Those with Hyperacusis; Do You Also Have Sinus Problems?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Dja, Mar 21, 2021.


In addition to your hyperacusis, do you also have sinus problems?

  1. Yes, I have chronic sinus problems

  2. Yes, I have temporary sinus problems once in a while

  3. No, I pretty much never have sinus problems

  4. I don't have hyperacusis, but want to see the results

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    1. Dja

      Dja Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Fridge, computer fans and lots of annoying sounds and stress
      Just want to see how many have this relation. My hyperacusis is worst when my nose feels clogged. I always had sinus problems though so it could be something that started to become a problem after time?

    2. iGL0CK

      iGL0CK Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma (punk rock show)
      I can add: my dysacusis is much worse when my nose is clogged.

      Feeling fullness in ear (i.e. after some noise exposure) = nostril on this side is clogged... Weird thing.

      Any of you have this type of symptoms? It's like my sinuses are trying to protect my ear by producing mucus or something.
    3. TheDanishGirl

      TheDanishGirl Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      05/2017 (H since 06/2017)
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      long term noise exposure (headphones), maybe some stress.
      Yes, I have had sinus issues as long as I can remember. Always a runny nose. Tested for allergies, but I don't have any.

      But my hyperacusis is definetely from noise damage, although I can't rule out that maybe my sinus issues exacerbates the pain.
    4. AUTHOR

      Dja Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Fridge, computer fans and lots of annoying sounds and stress
      You know I just realized something. I haven't had wet snot in a long time. It has been dry for years with almost always a congested nose. Ever since I got hyperacusis perhaps.

      Anyone else in a similar boat?

      I am starting to think that I miss a lot of fatty acids.
    5. Matchbox

      Matchbox Member

      BC Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise Induced, Prednisone (drones), Barotrauma (distortions)
      I've been getting a sore throat and running nose and my tinnitus distortions and fullness feel like day 1 again. 8/10. I had to miss work. New low electric hum in left ear. Great day.

      The correlation seems hard to miss. I've had tonsil issues for years but ENTs just shrug and say it doesn't look bad.

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