Tinnitus Sound and Intensity Changed After Osteopathy Treatment

Discussion in 'Support' started by SNK07, Apr 17, 2023.

    1. SNK07

      SNK07 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sound Exposure

      I am quite new to Tinnitus Talk. I have been suffering from tinnitus since August 2022. I would say I have moderate tinnitus with hyperacusis and sometimes noxacusis. My tinnitus is on the left side and for months I have also been hearing the sound slightly on the right.

      13 days ago I had a manipulation of the cervical spine and also a treatment of the jaw and neck by an osteopath who is also a chiropractor.

      Since then my tinnitus has been much louder and aggressive. The sound changed from high pitched to an electrical sound. After the osteopathy, I had sore muscles and the tinnitus was louder and my ears were very sensitive. I had the feeling that the nerves in my head were going crazy.

      The sound in the right ear and the sensitivity have improved, but the sound in the left ear is still high and very aggressive. On the weekend, the left ear was much better but tonight the ears were so sensitive and I had this electrical sound again, which caused insomnia.

      Has anyone had a similar experience? The osteopath said that in rare cases the worsening of symptoms can last 2 weeks. I am scared and not sure if the osteopath has worsened my tinnitus permanently.

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