen and the only time I heard it was when I talked about it with someone. Two years ago it seemed louder and the panic started again, churning sick stomach, unable to eat or sleep, could not believe I was back there again after 8 years. After visiting my doctor, Ent and the tinnitus clinic again, I started to feel back to my old self again. About 2 weeks ago it spiked again, I d0 not have the anxiety as I KNOW it WILL fade again, but it so tiring and emotionally draining, I cannot concentrate at work and feel irritated and moody. Just knowing others are out there even in different countries having the same issues somehow helps you get through each day - and who knows - tomorrow it may be quiet again.
      • Hug Hug x 2
    2. carol kane

      carol kane Member

      Lincolnshire united kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      Sorry you are having problems again, if i can ask you, why is this back to bother you after all these years? did something happen to make it spike?
    3. AUTHOR

      Lyndean Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Carol - at the time (2 years ago) I was having some other health issues (which ended up after some months of tests being nothing although my doctor thought otherwise hence the tests), I think my anxiety levels played a big part and I do believe it was my body reacting to the stress. This recent spike 2 weeks ago - I really do not know for sure but I also have had a lot of sore throats (time of year) and I think this may have something to do with it - generally a bit run down I think - hurry up summer!!.

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