Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — User Experiences

Discussion in 'Treatments' started by Tinnitus Talk, Sep 1, 2014.

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    1. Leon909

      Leon909 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      New User Information



      How Long Have You Suffered From Tinnitus? (Date of Onset):
      Aug 19, 2015

      How Did You Get Tinnitus?:
      Acoustic Trauma

      Explain How You Got Tinnitus:
      1st Tinnitus started one year earlier after an acoustic trauma. One year later it intensified and became problematic for me.

      Is Your Tinnitus in Which of the Following?:
      Both Ears, Left Ear

      What Kind of Tinnitus Do You Experience?:
      Ringing, Hissing, Screeching

      Describe Your Tinnitus:
      On the left ear ca. 6khz plus both ears ca 12khz.

      The Severity of Your Tinnitus Before Starting Retigabine?:
      8 out of 10
      • Informative Informative x 2
      • Agree Agree x 1
    2. Mithrandir

      Mithrandir Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Shock Disorder (TTTS)
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Feb 23, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      250 TID

      Current Side Effects:
      good side effects :
      + eat more
      + vivid dreams
      + anxiolytic effect

      bad side effect :
      - fatigue (but T&H created a lot of fatigue too)
      -you take 250 and you want to sleep (I've never have problems to sleep since I have T & H except 6 nights in five months ^^)

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      3 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      not so loud in left ear, not so high pitched in right ear, less hyperacusis

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      coenzymeQ10 for LLLT,LLLT (I've just begun), magnesium, NAC, ginkgo
      • Informative Informative x 2
    3. RaZaH

      RaZaH Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Reykjavík, Iceland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Benzo + loud noise
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Feb 23, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      1200 mg

      Current Side Effects:
      Stupid .

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      6 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      Hard to tell, just started the full 1200 mg dosage.
      Not doing too great these days to be honest .
      Had some pretty good days ... I tend to update here when I am not doing so great so..

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      • Informative Informative x 3
    4. PatrickG

      PatrickG Member Benefactor

      Stockholm, Sweden
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Punch/kick to the right ear
      New User Information



      How Long Have You Suffered From Tinnitus? (Date of Onset):
      19 October 2015

      How Did You Get Tinnitus?:
      Other (define below)

      Explain How You Got Tinnitus:
      Punch/kick directly on right ear

      Is Your Tinnitus in Which of the Following?:
      Right Ear

      What Kind of Tinnitus Do You Experience?:
      Ringing, Hissing, Static, Screeching, Whooshing, Pulsing, Buzzing

      Describe Your Tinnitus:
      Multi-noise fluctuating T ranging from mild 2-3 (rarely) to medium 4-6 (often) to severe 7-8 (pretty often).

      The Severity of Your Tinnitus Before Starting Retigabine?:
      6 out of 10
      • Like Like x 4
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    5. Mithrandir

      Mithrandir Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Shock Disorder (TTTS)
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Feb 26, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      300 TID

      Current Side Effects:
      same effect than before, a bit of highness same effect than I'm drunken
      for the moment very good experience

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      2 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      Ear right quasi free, Left ear purified. H is better, I hope it will kill my H forever. I begin with a H at 8/10 now it's 6/10. Ear pain is much more better too. And I find my cognitive skill and fluidity in my thoughts !

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      Q10 & LLLT
      • Like Like x 5
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    6. PatrickG

      PatrickG Member Benefactor

      Stockholm, Sweden
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Punch/kick to the right ear
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      1 March 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      100 + 50 + 50

      Current Side Effects:
      None (maybe slight stupidness)

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      5 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      I had mostly bad days since I started taking Trobalt on February 25th. I took 100mg for the first time this morning and I think the volume went down a little bit. I couldn't notice any changes at all on 50mg TID.

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      Fishoil, Magnesium, Zink, Astaxanthin, Q10, B12, Vitamin D
    7. Jahhsoul

      Jahhsoul Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unkown (not acute acoustic trauma).
      New User Information



      How Long Have You Suffered From Tinnitus? (Date of Onset):
      Oct 24, 2015

      How Did You Get Tinnitus?:

      Explain How You Got Tinnitus:
      Maybe TMJ, NIHL, Cervical problems, stress.... (Not acoustic trauma).

      Is Your Tinnitus in Which of the Following?:
      Both Ears, Head

      What Kind of Tinnitus Do You Experience?:
      Ringing, Hissing, Static, Dial Tones

      Describe Your Tinnitus:
      -3 tones, the high-pitched is the more noticeable. Irregular wind in right ear, medium-pitched very very mild in left ear. Very stable. Just 2 o 3 spikes per week no longer than 1 minute.

