Tinnitus and exhaustion/sports

Discussion in 'Support' started by Martin69, Jul 20, 2014.

    1. Martin69

      Martin69 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      (Health) Anxiety
      Hi all,
      Probably this was discussed already, but would like your opinion.
      Before my T, I did regular sports like football, running, walking, bike-riding.
      But since my onset, things are much more difficult.
      I feel exhausted because of the past months with T. Also with the buzzing in my head, every step is 10x harder. The reactive depression also makes things not easier.
      How is/was it for you?
      Someone who is very active and T does not stop you?
      Maybe I should start with baby steps and go for walks.
      Regards, Martin
    2. I don´t Think just Walking will really make it. You have to blow off some steam to release some endorphins. I Think just 3-4 kms is enough if you really put the effort in.
      • Agree Agree x 2
    3. Yellow Ledbetter

      Yellow Ledbetter Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey I still play sport and go to gym. When I first got my T I was only playing sport and found it helped me so much in those first few months, helped by taking my mind off it & with the anxiety I had due to T, also helped me sleep. Although I didn't have depression when I got mine. I think you should do whatever you feel comfortable with. If that's walking, so be it. Try not to push yourself too hard or put alot of pressure on yourself, you'll get back to doing all the exercise you did before. Just be patient with yourself :).
      • Like Like x 1
    4. Telis

      Telis Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Drugs barotrauma
      Yeah, I still try and go like I used to but doesn't work, I hope this will change. I played hockey, tennis, weight lifted, mountain biked etc. I always felt great and wanted that worn out physical tiredness.

      Now, I go hard and it wipes me out totally. It's like I can't recoup. For days after I am in exhaustion mode, barely walk up the stairs. Also, I feel uncomfortable being in this state, it's like I'm too tired to deal with my tinnitus.

      I believe Tinnitus zaps energy out of me, I don't have even a quarter of what I had before T. I hope this changes, I feel like I have aged 20 years in a matter of months. Feel like an old man, I wonder how I will feel when I am actually an old man.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    5. ampumpkin

      ampumpkin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Onset: 12/2007 Increase: 04/2014
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      2007: Meds(Antidepressant) 2014: Meds(Antibiotics)
      guys, the best advice that was given to me here is : try to live a normal life as much as possible, even with T. I'm gonna pass it on to you as well...

      @Martin69 you are caught in a negative cycle... playing sports could actually help you and take your mind off T. I think you need breaks... maybe exercising could give you one... biking is not too bad, you could start with this... why not go with your wife and kids on a nice bike ride and enjoy a pic nic?

      Getting back to my life before my T increase was the best thing I did... It reversed the cycle of negativity that I was in...
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    6. Magpie

      Magpie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Depending on how much I push myself it can have no effect or some effect on my T. But even when my head feels fuzzy and my T is worse it has always been temporary. I would say it boils down to blood pressure so when you have been working up a sweat it's possible or probable that your T will be louder or seem louder but it will always settle down. Exercise in one form or another is a great distraction and a great way to blow off the gloomy cobwebs.
      • Like Like x 1
    7. AUTHOR

      Martin69 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      (Health) Anxiety
      Hi Anne-Marie.
      I am sure if you would have my T, you would think differently. But maybe this is just my view. Everyone here suffers.
      I got back to my life as it would be without T. I was out for dinner with my wife on Friday. Afterwards, did some shopping. We went to the Dutch coast on Saturday and enjoyed the beach. Also went for lunch there into a restaurant. On Sunday, we enjoyed our garden and did some gardening.
      Today, I keep busy with my work. Just sitting here after lunch in a nice small restaurant of a friend.
      This life is exactly what I have done without T.
      But I have a high-pitched screaming in my head.
      And this makes everything much more difficult and less enjoyable.
      But I am happy for you that you turned the corner again and that your T went down a little bit.
      Take care,
      • Like Like x 1
    8. RicoS

      RicoS Member Benefactor

      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress or Acoustic trauma
      I teach mixed martialarts 3 times a week in the evening and after that my T is a littlebit louder, but when I take a shower it's back to base level. I my class there is also a guy with loud T and he also says that for him it's very important he keeps coming to train and to blow of steam. But I guess you should do what keeps your mind out of thinking about your T...that can be anything like cycling, music, talking with friends.....you have to find your own way no matter what. If you keep thinking that sport will make it worse....your brain will do what you are most scared of ....i think.
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