Tinnitus, MRI, CT, Acoustic Neuroma Symptoms.

Discussion in 'Support' started by Chrisarti, Apr 28, 2014.

    1. Chrisarti

      Chrisarti Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I have recently been asked to do a CT Scan for my T. Mainly because of new and usual symptoms. The continuance of a reverb noise or echo an extra sound after word I hear in my right ear. I believe my doctor suspects Acoustic Neuroma as he ordered an MRI which I refused because I'm claustrophobic. He then suggested a CT Scan which I agreed to. Of course the amount of radiation is acceptable over being confined in a tube for me, I'm an avid sunbather anyhow :) On the other hand I feel I'm just trying to buy myself some time from the inevitable which is an MRI scan. I would like to know if anyone else on this board had a great number of Acoustic Neuroma Symptoms to find out they had or did not have it. My inner self tells me it is possible as I have had some slight dizziness, some ear pain, feeling of fullness in the ear, some sinus like headaches, and of course the unilateral T. Would love to hear others stories as to diagnoses of T or AN.
    2. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello Chrisarti..........just want to say been on a good few forums for t over the years and have NEVER come across ONE person who had an MRI and was found to actually have acoustic neuroma, not one they have been all clear the odds are in your favour ,good luck pete
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    3. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:

      Your symptoms equals mine pretty much spot on!

      I did MRI and CT, both came out fine. I went to an ENT who didnt find anything wrong with my ears.

      However, I still have this ear pain, sinus like headaches, dizziness and feelling of fullness, tight upper jaw and a little sensation of someone touching my nose with needles every now and then.

      Im seeing another ENT next monday, and I will let you know if he is able to figure something out.

      I have even been to 4 neurologists which have all evaluated my MRI, but they couldnt find anything wrong.

      And by the way, my T is around 15khz in both ears.

      Do you have any idea what caused your T?
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    4. tychobrae

      tychobrae Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I have also had the same symptoms and my MRI came aack clear. I think MRIs are a standard test for tinnitus, it doesn't necessarily mean that your doctor suspects anything in particular. And I also.think your symptoms aren't unusual with tinnitus.

      The MRI might not be as bad as you fear.When I had mine there was a mirror above me so I could see the door and therefore didn't feel.so enclosed, and they also gave me a call button in case I needed to contact them during the scan. It only took about 20 minutes.
      I'm sure if you were to tell the radiographers of your concerns they would be able to help you through the process.
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    5. AUTHOR

      Chrisarti Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      No I do not have any idea what caused my T. At first it was suspected as an ear infection or possibly from recent travel over a pass. I did note that my T did start after a tooth extraction and could be related to jaw function, and you did bring up a point I didn't note on symptoms and that is tightness feeling in upper jaw, but I could relate that to sinus pain as well. Look forward to hearing what you learn.
    6. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi :)

      Do you still have the fullness/pain/headache symptoms?
      Honestly, Im more worried about the pain rather than the T, I hope they will pass in time.
    7. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:

      Can you please let me know if you are able to figure something out as well?
      That would be very much appreciated!

      If this second ENT is not able to pinpoint something, I will see a dentist specialized in TMJ as well.
      Next I will have a look at is my neck.

      I went to a chiro too, but that only made it worse.

      Ill keep you posted!
    8. AUTHOR

      Chrisarti Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yes I still have all those symptoms. I will keep any findings and updates here to help others too.
    9. Kathi

      Kathi Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      HFHL and stress
      I have unilateral T--headaches by my left temple and some ear pain. I had an MRI--I'm fine. I have tinnitus. :) No tumors. Yikes, that was scary--thinking about having a brain tumor.

      The MRI I was in is called a 'large bore' MRI and it wasn't bad at all. I am a bit claustrophobic and I was fine. They also have open MRI's. The image is better than a Cat. I don't know why but I could find out if you like.
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    10. tychobrae

      tychobrae Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yes, I still have the fullness though the headache pains are a bit better since I started usng Flixonase nasal drops a couple of months ago.
    11. Mr. Cartman

      Mr. Cartman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Its interesting that your headaches got better when using nasal drops.

      Do you know what caused your T?

      Could it be allergy related?
    12. tychobrae

      tychobrae Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      No, I've never found a definite cause. My T started a few days after a hearing test but I've been told by audiologists that it's unlikely to be the cause, though they would say that. I have moderate hearing loss in the upper and lower ranges (which is why I had the hearing test) so that's probably a major factor. I don't think allergies play a part in the T since although the head pain has got better, the T hasn't.
      And actually, until I got pulsatile T I was never really concerned with finding out what caused it since it was there anyway and I just had to deal with it. I don't mean that to sound harsh but that was the reality and I did habituate to it eventually.
    13. Thegeen

      Thegeen Member

      Tinnitus Since:

      @Kathi - did you have contrast dye (e.g. gadolinium) with your MRI?
    14. Thegeen

      Thegeen Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      @tychobrae did you have contrast dye with your MRI?
    15. Kathi

      Kathi Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      HFHL and stress
      Yes, I had the gadolinium. They did the first set without and the second set with gadolinium. I didn't have any problems with it--although I saw some great color patterns during the second set!
    16. ashley

      ashley Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Acoustic neuromas are very uncommon. If you couldn't already tell from the responses. :p I too have unilateral tinnitus, and other signs of one, but my MRI didn't show a thing. :) It's just something they need to do-- but we are here if you're scared and need to talk!
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    17. Rube

      Rube Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud shit
      @Kathi or open for answer from anyone.how long does it take to get gadolinium out of ur system? any strange sensations with it or will it aggravate T?
      @Mr. Cartman
    18. Kathi

      Kathi Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      HFHL and stress
      @Rube -- I'm not sure how long it took the gadolinium to leave my system. I had no strange after effects or sensations other than I was tired--but I think it was the kind of tired coming from relief. I had been dreading the MRI. Turned out to be not so bad and my ear was protected. The whole procedure did not effect my tinnitus. If anything, it reduced my anxiety when I was found not to have a tumor.
    19. Rube

      Rube Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud shit
      @Kathi thank you so much for the response. ive just been overall more nervous and anxious since this whole T issue started so i tend to ask a million questions. the mri injection in itself just doesnt sit well with me but its good to hear no issues on your end!

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