      The Severity of Your Tinnitus Before Starting Retigabine?:
      3 out of 10
    8. Jahhsoul

      Jahhsoul Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unkown (not acute acoustic trauma).
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Mar 6, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      I was on 1,2g daily for 3 weeks and building up/tapering down dose properly. I´m off Trobalt since last week.

      Current Side Effects:
      0 mg: Just a very mild retine neovascularization (an retine arterie a little bigger).


      >>>>On retigabine (especially 1,2g) I experienced:

      -Neovascularization of retine.
      -Mild eyes-itching.

      >>>>1 hour after the intake (and stopped at 2 hour):

      -Loss of balance.
      -Visual hallucinations (they were funny for me): Purple/green points+squares dancing. One time I could modulate the hallucinations to my will and that were a really really funny experience (maximun dose).
      -If I moved my head/eyes very fast (for example when reading), the nausea was much worse but improved by stay in bed for 15-30 min with no lights.

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      3 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      When I was on Trobalt, the real volume was down from a 3/10 to a 2/10, but the annoyance was down from a 3/10 to a 1/10.

      High-freq Tinnitus was reduced a 30-40%. I know this because I could hear my other 2 tones more clearly (mild-freq and low frec). This was very interesting because it suggest that Trobalt only worked on my worst-highest-pitched tinnitus. So the other 2 tones must be caused by ETD, cervical problems, TMJ, who knows...

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      High-freq Tinnitus was reduced a 30-40%. I know this because I could hear my other 2 tones more clearly (mild-freq and low frec). This was very interesting because it suggest that Trobalt only worked on my worst-highest-pitched tinnitus. So the other 2 tones must be caused by ETD, cervical problems, TMJ, who knows...
      • Like Like x 4
    9. Mithrandir

      Mithrandir Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Shock Disorder (TTTS)
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Mar 11, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      1200mg per day

      Current Side Effects:
      + eat more
      + vivid dreams

      - a bit of highness but less & less now (like after a good party with a lot of alcool)
      - maybe a blurred vision when I look a board at 10 meters for conferences at work

      That's all !

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      2 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      I feel like it's less annoying each day. For the H that's not a big improvement. I know progress with T is thanks trobalt. Tonal T is purified in left ears, and better in right ears. Mornings are really quiet, that's never happen in five months.
      I have some spike sometimes but that last 1 minutes. And sometimes spikes before sleeping in brain T but generally, sleeping is not a problem for me.
      That's not thanks to LLLT that begins 3 weeks ago. I will continue at max dosage 2 weeks again. It will make 3 weeks at 1,2g per day for my trial.

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      LLLT combined with Q10
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    10. Leon909

      Leon909 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Mar 11, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      350 mg TID

      Current Side Effects:
      none, maybe super light dizziness

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      8 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      None so far. I tapered up quickly, going from 300 to 900 mg / day in 6 days, now at 1050 mg / day. I feel like I'm taking placebos. I have had some side effects when increasing the dosage, but now not anymore. I take 350 mg and don't feel anything... absolutely nothing. I have felt slight changes while increasing the dosage but they were only temporary and very slight. It's pretty disappointing, especially after seeing that others in the forum have immediate effects when taking RTG. I guess there's a chance that the t will change after taking RTG for a couple of weeks. I'm gonna try it, but my outlook isn't as positive as in the beginning.

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      Started taking Gabapentine about 3 days ago.
      • Informative Informative x 1
    11. Twitch

      Twitch Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      New User Information



      How Long Have You Suffered From Tinnitus? (Date of Onset):
      Nov 21, 2014

      How Did You Get Tinnitus?:

      Explain How You Got Tinnitus:

      Is Your Tinnitus in Which of the Following?:
      Left Ear, Head

      What Kind of Tinnitus Do You Experience?:
      Ringing, Hissing

      Describe Your Tinnitus:
      I habituated to my tinnitus and it was pretty mild at about a 3/4. I didn't notice it during the day. This changed after taking 1x 250mg of azithromycin on 2 consecutive days last month. My T went through the roof and became loud and unbearable.

      The Severity of Your Tinnitus Before Starting Retigabine?:
      8 out of 10
      • Informative Informative x 2
    12. Twitch

      Twitch Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Mar 23, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      300mg TID

      Current Side Effects:
      I feel woozy and dumb at times (don't make sense when talking). Some dose don't give me any side effect whereas others I feel the aforementioned effect and it doesn't matter if I take doses after eating food or not. The side effects tend to kick in about 45 mins to an hour after dosing and usually last about 30-60 minutes thereafter.

