[Scared] Brain Retuning

Discussion in 'Support' started by Andy, Oct 11, 2012.

    1. Andy

      Andy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Sept 2012

      First of all I would like to thank OKROSIE, PETLOY DEZDOG and CALIN for there help
      If you have read my intro page you ll know how my T is affecting me and can I say I Am not winning
      I am trying honest but I am sitting here in tears with a pair of head phones on playing soft music praying it helps but I am struggling I really I am . I do not stay in the USA I stay in Scotland I like to go to hills and lochs and listen to nature. Knowing I may never do that again and this noise will never go away is killing me I have never felt like this before but holding on Dezdog
      I was looking on the net about brain retuning or [Acoustic cr Neuromodulatia that retunes you brain but it very expensive dose any one know if it really works?
      • Like Like x 1
    2. Petloy

      Petloy Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Andy check your messages...I PM you in your inbox...hang in there...keep in mind...though T is scary and annoying...IT IS NOT LIFE THREATENING...the first days and weeks will require a considerable effort, Send me a message anytime...
      • Like Like x 2
    3. DezDog

      DezDog Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Andy, feel free to PM me. You're going to be OK. Everything is going to be fine. Talking it through with people will help, don't bottle up your fears. They're not real, and by talking about them we put them on a train and they gradually leave the station.
      • Like Like x 2
    4. okrosie

      okrosie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      hi Andy,
      i really dont no wot to say just i been there where u are right now, i went thro this by myself, there r days at begin if u try not to focused on it it not noticeable, i asked a lady once how she got on wiv t ? she was so cross wiv me , she shouted she said fine untill i asked her as now she could hear it!!! thats why on here typin 2 u its not so loud as im readin wot im wright in and spelling. it is scary its like a radio u cant turn off, getting upset making it worse this i do no. i wont drink much now as i don't want hangover wiv t
      • Like Like x 1
    5. AUTHOR

      Andy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Sept 2012
      Thanks to yous all but i am still raw about this but talking has helped I will try but is a bit of a wildness as you all know
      going to see ent doc tuesday
    6. okrosie

      okrosie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      good luck
    7. Nicky

      Nicky Member

      Andy, I have been feeling very low since went into a music bar in Carlisle, UK with a friend about 4 months ago and all I can think is the music volume was too loud. My ear had a louder fuzzy sound the next day and this has caused me no end of distress. I already had mild tinnitus in this ear going back over 24 years but I had become very unaware of it and would feel pressure in this ear if subjected to louder sound (eg gigs, concerts etc), and then would use earplugs or move away from the excessive sound. But I let my guard down on this one night 4 months ago as wasn't expecting to go into a music place with my friend - was spur of the moment decision (maybe having had a few glasses of wine!!!). And now I keep thinking "why did I go into this bar?" and "Why can't I turn the clocks back?"- therefore mentally torturing myself!! Also have blocked feeling in ear. Have been to numerous doctors and now seeing ENT consultant and going through various tests. Here in UK, we are lucky to have a free health service but still can be frustrating waiting for appointments for tests when all you want is answers as quick as possible. I have self referred myself for some CBT (cognitive behavioural Therapy) again free here, as I need to work out how I can move forward and not look to how my hearing was! I need to be able to function as I used to do. It is hard for friends and family to understand how you feel when you have a sound intruding in your everyday life... that seems to want to take over your every thought. But I am starting to feel a bit better and on the process to finding answers but trying to do little things each day.
    8. AUTHOR

      Andy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Sept 2012
      Hi nicky
      Your right when you say a step at at a time and what I learned form people from this site is don't play the blame game the frustration for me is I have not be seen by ENT yet and I need answers I want to know what the ,H! Going on and that leading to major anxiety you situation seems .sim. To mine but you are bit further down the line you say your getting tests done? Hpe there ok how do I get on to( CBT) a need to do sum/thin take care.
    9. Nicky

      Nicky Member

      Hi Andy
      CBT - your doctor should be able to arrange free through NHS, if you are in UK. Also Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) - also known as Habituation Therapy - I am going to see if can get this therapy too - also through NHS and doctor - free if referred by doctor. Get to see doctor and then specialists. Nicky
    10. Nicky

      Nicky Member

      Just seen that you posted a message a message on Thursday, saying going to see an ENT specialist on Tuesday. Good luck and just keep pushing for answers and alternative therapies to help you. I know I need to keep on finding out info, although not sure if makes me feel better or not! Also the blocked feeling is causing me grief too.. I have had timpanometry and audio test, also tubes up nose - congestion where meets eustachian tube. Now going to have an MRI scan for inner ear. May have to have grommets inserted to clear blockage, but still going though tests and ENT guy will re-evaluate at next appt after had MRI scan. But doesn't eliminate the tinnitus!!! May help to reduce sound - it's a possibility. Everything is so unpredictable with our bloody ears!!! Got to stay positive and keep going. Did you say you were in a band? Nicky
    11. DezDog

      DezDog Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Andy, great to hear you sounding a little more positive today. Good job mate, hang in there.
    12. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Nicky ,re your ENT appts. Im telling you friend ,do not put all your efforts in to waiting for that great day when appt time comes.
      Why ? They havent got the answer,its incurable in their world im afraid.

      Everyone ,I know including me have come out of ENT appts,frustrated ,angry, emotional p...d off.

      Im just preparing you ,sorry for a downbeat post ,but when you come out of his room ,you will remember this and laugh because you will know you are not the only one.!!!!

      Ive seen enough of them,private ,Royal National Ear Nose and Throat London,Charring Cross London, West middlesex Hosp,central middlesex Hosp.


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