Stem Cell Research vs FDA


Jul 20, 2012
Tinnitus Since
July 2012
If you like reading about medical science and research, let me recommend you this interesting lecture about stem cell research written by dr Christopher Centeno:

The Stem Cells they Don't Want You to Have: How the New Stem Cell Debate Will Shape the Future of Medicine

The book is free to download, at least for now. I know the title might sound a bit conspiracy theory-ish but dr Centeno makes some really good points :)

Long story short, we live in very exciting times. The whole new field of medicine is right behind the corner but is effectively suppressed by the "big players". That's because stem cell treatments would gradually replace conventional drugs used nowadays and bring great losses to pharma companies in result.

Stem cells are not decades away really. There's been some excellent results in treatments on animal models and to a limited degree on humans. If only we had a "green light" from FDA, stem cell treatments would become a standard in around 10 years from now.
Yes, I think stem cells could solve many medical problems but until the scientific community is more behind this, it will move at a snails pace. They have been debating stem cells for years. Great paper Molan, too bad it is already 10 years old.....
Thank you for your article Molan.

Regrowing missing limbs? If this is real, it's truly unbelievable.

The question is, why were there no further studies? Why was it suspended? There is no further comment regarding this issue in the article. I find it hard to believe something so amazing would be discontinued.
Excellent question Fish!

For more information I would recommend reading Dr Becker's incredible book 'The Body electric'. It is one of the most incredible things I have ever read. body electric robert becker

Dr Becker had to fight off continuous interference from various sources and was eventually shut down depsite his very promising research. Why this was you will have to make up your own mind from the book. His research was born from observation and experimentation of the incredible regenrative abilitys of the Salamander and a remarkible plant called a Hydra. He has also acted as an advisior to the government on various subjects such as EMF pollution.
Thank you for your article Molan.

Regrowing missing limbs? If this is real, it's truly unbelievable.

The question is, why were there no further studies? Why was it suspended? There is no further comment regarding this issue in the article. I find it hard to believe something so amazing would be discontinued.

I wasn't keen to write this but I have been persuaded by several people off board to answer the question put forward by Fish rather then just refer him and others to Dr Becker's book. Of course I would advice everyone interested to research this issue themselves and certainly not to take my word for it.

The conclusion a lot of people have drawn is that the reason there have been no further studies on this subject is purely financial. Many people stand to lose alot of money and control if such incredible regeneration was eventually possible in human beings. It's quite incredible when you see what kind of research he was doing and having success with that Dr Becker was basically run out of town Mafia style. You would of thought of his research would have been embraced and given all the funds he needs. Again I would advice anyone to read the book and draw their own conclusions on the matter.

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