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      2 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      I tapered up pretty quick from 100mg TID for 3 days to 200mg TID for about 2.5 days and then to 300mg TID which is the current dose I am sticking to. I didn't notice any improvements on 100mg or 200mg TID but a few days after 300mg TID I noticed considerable improvement in T reduction and perception. It is less bothersome and at times I don't notice it whereas before it was blaring away when I was busy and focused on other things. I usually notice it when going to bed. I'll update again soon and I plan only to stay on Trobalt for a month.

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      Quercetin, Coenzyme Q10, NAC, Melatonin and Ambroxol. I take these occasionally in no particular pattern.
      • Like Like x 3
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    13. Leon909

      Leon909 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Mar 24, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      300mg TID

      Current Side Effects:
      mostly none, once in every two days dizziness that lasts for about 20 minutes. Urinary retention has stopped a couple of days ago.

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      7 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      T level is a 7-8, T distress level is a 6.

      Sometimes it is not as strong. Today I noticed the improvement when I was walking through a shopping mall and didn't hear it anymore. A lot of times it is less intrusive, although most of of the time it's still hard to tell whether it has actually become quieter or whether it's just me not reacting to my T as strongly as before.

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      today was the 4th day of my rTMS treatment. I've had a few spikes in the T yesterday and today. The doctors told me that I should anticipate some temporary spikes related to the rTMS treatment. no other supplements.
      • Like Like x 1
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    14. Twitch

      Twitch Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Mar 31, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      300 + 300 + 300

      Current Side Effects:
      Side effects shortly after onset of dosing but not felt with every dose:
      Dizziness/fatigue/feeling tired
      Mental impairment i.e. incoherent when speaking

      Side effects unrelated to onset of dosing:
      Short term memory loss
      Visual floaters
      Urine retention
      Waking up to everything being green then going back to normal colour after a few seconds

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      1 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      In my previous update, I stated my tinnitus was at 2. In retrospect I would probably change it to 4/5. I say this because I noticed my tinnitus level would fluctuate and it would remain low after taking certain doses but then it would return back but to 4-5/10 down from the original baseline of 8/10 which was before I started Trobalt. The effect of Trobalt isn't permanent and is dose onset dependant.

      *Significant development*
      In the past week or so, I have been trialling Neurontin 600mg alongside Trobalt but ONLY with my last night dose of Trobalt. On night of day 1, I took Neurontin 600mg alongside 300mg Trobalt. When I woke up on day 2, my tinnitus was considerably lower and did not go above 1/2 nor did it spike. I continued my normal 300 300 300 Trobalt dose on day 2 and again took 600mg Neurontin with Trobalt before bed to see if I could get further improvement. On day 3 I woke up to the same low level tinnitus with no improvement from day 2.

      I then went cold turkey off both Trobalt TID and Neurontin for 2 days and boy were these 2 days great with very low/barely noticeable tinnitus. I then thought, what if I took more Neurontin with Trobalt at night to see if I could kill the tinnitus and rather foolishly I did this. On waking up the next morning, it seemed like Neurontin effect had reversed and my tinnitus had returned to close to the new baseline around 6/10. This was 3 days ago and since then, I restarted my normal 300mg x3 Trobalt dosing. Last night I took another 600mg Neurontin pill and today my tinnitus is back to the low level described above.

      Introducing Neurontin into the mix does definitely have some potentiating effect. It seems like you have to build up Trobalt in your system before introducing Neurontin into the mix.

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      Quercetin (I take this rarely now but in the past it helped a lot with sinus congestion)
      Coenzyme Q10 + NAC (I usually take these once a day)
      Melatonin (I take this when I to induce sleep when I have trouble sleeping)
      Ambroxol (I took this in high doses but since it makes me thirsty, I stopped over a week ago)
      • Like Like x 3
      • Informative Informative x 3
      • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    15. Leon909

      Leon909 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Mar 31, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      300 mg TID

      Current Side Effects:
      moderate dizziness that lasts for ca. 30-45 minutes. I can still ride the train / bus, walk and think clearly. I took 400 mg TID for 3 days and experienced very strong dizziness for 60 minutes. Basically I didn't want to move and was slowed in my thinking. Felt like being high.

