Tinnitus Started a Month Ago from Build Up of Earwax

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by alexp2000, Apr 7, 2020.

    1. alexp2000

      alexp2000 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hello all

      Started getting a build up of ear wax in mid-February this year before suddenly I lost most of my hearing in my left ear (where it had built up). I got some olive oil drops from the chemist but after a week or so I went to the doctors to get microsuction. I had already noticed a slight ringing had started in my left ear before going to the appointment. After the wax was removed my hearing instantly returned and the doctor is confident my ears are in good shape (he's not an ENT though)

      Unfortunately the tinnitus remained after the appointment (was at the start of March) as has remained since. I know it's early days and most of what I've read online suggests it should fade and disappear over the next few months, although obviously like most I'm concerned it will remain.

      I'm a 37 year old male who's fit & healthy thankfully. One thing that does concern me is that the ringing now seems more prominent in my right ear and I can feel a little bit of 'pressure' in that ear. The doctor said he couldn't see any wax in the right ear though back at the appointment.

      I know the advice is the relax and not worry about it but just wondering if it would be worth seeing an ENT or if there's anything else I should be doing? I'm getting lot's of sleep, avoiding alcohol and have stopped using headphones since it started.

      Any help or advice greatly received!
    2. DebInAustralia
      No Mood

      DebInAustralia Member Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Geelong, Victoria
      Tinnitus Since:
      Sorry this has happened to you.

      I know it may difficult to arrange an extended audiogram at this time, but if you can do one in person, or online, that might give you a hint as to what is causing your tinnitus.

      I ended up with tinnitus in 2013 after an external ear infection and treatment with an ototoxic medication.

      The temporary conductive hearing loss associated with the ear infection (according to my audio) led to an increase in my brain's central gain (with my background with a mild bilateral NIHL), so that my tinnitus was by then, very obvious.

      Tinnitus can resolve and/ fade. Either way, you will be OK.

      To tell you to relax is easier said than done. We all understand your worry.

      These are things that helped me:

      . Sleep
      . Stay busy, distracted
      . Avoid loud noise
      . Self care in the form of meditation, mindfulness, hypnosis, baths etc
      . In particular, the back to silence thread on here ( have a look at the back to silence youtube video), and Silvenes excellent posts on this site
      . Avoid ear syringing
      . Could try some gaba promoting supps eg., L theanine, magnesium, passionflower, zinc

      I would focus on the back to silence thread. It has been the most helpful.
    3. Agrajag364

      Agrajag364 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Absolutely it can go away and even if it doesn’t it can fade to nonproblematic lower levels. As the advice goes, most important thing is to ignore it.
    4. monkey124

      monkey124 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      January 2020
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi there, sorry to jump in on your thread. Sorry to hear we’re all suffering as well. I’ve had mild tinnitus for nearly three months but seems to be fading more day by day and becoming easier to ignore. I was just wondering re the extended hearing test and it giving you a clue as to what has caused the tinnitus. If there a drop of the higher frequencies could that mean noise induced? Thanks! @DebInAustralia
      • Winner Winner x 1
    5. AUTHOR

      alexp2000 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thanks Deb, some really good advice there. Will check out the back to silence thread, I guess most of us have a bit more spare time at the moment! Will probably get my right ear checked by an ENT once things start to re-open as it definitely seems more concentrated there now having started on the left side.
    6. Aaaron8

      Aaaron8 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Feb 20
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi Deb, were you able to get diagnosed with tinnitus from ototoxic med or was it a process of elimination?

    7. DebInAustralia
      No Mood

      DebInAustralia Member Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Geelong, Victoria
      Tinnitus Since:
      I have 2 theories.

      Temporary conductive hearing loss from an external ear infection, which caused my central gain to be cranked up background of hearing loss). My audiologist thinks this is the likely cause (but couldn't comment on cipro)


      Ciprofloxacillin which is a class of antibiotic, that is known to derange the GABA-A receptors. I scoured the net for FQ toxicity, and was mortified that I trusted my ENT team to administer this poison to me.

      I've experienced other symptoms/adverse effects, which are commonly associated with FQ toxicity ie., spontaneously ruptured plantar fascia ligament, landing me in a moon boot for 8 months, severe anxiety and development of OCD, plus long QT syndrome.

      How are you doing?
      • Like Like x 1
    8. DebInAustralia
      No Mood

      DebInAustralia Member Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Geelong, Victoria
      Tinnitus Since:
    9. Aaaron8

      Aaaron8 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Feb 20
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Aw that socks, I'm sorry to hear that.

      I'm OK, I didn't originally think mine was caused by otoxicity however I was given ciprofloxacin also for an ear infection. I'm disgusted that I took them as I don't believe I even had an ear infection however tinnitus did start 2 weeks later. I only took the drops for a few days and was only taking one drop 3 times a day (which was less than the 4 drops twice a day instructions) then I stopped as I read up on the drops. I would love to know how many people take those drops and don't develop tinnitus.

      I'm three weeks in and still hoping that its temporary however I'm moving into the state of accepting now that its now here to stay. I can still feel that my ear isn't fine (popping noise full feeling sometimes, the odd ache) but the most frustrating thing for me is the not knowing what is the issue. Until then I don't really know what course of action to take. I Haven't been able to get assessed by ENT due to ongoing issues in the world and unlikely to for a few months yet.

      My tinnitus isn't that loud and I could cope with it at the level it is now in both ears however I had an spike 2 days ago which was frightening. There was no level of sound that could take my mind of it but 24 hours later and it went back down again.

      Still very new to this but trying my best to stay positive even though I have no idea what to do to try and aid it.

      I hope yours isn't causing you too much trouble and hope it disappears someday.


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