Tinnitus Can Get Better

Discussion in 'Support' started by wonderingwoman, Feb 3, 2019.

    1. wonderingwoman

      wonderingwoman Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      October 18th, 2018
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      shock to the central nervous system
      I am saying tinnitus can get better. I won't say it will get better because as I have seen here, there are so many reasons tinnitus happens. And it all depends on why it most likely happened. If there is injury, damage, horrible noise, disease, dysfunction, and so many things like that--I have no answers. But if it happens as it does actually for many people---from a shock to the central nervous system, something unknown--it definitely can be healed.

      I have had this for almost 4 months and it came out of the blue one night and has been pretty constant except for some clear and silent moments. I work carefully with my doctor, who himself experienced a sudden and unknown and unexplained tinnitus some years ago--and as he said, it ultimately stopped. He did everything, had all sorts of tests, an MRI, finally did 5 days of a steroid and he healed.

      He has been working closely and carefully with me. And I would never, not ever, tell everyone you will get better. There are so many reasons why this happens, so many health conditions already in place--that this is impossible to say. But I see on this site so many dire and horrible and hopeless statements and that is not productive. Doctors say there is nothing to be done because they are helpless in the face of something that is a symptom of something else. Or it can be chance because when it does not come from a true hearing loss or brain injury or damage---then it is a shock to the central nervous system, which needs to heal and can heal with time and the right support.

      It is making me crazy but as I understand it more and am finding ways to heal my central nervous system, I see that it can end. I have no ear injury, I have really good hearing. But I have seen progress delayed when I got a bad upper respiratory virus twice over the past couple of months. That stops forward progress.

      But I am learning to support my immune system, be physically active, heal myself in every way I can. I know this is not possible for someone with permanent damage. But my doctor knows me well and he says I will heal with time and the right support. That is all I will say. The dire and awful predictions here do not do anyone any good. Trust me, I know the feeling of wanting to jump off a tall building or step in front of a bus--but many people do heal. They just probably do not talk about it here.

      I read something interesting about specialists who do not see healing from tinnitus. It is because once someone is healed, he or she does not go back to the specialist. He or she does not have to. This does not help statistics or the things doctors will tell patients. Sad but true.
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    2. Tara Lyons

      Tara Lyons Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Did it ever go away?

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