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      7 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      For about an hour, the T goes down from 8 to 5. I can barely hear it in the train and bus and cannot hear it in the shopping mall. Then it goes back up to 7 or 8. What's surprising to me is that I'm only feeling an effect on my T about one month after having started taking RTG. So I'm curious to see whether the effects will continue to increase. My pattern seems to be similar to that of LetyO. Gonna order some more RTG for the next 2 months and will try Neurontin as well. I took Neurontin a few times in the first week of RTG with no effects on my T.

      This leads me to the question: Could it be that RTG somehow builds up in one's system or one's brain chemistry changes in a way that its effects become stronger over time?

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      rTMS treatment day 7 (out of 18).
      • Like Like x 1
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      • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    16. Leon909

      Leon909 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Apr 9, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      300mg TID

      Current Side Effects:
      dizziness, kind of feeling high, sometimes taking longer to find the right words when speaking, I'm kind of "high" at the moment. Usually the side effects last ca. 30 minutes. Only when I take 600mg of Neurontin they last much longer but aren't as strong. However, it's unpredictable when it drops and when I get "high". Most of the time it's ca. 15-30 minutes after I take the pills. Sometimes it's a 2-4 hours later. In a way, the highness also helps to make the t more bearable at times.

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      8 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      unfortunately most of the time no real changes, sometimes it drops to a 6. My supplies are running out and I'm thinking of buying another 2-month supply, but not 100% sure yet. Thoughts in private messages are welcome.

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      took Neuronting 600mg TID for 2-3 days. at times Calcium pills. rTMS treatment week 3 completed (1 more week to go).
      • Agree Agree x 1
    17. Danny Boy

      Danny Boy Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear infection
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      May 21, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:

      Current Side Effects:

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      1 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      Tinnitus was a 10/10 before treatment with trobalt+gabapentin.

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      Gabapentin. Gabapentin seems to be a great combo, as trobalt doesn't seem to be as great on its own.
      • Like Like x 5
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    18. jeremy06

      jeremy06 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma habituation worsening 5/04/2016
      New User Information



      How Long Have You Suffered From Tinnitus? (Date of Onset):
      Nov 20, 2014

      How Did You Get Tinnitus?:
      Acoustic Trauma

      Explain How You Got Tinnitus:

      Is Your Tinnitus in Which of the Following?:
      Right Ear, Head

      What Kind of Tinnitus Do You Experience?:
      Ringing, Hissing

      Describe Your Tinnitus:

      The Severity of Your Tinnitus Before Starting Retigabine?:
      8 out of 10
    19. Leon909

      Leon909 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Jun 6, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:

      Current Side Effects:
      Eye floaters

      This goes out as a word of caution:
      I was on RTG for ca. 6-8 weeks with only little effects lasting for ca. 30 minutes. My side effects, however, were quite strong at 350-400mg TID. At the time i did NOT have eye floaters. I tapered off 4-5 days and stopped. My side-effects stopped at 250mg.

      About 1-2 weeks later I took a single dose of 300mg and then I noticed eye floaters, which I have had ever since the past 4-5 weeks. I'd say they haven't changed much. In the last 2-3 days I didn't notice them that much anymore. Maybe they became less. However, it's still hard to say.

      The recommendation from my experience therefore is: Don't take single doses. Taper on and off for at least a few days to a week to get to 300mg TID.

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      8 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      • Agree Agree x 1
    20. Kyxwz
      No Mood

      Kyxwz Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      New User Information



      How Long Have You Suffered From Tinnitus? (Date of Onset):
      Feb 17, 2016

      How Did You Get Tinnitus?:
      Acoustic Trauma

      Explain How You Got Tinnitus:

      Is Your Tinnitus in Which of the Following?:
      Left Ear

      What Kind of Tinnitus Do You Experience?:
      Ringing, Hissing, Dial Tones

      Describe Your Tinnitus:
      It's a modular T with a lot of different sounds. Change a lot during the days and it's reactive to some sounds.

      The Severity of Your Tinnitus Before Starting Retigabine?:
      3 out of 10
    21. Kyxwz
      No Mood

      Kyxwz Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Jun 17, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      Stop it after 8 days

      Current Side Effects:
      I use to take in the first time 100mgx 3 next 150 + 100 + 100 and so until 150 150 200. The day after i start on 200mg and afteeight hours i have take 300 mg (a very stupid thing) because i would to see the effect on 300 mg quickly BUT i develop eyes floaters. I have floaters before RTG, just some little spot but i am sure that after 300 mg they are more than before. So i stop RTG immediatly (it's possible if you don't have epilepsy due to its short half life). Eyese floaters it's the only side effect. And this is a lesson for me: now i rest with tinnitus and floaters so, taper rtg on and off slowly if you want try this dangerous drug.

