sandra from holland


Oct 13, 2014
Tinnitus Since
may 2014
Hello, i am sandra and i am from holland. 42 year old and 6.5 months T.
Last year in october i went to a concert, had 3 days of ringing in my left ear but it went away. In april i woke up with a ringing every moring but also went away after a week. Then in may i i went running and after coming home i started vacuum cleaning. I noticed the sound of the vacuum was a little painfull to my left ear.
when I finished there whas the sound again. ringing in my left ear and it did nog go away.

I went to the doctor and she saw earwax. This is removed but the squeak remains.
I went to a ent and he noticed Hearingloss of 20 db at 4000mhz but for my age it's normal. After that i took another hearinttest and it whas fine. No hearinloss.

The sound i am hearing is like white noise and when i am stressed there is a beeb. I feel pressure in my right ear somethimes en when i punt my right ear on my shouder the sounds becomes louder. When i put my jaw down the sound is gone.

I have also days when the sound is gone. At the beginning a was in panic. But now it goes better but still afraid it gets worse. I keep busy but still think a lot about my T. I know i have good days and days when its gone. Some told me that i will get used to it and some told me i have mild t because dont hear it when driving my car or in the shower.

Could my T come from noice damage?

Thanks for reading my post
Last year in october i went to a concert, had 3 days of ringing in my left ear but it went away.

Having ringing in the ears after a concert is normal, but if it lasts longer than 48 hours, it is a cause for concern. 3 days of tinnitus means you suffered a fairly significant auditory insult. Needless to say, don't attend another concert. Ever.

I went to a ent and he noticed Hearingloss of 20 db at 4000mhz but for my age it's normal. After that i took another hearinttest and it whas fine.

Textbook example of early stage noise induced hearing loss (with 20db HL at 4 kHz).

I have also days when the sound is gone. At the beginning a was in panic. But now it goes better but still afraid it gets worse.

Use earplugs on a daily basis whenever "things get loud" eg. gym sessions, traffic, bars, etc. For the rest of your life.

Some told me that i will get used to it and some told me i have mild t because dont hear it when driving my car or in the shower.

It is possible to have quite intrusive tinnitus without being able to hear it when driving a car. It all depends on the "type of tinnitus" and the associated frequency. It is also possible to have tinnitus which can be heard "all the time" but which is not very loud or intrusive (I have that - as an example).

Could my T come from noice damage?

Sandra...This advice from ATEOS is exactly what I would say. It may sound a bit radical at first, but if you follow it you should be fine.
Best of luck. Zimichael
Do you say i must wear earplugs when i am driving my car?

Not necessarily. What I am saying is: protect your ears when commuting in loud environments. But to keep it simple, I have developed a habit of simply "plugging in" when I leave the house, and "plugging out" when I return.

Here's what will happen - sooner or later - if you don't:
Hi @sandra72, ATEOS's advice is good. Just do not feel that you need to live by the "plugging in" when leaving and "plugging out" when coming home philosophy. If it makes you really feel better and doesn't interfere with your mental healing, then to each their own, but I think wearing earplugs that much can just make you more sound sensitive than you need to be and puts a lot of psychological focus on your T. Don't go to loud concerts and nightclubs etc., but you don't need to wear earplugs to a quiet brunch with a friend.

I definitely also wear earplugs in any loud situation, I always have two sets on me, and you'll see me shamelessly plugging my ears if anything even remotely noisy crosses my path otherwise. At first it feels burdensome, but eventually it's just another normal habit like buckling your seat belt.

I am not a doctor, but have you talked to your dentist about TMJ or something akin to that? It seems if your T goes away when you move your jaw, perhaps there is something out of alignment there that you could work on physically.

Be safe, but don't live in fear.

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