Feb 28, 2018
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Member, Female, from USA

I just broke a tooth in a world without dentistry. Apr 11, 2020

    1. Bruce Wayne
      Bruce Wayne
    2. aot
      I noticed you haven't posted in awhile. I hope you're alright.
      1. Bruce Wayne, twa and Tanni like this.
    3. SugarMagnolia
      I just broke a tooth in a world without dentistry.
      1. Exit likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Turgy
        I am afraid that my tinnitus will get worse after the treatment.
        Apr 24, 2020
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
      4. SugarMagnolia
        I know. We all fear that dental work will make our tinnitus worse, but we have to get the work done eventually. The longer you wait, the more drilling that needs to be done. I only waited a week so I had very little drilling. Ask your dentist to drill for no more than 5 seconds at a time. That's what my dentist did and I was fine. If you see the dentist soon, you might only need a few seconds of drilling.
        Apr 25, 2020
      5. Shera
        Ouch! I hope it's not too painful.
        Jun 4, 2020
    4. SugarMagnolia
      Some people act like a friend, but they're really just getting you to open up so they can use your vulnerabilities as weapons to hurt you.
      1. New Guy, Star64, Tanni and 1 other person like this.
      2. New Guy
        New Guy
        It took me too long to realize this truth. The secret is to do your best to figure out the type of person they are before you reveal your vulnerabilities.
        Apr 11, 2020
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
    5. SugarMagnolia
      Scary low on food here. Impossible to get groceries or tp delivered. And the building elevator has been out-of-service for 4 days so far :(
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SugarMagnolia
        The elevator is back. My husband went to the grocery store alone cuz I was too afraid. From his description of the store, I'm glad I stayed away. Think: Mad Max goes to Key Food.
        Apr 5, 2020
        jimH likes this.
      3. New Guy
        New Guy
        In the Northeastern US they encourage us to visit the grocery store alone so only one person in the household gets sick, just in case. I bristle when I see couples in their 60's and 70's shopping together. They shouldn't be shopping at all. (Not saying you're that age... Please don't block me.)
        Apr 14, 2020
      4. SugarMagnolia
        @New Guy Saying we shouldn't be shopping at all is the same as saying we shouldn't be eating at all. Apparently now old people don't deserve food.
        Apr 15, 2020
    6. SugarMagnolia
      Corona is magnifying everyone's worst qualities: the greedy who buy all the tp, the selfish who crowd bars, the stupid who deny the crisis
      1. Pawel1 and aot like this.
    7. SugarMagnolia
      Just got berated, bellowed at & called names cuz I wanted to order groceries online. We're high-risk in a virus hotspot. He's a moron.
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      2. SugarMagnolia
        He's a life-long heavy smoker and a little shy of 60 y/o, yet he feels invincible.
        Mar 23, 2020
      3. jimH
        I feel very badly for you! That you have to live under such abusive and stressful conditions!
        Mar 23, 2020
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
      4. SugarMagnolia
        Thanks Jim. I have been venting here because it's the only way for me to release some of the pressure I feel.
        Mar 23, 2020
        jimH likes this.
    8. Daniel Lion
      Daniel Lion
      Your posts are great...
      1. SugarMagnolia likes this.
    9. SugarMagnolia
      Contamination OCD + pandemic + no psychotherapy cuz my shrink has corona = a lot of weird & revealing profile posts.
    10. SugarMagnolia
      Fun Fact: I was afraid of the grocery store BEFORE corona. I always feared people would get germs on me & my food. Everyone called me crazy.
      1. Bill Bauer and Pawel1 like this.
      2. Shelbylynn
        Same I have health anxiety and ocd
        Mar 21, 2020
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
      3. SugarMagnolia
        It is very frustrating when you have been telling people something for years and they diagnose you as mentally ill and then finally everyone wakes up and sees that you were right all along, but it's too late. I kept telling the doctors that I see people always sticking their fingers in their mouth, nose and eyes and then touching things. The doctors said I was "hypervigilant."
        Mar 21, 2020
      4. SugarMagnolia
        I tried to be like "normal" people and not scrub my hands til they bleed. But deep down inside, I always knew I was right. Now I have proof that I was right. (I wish I weren't.)
        Mar 21, 2020
    11. SugarMagnolia
      How can he be so cruel? He's gone out again! He says he doesn't care about corona. What about me? I can't go near my family because of him.
      1. Autumnly and aot like this.
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      3. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        If he is just walking in the park, he isn't in danger of being exposed...
        Mar 20, 2020
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
      4. SugarMagnolia
        He was out getting fast food and I wish he wouldn't. There's no telling if the (often teenage) employees are being careful. We are in a virus hot spot.
        Mar 21, 2020
      5. SugarMagnolia
        My husband is an idiot. I wish I lived alone! I am only as safe as he is and he's too dumb to take this seriously. This is literally the worst place in the USA and possibly on Earth.
        Mar 21, 2020
    12. SugarMagnolia
      My 80 y/o Dad was rushed to the hospital, no visitors allowed, no phone allowed. Now he's scared & alone. Please let him come home tomorrow.
      1. Lynny and Pawel1 like this.
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      3. SugarMagnolia
        Nurse on phone says he's improving & may come home in a few days. This is unrelated to corona, but because of corona, no visitors allowed. This is a densely populated city & the outbreak is growing. Not a good time for my Dad to be hospitalized. When my sis called me yesterday, I thought it was 'the call.' Now we are hopeful that he will come home soon.
        Mar 20, 2020
        Lynny, Shelbylynn and aot like this.
      4. SugarMagnolia
        My dear Dad has PTSD from the abuse he received at a "care" facility. A year and a half later, he still has night terrors every night. Now he is in the hospital and can have no visitors (which means no advocates) and not even his phone to Facetime with his loved ones. I hope he will come home on Sunday.
        Mar 21, 2020
        twa and Lynny like this.
      5. SugarMagnolia
        Sunday is the day I hope for. But I will not be able to visit him even if he goes home. I need to have 14 days of quarantine and my idiot husband keeps going out.
        Mar 21, 2020
        Lynny likes this.
    13. SugarMagnolia
      As of today, everyone at my job will be working from home.
      1. Bill Bauer and RishRamsey like this.
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      3. TheDanishGirl
        Can you go to some local crisis center for woman in abusive relationships and get help......does such a thing exist where you are? You shouldnt just take this mental violence, it will destroy you eventually......your much better of without him.
        Mar 14, 2020
        Autumnly and SugarMagnolia like this.
      4. RishRamsey
        I am sorry that’s happening to you. I really don’t know what else to say, but I am really truly sorry. Here if you need to vent more. Sending *internet hugs*
        Mar 14, 2020
        Autumnly and SugarMagnolia like this.
      5. SugarMagnolia
        @TheDanishGirl I have OCD. I'm afraid to leave my home. I'm afraid of people. I'm afraid of dozens of ordinary things in the world. When you say "crisis shelter" I hear "place of horror."
        Mar 14, 2020
    14. SugarMagnolia
      The smoke detector beeped just as I walked by - my bad ear a foot away - two piercing beeps before I could plug my ears. I'm freaking out :(
      1. RichardGuy likes this.
      2. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        I am sorry that had happened to you.