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      3 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      Yes but it was strange: sometimes my T going to 1 out of 3 and sometimes i thing 4 out of 3 so... RTG do something with T but it's not for T and probably my short trial and my dosages are not correctly. I don't use trobalt anymore, for me it's a fail due to its effect on my eyes.

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      Magnesium/potassium supplemente; eyes protection supplements.
      • Informative Informative x 1
    22. Kyxwz
      No Mood

      Kyxwz Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Jul 25, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:

      Current Side Effects:
      Hi, after many of us I have take Trobalt and after some of us I have develop several floaters after using this drug.

      After three eye exams with three different doctors I met a (great) ophthalmologist that he was able to finally explain how the Trobalt may have acted in the genesis of floaters. No one before had any answers and everybody remained incredulous.

      I will try to write (and report) all of this in English so sorry for mistakes. An admin can correct my mistakes if he wishes it.

      (after an introduction…)

      Me: But I can’t understand… why after this drug I develop several floaters? No one can answer me and some of they speak about a coincidence but it's ridiculous!

      Doc: Your eyes are healthy and you see perfectly. Retina adherent with a perfect macula. Just several floaters in both eyes. I don’t believe in this coincidence too. Who was the drug?

      Me: It’s Trobalt, an anti seizure drug (and I tell him about Tinnitus talk and Tinnitus and why I have tried this drug).

      Doc: I see. I'm so sorry. What is the active ingredient?

      Me: retigabine…

      Doc: I do not know this principle. But you're very prepared. Do you know where the drug acts?

      Me: Yes, is a potassium channel opener.

      Doc: Mmmh, seriously?!

      Me: Yes. Do you think something about?

      Doc: Oh yes, now I understand why all of this. The retina communicates with other components of the eye through an electrolysis process. If you go to act on potassium channels in a certain way you can vary this communication.

      If the increase of the drug is too fast your system can not compensate for the change. Then the drug has led to open potassium channels in a way too strong. This means that the vitreous humor has not received active substances which have ended in other parts of the system (probably neurological system). This means that your eyes have suffered an immediate dehydration process. You have not had a vitreous detachment, but an absence of key elements that keep the vitreous compact. This has resulted in an immediate dehydration in the vitreous humor and you have manifested floaters.

      Me: Ah, it’s incredible are you sure of this?

      Doc: Pretty sure. But there is nothing to do, probably you know that…

      Me: Yes…

      Doc: but… there is some room for improvement because you don’t have a PVD. The vitreous has a transport mechanism of the substances that can be supported. This mechanism in a young individual, without detachment of the vitreous, can be improved with some elements (hyaluronic acid etc...). These elements are absorbed by the eye in very small amounts but they can ensure that some floaters become smaller or might be replenished in the vitreous humor. This process could take several months or years but they could become better.

      Me: And when I will have a natural PVD my floater have a secure worsening?

      Doc: Yes but… is too soon for that! We hope that in future could be something for remove floaters.

      (We speak about other things and about floaters it’s all).


      So… I have take bad floaters from trobalt. I suggest to stay away from this drug. Tinnitus did not improve under trobalt or just a little in some moments (for me) so the damage was much higher than the benefit in my case. I was so stupid and I now live with many floaters and tinnitus. One more problem for a one more difficult life.

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      4 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      After stop the drug tinnitus return as before. No great change during the session but something in terms of sound yes. Sometimes T get low sometimes get high. Different from now for sure, but i have got bad side effect that don't vanish: floaters.

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      • Informative Informative x 1
    23. Danny Boy

      Danny Boy Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear infection
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Jul 28, 2016

      Current Retigabine Dosage:

      Current Side Effects:
      Eye floaters.

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      1 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      I have 0 tinnitus indoors and outside. Used to have to mask indoors with trobalt alone.

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      Gabapentin. Seems the gabapentin and trobalt combo works great. Eye floaters are annoying, but my tinnitus used to be so bad that everyday I wanted to die, I had no life. At least now I have silence and I feel great. But yeah, the floaters are rather annoying, but I wear sunglasses outside and have blackout curtains indoors. I'm gonna try and ask for an vitrectomy. Wish me luck ^^.
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    24. Danny Boy

      Danny Boy Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear infection
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Feb 11, 2017

      Current Retigabine Dosage:

      Current Side Effects:
      Visual snow, floaters

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      2 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      I would warn people, that I got Visual snow from this and a few other, so take at your own risk. But it did lower my tinnitus and my hyperacusis totally gone. So guess it was a trade-off.

