I don't know what started my tinnitus. I first noticed it one day early December but it was quiet and only lasted a few minutes. I remember thinking it was odd. I also had a feeling of sinus pressure changes around that time but no real congestion. Tinnitus came back around the 18th December 2020 for a day, then came back REALLY loud 23rd December for about 12 hours. Since the 28th December 2020 it has been loud 24/7.
I seem to be getting a high pitched hiss these past few weeks. It was a high pitched ring, and I do get the ring now still but it is overpowered by the hiss. When I wake in the middle of the night the hiss has gone and it is mainly a ring.
Other possible causes - Ibuprofen, headaches, blood pressure meds. I also get my ears syringed a few times a year because they overproduce wax.
I love my silence. When home alone I never ever have the TV on or music playing or anything. I never ever listen to music, I don't enjoy it at all so having to play these noise apps to handle tinnitus better is double painful for me. I enjoyed my peace and quiet noise before tinnitus and hated noise.
Every now and then I get weird pressure changes in my sinuses but not bad. Today my right ear feels mildly sore and blocked. Tinnitus is in both ears but worse in right.
Anyway, after all that, it has been about 2 months since initial onset. Volume is still intense. Is there any hope for me that this may still go away? Or is is considered chronic now and very unlikely?
I have seen many many doctors including ENT who have all been incredibly useless and unknowledgeable. I went to Tinnitus councelling at a hearing place (my hearing is normal) and all my $80 got me was a sales pitch for expensive ear devices and they recommended me an app I already have (Beltone).
I need hope. I am barely getting through the day. Every hour of every day is hard for me. I can't even be an attentive mother to my baby anymore so I have put him in childcare. His crying and screeching is painful for me and I can't handle it.

Right now as I type this he has hurt himself and crying and wants a cuddle. I had to push him out the room and close the door because he is causing me physical pain. He is my much wanted, much long for child who I adore and I can no longer be a good mother.
I am merely existing, not living. Is there any realistic hope for me this could still be temporary?