        How are you feeling now?
        Jan 20, 2020
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
      3. SugarMagnolia
        I'm okay. But that was quite a scare.
        Feb 18, 2020
    15. SugarMagnolia
      Belated Merry Christmas to everyone!
      1. MBH, Lucifer and Autumnly like this.
    16. FGG
      That's awful. MTH are one of the all time greats.
      1. SugarMagnolia likes this.
    17. Daniel Lion
      Daniel Lion
      Shame more celebrities couldn’t put a shout out for research and small donations to raise public awareness. It’s not their responsibility, but they are in the public light...just a thought
      1. Striveon
        So true!
        Oct 1, 2019
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
    18. SugarMagnolia
      Ian Hunter has cancelled his band's tour due to severe tinnitus.
      1. Guest444, Bill Bauer and Striveon like this.
      2. SugarMagnolia
      3. Striveon
        So sad :( such a devastating condition! Wished it never existed!
        Oct 1, 2019
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
    19. SugarMagnolia
      Holy crap. Look up: Echo Frames. I do NOT want my eyeglasses talking to me!
      1. Bill Bauer and Gman like this.
    20. SugarMagnolia
      Summer is jackhammer season. It's not dangerously loud as long as I keep all the windows closed, but it's annoying af.
      1. New Guy likes this.
    21. SugarMagnolia
      Dental update: So I had my teeth cleaned with the sonic tool. My perception of T increased for a few days, but my T did not increase :)
      1. lucy_snow, rdz, New Guy and 2 others like this.
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      3. lucy_snow
        Oh my god, i was waiting for this update soooo much. I need to have my root canal retreatment done and at this point i'm climbing up the walls with fear. But you gave me hope.
        May 31, 2019
        SugarMagnolia and Bill Bauer like this.
      4. lucy_snow
        Does Sonic tool is the same as ultra sound tool?
        May 31, 2019
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
      5. SugarMagnolia
        Ultrasonic, yes.
        May 31, 2019
        lucy_snow likes this.
    22. SugarMagnolia
      My dentist appointment is for Tuesday. I feel like I've scheduled my execution.
      1. Gman and Jack Straw like this.
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      3. SugarMagnolia
        @Bill Bauer I felt fine after the filling. There was very little drilling. A few seconds at a time. No change to my T, so I scheduled a cleaning since I had a lot of tartar. That was yesterday. Now I THINK my T is louder, but I'm hoping it's just my perception. I'm worried because usually when it's only my perception, I’m okay the next day. Today it still seems louder and I'm afraid I made a bad choice.
        May 15, 2019
      4. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        Was the cleaning done manually, or was it done with an ultrasonic tool?
        May 15, 2019
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
      5. SugarMagnolia
        Some of both. I had the drill last week, the sonic and the polishing tool this week. Hopefully it's my perception that has increased and not the tinnitus. I need more time to be sure.
        May 17, 2019
    23. SugarMagnolia
      An enormous filling just fell out of my molar. I'm so fucked :(
      1. OnceUponaTime
        Oh oh!!! :(
        May 1, 2019
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
    24. SugarMagnolia
      Why is the "comment" button gone??
      1. Strife_84 likes this.
      2. New Guy
        New Guy
        It's back!
        Apr 23, 2019
        SugarMagnolia and Strife_84 like this.
      3. SugarMagnolia
        Apr 24, 2019
        New Guy likes this.
    25. SugarMagnolia
      Got water in my ear. After 10 minutes of tilting my head, I felt the water dislodge but I didn't feel anything drip out. Now it feels weird.
      1. Striveon
        Did the water in your ear get out and did it worsen your T?
        Apr 23, 2019
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
      2. SugarMagnolia
        I'm assuming it got out when I felt the drop dislodge. It felt weird for a while but my T did not change.
        Apr 24, 2019
    26. SugarMagnolia
      I took one dose of Azithromycin (500 mg). I can't say for sure if my T is affected because my anxiety is still sky-high. Time will tell.
      1. OnceUponaTime
        I hope you feel better soon.
        Mar 7, 2019
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
      2. Gman
        What about now? Are you ok?
        Mar 9, 2019
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
      3. SugarMagnolia
        It was one pill only. It had no affect on my tinnitus.
        Mar 10, 2019
        Gman, Bill Bauer and OnceUponaTime like this.
    27. SugarMagnolia
      The doctor wants me to have a CT scan and I'm terrified. I don't think I can do it. (Where's that crying emoji when I need it.)
      1. Holly1987 and Drone Draper like this.
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      3. SugarMagnolia
        Feb 20, 2019
      4. Johan_L
        EVERYTHING you do in life is taking a risk. You can choose to never sit in a car or cross a street ever again. There might be a drunk driver around the corner! Sitting in front of a computer is not good for your health (I know, I have RSI pain and bad posture), maybe you should never use a computer again? You have to calculate risk vs benefit. I am guessing the risks of not getting it done outweight the risks.
        Feb 20, 2019
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
      5. SugarMagnolia
        @Johan_L I understand your point about risk vs benefit. It is all a gamble. I suppose the rational choice is to gamble and hope for good luck. Part of my problem is that most of the people I know who have had medical treatment had bad luck.
        Feb 20, 2019
    28. SugarMagnolia
      On Friday my job is going to have a test of their emergency system. For two hours there will be random messages and tones. The memo says ...
      1. SugarMagnolia
        ... "please expect that the messages and tones may be, at times, quite loud." If they think the messages and tones are loud, imagine how loud they must be!!

