Scenar Treatment

Discussion in 'Alternative Treatments and Research' started by Louise, Feb 2, 2013.

    1. Lisa88

      Lisa88 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      For me, electrical application, causes my t to worsen, given its already electrical environment.
      But I understand for some it works.
      Maybe the different types of tinnitus cover those with overstimulated excitatory neurotransmitters compared with those with underactive inhibitory neurotransmitters.
      Two times - tens electricity applied to acupuncture on the scalp (electroacupuncture), and then scenar applied to the neck, both resulted for me in worsening t.
      • Agree Agree x 1
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    2. Mark662

      Mark662 Member Benefactor

      United Kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      Same here Lisa. I tried TENS and got my muscles jumping around in my head and neck, trying to follow the scant details of a clinical trial that was mentioned on the net. It just made things worse.

      Tinnitus is in the brain, not muscles. The Zephiloyd Scenar tinnitus thing was nonsense.
    3. Lisa88

      Lisa88 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Did your tinnitus go down to baseline again at some point after treatment? I am still on a 2 week spike from the effects of the Scenar treatment delivered to the neck.
      • Informative Informative x 1
    4. Mark662

      Mark662 Member Benefactor

      United Kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      @Lisa88 I believe it did. It's hard to make exact judgements. I thought it would get worse before it got better with the TENS treatment. I certainly would not try it again.

      After 20 or so years of trying everything, I have come to the conclusion that nothing works apart from attempting to stay relaxed. So hard to do when your silence is taken from you.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    5. Everyloop

      Everyloop Member

      When it got worse after trying that did it ever go down to where it was?
    6. Lynn G

      Lynn G Member

      Redondo Beach, California, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      either caffeine withdrawal or a hearing test
      So, I did a lot of research into SCENAR. First of all, SCENAR is not TENS. TENS generates uniform periodic electrical impulses. SCENAR however adjusts the power of the electrical impulses based on the observed electrical resistance. The premise of SCENAR is that it breaks through tissue resistance then backs off once it's succeeded.

      I built a manually controlled TENS device according to the specs I worked out with Philip (aka Zephiloyd). My first version was very low power and actually reduced my T to some degree. I stopped using it because I knew it was inefficient. My second version was efficient, hence stronger and actually worsened my T. I am in the process of designing a SCENAR that has the feedback loop to get it to back off.

      What I can tell you with certainty is DON'T USE TENS. It's not SCENAR and it's too strong. Whether SCENAR works or not is still up for debate in my eyes.
    7. markoana

      markoana Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Finaly, was it permanent worse??
    8. Clifton

      Clifton Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      @Lynn G So how did the SCENAR work go? Were you able to make it work the way you wanted and if so any results?
    9. Lynn G

      Lynn G Member

      Redondo Beach, California, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      either caffeine withdrawal or a hearing test
      @Clifton I managed to build a device from SCENAR specifications, giving me full control of the current and frequency beyond what the actual SCENAR does. My results did not match what Philip (aka Zephiloyd) experienced, but that doesn't mean I don't think there's some merit. Here's what I learned/concluded:
      • First, I am giving Philip the benefit of the doubt. I told him I would not buy the SCENAR from him, so he has no financial incentive to lie. I also spoke to him over Skype with video. I do genuinely believe he believes this process cured his tinnitus. Thus, I am just using scientific method to try to figure out how this could have worked.
      • During the process, Philip reports hearing little clicks ("zephils") as well as increased sweat/moisture. I reproduced this easily.
      • During the process, Philip also reports feeling a resonant "almost hypnotic" feeling throughout his whole head. That I could not reproduce.
      • The human head is acting like a network of resistors and capacitors, and every head is different. It is probable that the placement of the electrodes and the shape of the head would result in currents flowing through different parts. It would make sense that if I'm not feeling the resonant effect, the current is running through the wrong part of my head to replicate the effect.
      • The next step would be to model Philip's head and figure out where the current goes, but I'm not about to ask him that yet.
      I have moved on to Dr. Wilden's laser treatment approach, which I think I can safely say has had a positive benefit. One thing he says, and something I experienced, is that after treatment it gets worse before it gets better, and for me it has gotten better (somewhat) than baseline. I wouldn't be surprised if it getting worse with SCENAR is not necessarily a bad thing, but I will add that Philip reports that for him there was not a "worse" phase. It got instantly better.

      • Like Like x 1
    10. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      I have a Dinas exactly the same as scenar...another pile of poo

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