The Problem with the Spine as a Cause of Tinnitus


Jul 20, 2012
Tinnitus Since
July 2012
I stayed in hospital for 3 days in hopes of finding the cause of my tinnitus. Among the tests I had were:

- blood tests
- hearing test
- tympanometry
- tinnitus loudness/tone matching
- videonystagmography
- spine RTG

The last one revealed that I have lordosis. One doctor I talked with said this is a possible scenario - strained muscles in my neck partially block the bloodflow to my head, causing tinnitus and occasionally other symptoms like dizziness and headache. I need to undergo some physical therapy to treat my neck. Generally doctors here are kinda optimistic - while they say tinnitus is a complex condition, they say it's mostly treatable...

I'm not saying I am sure this will help me, but for some of you who still don't know why do you have T, maybe give a suggestion to your doctor about possible spine problem. Might be worth checking out.
Hi Fish, I have heard of impeding the blood flow to the head can cause T. I am actually going to an Osteopath Dr. for treatments for the very same thing next month.

I sure hope that this treatment solves or at least lessens your T. Let us know how it goes....
I stayed in hospital for 3 days in hopes of finding the cause of my tinnitus. Among the tests I had were:

- blood tests
- hearing test
- tympanometry
- tinnitus loudness/tone matching
- videonystagmography
- spine RTG

The last one revealed that I have lordosis. One doctor I talked with said this is a possible scenario - strained muscles in my neck partially block the bloodflow to my head, causing tinnitus and occasionally other symptoms like dizziness and headache. I need to undergo some physical therapy to treat my neck. Generally doctors here are kinda optimistic - while they say tinnitus is a complex condition, they say it's mostly treatable...

I'm not saying I am sure this will help me, but for some of you who still don't know why do you have T, maybe give a suggestion to your doctor about possible spine problem. Might be worth checking out.

Who ordered the RTG?

My T is quite low now. I have no headaches, but I am lightheaded and had dizziness.

My ENT ordered a VNG and a carotid artery test.

Did you get dizzy with the VNG?
My main doctor ordered RTG suspecting a spine problem. Turns out he was right. I don't know if training will help me but I must try!

Yes I did get very dizzy with VNG. One part of this test is pouring warm and cold water in your ear while wearing some special kind of goggles. The purpose of this procedure is to test middle ear function.
My main doctor ordered RTG suspecting a spine problem. Turns out he was right. I don't know if training will help me but I must try!

Yes I did get very dizzy with VNG. One part of this test is pouring warm and cold water in your ear while wearing some special kind of goggles. The purpose of this procedure is to test middle ear function.
And what did that say?

Thanks for sharing that. Not fond of being dizzy myself!
Fish -
I think it may be due to nerve ciruitry, the Lateral Lemniscus, which is mounted on the brainstem:

For the past week I've been reading about this part of brain anatomy, mentioned by Dr. Dalton as the auditory pathway that causes tinnitus. Seems to me that tinnitus, although it's usually due to hearing damage, can also be caused by things that are peripheral to this circuitry.

Several people on this site have complained of tinnitus due to injury to their necks. I have read that gabapentin is sometimes used to treat neuropathic pain, such as in this; also, curing tinnitus.
I think that sitting at a computer all day may cause damage like this. When programming it can be for hours on end and I've been doing it since 1980 (although I get up and walk round every twenty minutes - watch posture etc.) Unfortunately, if it is connected, then perhaps many of our children will have T in the years to come. .. what a horrid thought.
A couple of days ago I posted also that one tone of my T is because of my neck. My girlfriend does a massage every day now and it is almost gone. The rest of my T is still there though, but this sound was irritating high. So yes tention in the neck area can absolutly cause T.

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