        The memo also says "No action is necessary on your part." That's right. No action is required on my part because Friday is my day off! Thank goodness!
        Jan 31, 2019
      2. SugarMagnolia
        Still, reading the memo is so scary. If it wasn't my day off, I would have to call in sick. And if I wasn't an employee and I just happened to be there at that time, I would probably be permanently damaged. It's a reminder that no matter careful I am, additional permanent damage is just one instance of bad timing away.
        Jan 31, 2019
      3. TheDanishGirl
        I was gonna say: call in sick, but good for you you already have the day off :)
        Jan 31, 2019
        Phendran and SugarMagnolia like this.
    29. SugarMagnolia
      Just had an ocd meltdown complete with uncontrollable screaming. Now my ear hurts :( Hope I didn't make my T worse. I'm my own worst enemy.
      1. Holly1987 and Jack Straw like this.
    30. SugarMagnolia
      OMG. On the phone, I got feedback like the feedback that gave me my T. I was on speakerphone so it wasn't against my ear but it was loud af.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. New Guy
        New Guy
        I hope/pray it's a non issue for you. Keep us posted.
        Jan 30, 2019
        SugarMagnolia likes this.
      3. SugarMagnolia
        My T didn't spike but it gave me quite a scare. This is why I only use speakerphone. After my accident, I was afraid to put a phone to my ear. And now I know that my decision was the right one. You never know when someone's bluetooth or whatever will emit high-pitched feedback. It's bad enough coming from a speakerphone. I wouldn't want it directly in my bad ear (or in my good ear, which I want to stay my good ear).
        Jan 30, 2019
        New Guy and Bill Bauer like this.
      4. New Guy
        New Guy
        Glad to hear SugMag. Thanks for giving us the heads up about phones.
        Jan 30, 2019
        SugarMagnolia and Bill Bauer like this.
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Acoustic Trauma
    I acquired tinnitus at 3PM on February 5, 2016. I was attempting to use a speaker phone on a conference call. I couldn't hear anything, so I thought it wasn't on speaker phone any more. I put the phone to my left ear and at that moment, feedback blasted into my ear. That was the last I knew of silence.

    The ringing in my ear has been exactly the same from that moment until 4PM on February 27, 2018 when I sat in the wrong chair in a doctor's waiting room. The door made a high-pitched beep whenever the door opened and the door was on my left side. Someone opened the door and my ear got blasted. The tinnitus sound went up and for the first time I felt "fullness" in my ear. Until this moment I didn't know what people meant by fullness. That's my tale of woe.