Well, there are lots of possibilities for things that can help you, depending on what caused your tinnitus, and how long you've had it. Right now, there is a lot of research being done on tinnitus remedies, but no one has come up with the perfect cure as yet! Those of us on this forum have found lots of ways to cope with it, however.
I use a sound machine as background noise (I like water sounds, such as the sound of a babbling brook, or ocean sounds). Those really help. Other natural things you can do (with your parents' approval and your doctor's OK) would be to take a supplement at bedtime, such as melatonin, to help you sleep. There are many other natural supplements, too, that work for some people more than others. It would probably be best to discuss those with your doctor, such as an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor. Supplements that may help are: Gingko biloba, magnesium, B vitamins, and zinc/copper.
Also, it is a really good idea to invest in a pair of high-quality ear plugs, for when you are in noisy environments. You'll want to protect your hearing, and not make your tinnitus worse, and that is the best way to do it. You should probably carry the earplugs with you wherever you go, so that you can use them when needed.
Most of us with tinnitus have found that, with time, it gets more bearable. When your brain gets used to it (adjusts or habituates to it), you will get to a point where you're not very conscious of it. That may take awhile, so protect your hearing in the meantime, and read some of the great information on this forum!