Spike (A Spontaneous One)

Discussion in 'Support' started by Ashlynn Mays, Dec 30, 2016.

    1. Ashlynn Mays

      Ashlynn Mays Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hello everyone, I've had ringing in my ears my whole life! But I only really noticed it if i closed my ears or tried to hear it. But about three days ago it randomly spiked and it's been really bad for me. I'm not eating, sleeping well, and I'm very scared. I went to my Pediatrician and she said I didn't have fluid in my ears but I'm going to an ear specialist Wednesday.

      Hopefully it is a spike and will return to normal soon. Has anyone else experienced sudden volume increase? Did it return to the baseline?
    2. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      Welcome to Tinnitus talk,
      Lots of things can spike tinnitus and stress and anxiety and virus are just a few.
      Spikes do settle in time so keep sound on around you help take your mind off your tinnitus and play natural sounds at night set below your tinnitus.
      Spikes can make our emotions wobble a bit but remember stay calm and some nice treats and go at your own pace and reduce stress.
      We are here around the clock ....lots of love glynis
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    3. AUTHOR
      Ashlynn Mays

      Ashlynn Mays Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      thank you! so spikes do usually die down?
    4. MikeL1972

      MikeL1972 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Yes, well, in my case they do. Here is what I noticed that helps:

      1) 7-8 hrs of good sleep;
      2) limiting stress as much as possible;
      3) reminiscing\thinking pleasant thoughts.

      To me, tinnitus is basically a test of your mental strength.
    5. AUTHOR
      Ashlynn Mays

      Ashlynn Mays Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      This is my first spike, i am only 18, so this first one is difficult for me.
    6. stophiss

      stophiss Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      April 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      too full a life
      Exactly. First spikes freak everybody out. I have an uptick in my T right now after a few days of mild T. Same guy, different T, and I can't tell you a single reason why. That's how it goes with me. Up and down, down and up. So I am used to it. Still harder to live with when up of course and when it switches to mild, I always have that internal discussion with myself...awhhh come on....just a little more and no more T. Nope...goes the opposite way and amps up.
      Your anxiety with go down after a few dozen of these replications that many here experience. I thought my variation in T...I also have mild H which I don't notice changes...was rare. No. Variation in tinnitus is perhaps more common than not.
      Hope that helps.
      • Like Like x 1
    7. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      It will settle so try keep your mood up getting out in the fresh air and will help you sleep.
      Lots of love glynis

      Happy New Year
    8. Kelvin

      Kelvin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      June 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Dental Work
      @Ashlynn Mays - I too had a bad 'spike' yesterday, but today it has subsided by 50% and so much more bearable.
      I coped yesterday by using earplugs when near noises that I know make it worse ( cutlery, flushing toilets...!) and then going for a long long walk as it always seems less noticeable outdoors. Early to bed with quiet radio and nature sounds. It will not last forever so be kind to yourself. Tomorrow is another day and you will smile again X
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    9. stophiss

      stophiss Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      April 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      too full a life
      Only will add, I am not sure your earplug strategy is helpful and in fact can make you more sensitive to noise and put you on a slippery trajectory to even more noise sensitivity. My belief, is we need to face normal noise but be vigilant against anything above 75dB because our injured hearing can not sustain the noise levels that those with normal hearing can. But precluding typical noises makes H suffers like me more sensitive. Unless you have reactive T, all the spikes I have aren't in relation to typical noise levels during the day. And...my T often does not spike with a bit more sound exposure than normal.
      But YMMV which is often does for this disorder.
      Good luck
    10. Kelvin

      Kelvin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      June 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Dental Work

      @stophiss Thanks for the advice. I may be lost in the true definition of 'reactive' and 'spike'. I know if my T is good or bad as soon as I awake. It will start its high frequency hissing within minutes of waking. Interestingly my ears have not had any sound input at teh point it starts its wonderful work...? Once started, It then will hiss much louder if I am subject to certain noises. Particularly cutlery banging, spoons on china, flushing toilets. I have to cover my ears when I flush the toilet for instance. A bit strange, but to me this ordinary sound is just awful and the hissing I hear gets so loud its horrible. It isn't painful but just awful for some reason. It will the settle if I avoid the noises it hates. Bassy sounds don't bother it at all and are in fact soothing.
      I use foam earplugs for just a few minutes if near the high frequency tinny sounds that aggravate (a.k.a 'spike') it.
      I then remove them as soon as the sound is over.
      I have tried white noise to calm or mask or distract it (as some find this helpful) but it is just unbearable for me and again it aggravates it. It is truly a strange and it would seem very individual thing. I will beware the long term use of ear plugs though. Thanks for that.
      Happy New Year to you !
      P.S. I wasn't sure what you meant by "But YMMV which is often does for this disorder." ?
    11. Dave Viger

      Dave Viger Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      March 15, 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hearing Loss at highest range, left ear
      I am going to start using professional musicians ear plugs when I am playing piano at a gig, but not before or after. Is that OK?

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