      Other Medications/Supplements:
    25. Dive Master

      Dive Master Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Airbag blast
      New User Information



      How Long Have You Suffered From Tinnitus? (Date of Onset):
      Jul 2, 2014

      How Did You Get Tinnitus?:
      Acoustic Trauma

      Explain How You Got Tinnitus:
      Airbag blast

      Is Your Tinnitus in Which of the Following?:
      Left Ear, Head

      What Kind of Tinnitus Do You Experience?:

      Describe Your Tinnitus:
      Began to be one strong tone @6000 Hz, -30db, moved to head with left side migraines/headaches, nerve pain behind left eye , sensitive scalp, posterior ear muscle inflammation. Have been taking Retigabine daily for 2 years under supervision (3x200mg a day, no second effects after habituation to the medicine). After 2 years, 1x200mg every 10-15 days for bad day. Tinnitus level 2 now whooshing. Physical pains have disappeared with rTMS. Severity and tolerance harder to evaluate as time goes by. Still strong at wake up and fading along the day.

      The Severity of Your Tinnitus Before Starting Retigabine?:
      8 out of 10
    26. Dive Master

      Dive Master Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Airbag blast
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      May 11, 2017

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      200mg every 10-15 days

      Current Side Effects:
      Occasional small floaters, but non permanent.

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      2 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      Moved from pure tone to wooshing after 2 years of 200mg TID. I remember the first Retigabine intake 9 months after the blast: T severe, scritching, was going nuts, took a 200mg pill and T disappeared in a woosh, like a succion. Was wasted right after, couldn't move from the sofa, sweat almost half a liter, lost eyes and members coordination for 2 hours, couldn't speak either, tongue very inflammated, inconsistent speech.
      Retigabine efficiency decreasing with time unless taken occasionaly like aspirin.

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      Lysanxia (prazepam), Lamyctal (lamotrigine), Cymbalta (decreasing until removal), Levothyrox for hypothyroidite.
    27. Dive Master

      Dive Master Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Airbag blast
      Progress Report

      Progress Report Date:
      Jul 1, 2017

      Current Retigabine Dosage:
      200mg the morning every 2 or 3 weeks (aspirin mode) and STOP.

      Current Side Effects:
      Drowsy, flying high after exactly 2 years of intake (up to 900mg per day).

      Current Tinnitus Severity:
      2 out of 10

      Changes in Tinnitus:
      Not anymore ; I can measure objectivly my T by pressing my skull bone behind my sick ear with my fingers.
      Trobalt efficiency has come to an end. Being high with Trobalt now just make me forget my T. I should move to some less risky medication now. Magic mushrooms tea...

      Other Medications/Supplements:
      Lamyctal (lamotrigine) 200mg/day
      Lysanxia (prazepam) 20mg on demand
      • Informative Informative x 2
      Zechariah's conclusion:

      Trobalt did soften my tinnitus a bit and volume reduced slightly and a couple of times when I woke up at night, my tinnitus was pretty much gone - although it came back in few minutes.

      Juan Carlos' conclusion:

      -Trobalt lowers the tinnitus level for around 40-60 minutes after taking the pill, no doubt about this
      -Trobalt eradicates hyperacusis after some time taking it, no doubt about this
      -Trobalt totally protects you against a acoustic trauma if you take it before it. For example I took it before going to a loud pub and tinnitus didn't raise as it would if I hadn't taken it
      -Permanently lowered my tinnitus level from 3 to 2 on a scale of 1 to 10
      -Tinnitus lasting before Trobalt: 9 months
      -Trobalt duration: 4 months max dose + 2 of taper up/down
      -Level Before Trobalt: 3
      -Level After Trobalt: 2
      Read Juan Carlos' full conclusion.

      Philemon's conclusion:

      I did two rounds of trobalt at 900-1200 mg per day, the first one lasted for 2 months and half, then I stopped for two months, and started again for four months (again at 900-1200/day). The first one was the most beneficial.
      The first round has been the most beneficial and did bring my T from 3 or 4/10 to 0.5 or 1/10 on average. After two months it started to worsen again, so I started trobalt again, it then stabilized it around 2 on average, but it was not as beneficial as the first round.
      All in all, it’s not perfect and I’m not fully satisfied of course, but it’s definitely better than before.

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