
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Niko, Nov 24, 2012.

    1. Niko

      Niko Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I got tinnitus 2000, at a club where they played the music over the limits, so much that I walked away after a while. That night I had a ringing in the ear, just as you sometimes get when not having tinnitus.
      In the morning the noise was there and that scared me, because this was the first time experience, and I didn't even know what tinnitus was.
      It went away same day, unfortunately we decided to go back to the club that day, hoping they would play the music lower, and we where on a holiday.
      They didn't so we walked away after 10 minutes. Those 10 minutes gave me tinnitus ever since then. But it never bothered me because it was very low and only heard at sleep if I was thinking of it.

      Last month I got bad tinnitus, tinnitus I can now hear even in noisy areas, and it's breaking me apart.
      I have myself to blame because I was listening to headphone music really loud for two hours. It was loud but I didn't feel that it was over the limit, although it was around 98-103 db.
      Ever since 2000 I have used mp3 players been to clubs playing probably over 100 db music and never had any increase in the T.
      So I don't know what happened this time.
      It even increase now if I'm in noisy areas and the T gets louder that day when I go to sleep, it never was like this.

      What have gone wrong? Why is my T now acting like this?

      It is from my right ear, and my right ear I think I had problems with infection as a child like many other, but I could hear clear from it, but the sound coming in from the right ear was a little different from the left that was all clear, from the right it felt like I heard a little buzz of the sound, if I closed my left ear and compared them both.

      I bought a device from Ebay, ultrasound treatment, with no effort so far. Well the T doesn't have the same scorching tone like in the beginning, when it felt like a motor saw sawing through a big rock, now the T is like a low pitch sound, just like when you are at the ear doctor being tested.

      Now I also started with the Ear ringing pellets, holistic medicine, for two days, with no effort, and don't think it will help.

      Please advise me about this, and can I hope for the next months any chances for it to go away, I read that if it goes away it's within the three months.
    2. Petloy

      Petloy Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Niko, noise trauma can be cumulative, had you had a hearing test yet? Go and see an ENT also have your ears checked. Give your ears a break from loud music and noises.
    3. AUTHOR

      Niko Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Indeed, although I think it's here to stay now at this noise level. The first three weeks I was wearing earplugs whenever I went out, and that kind of lowered it a bit, but still it was much higher from what I have been used to, and I could still hear it like in a train or bus.

      This last week I have tried without earplugs, like when in university, when the teacher is speaking I measured it around 70-80 db. Just that increased my T back to same start levels from last month, besides how it sounds, as I said it no more sounds like a motorsaw going through a rock.

      Should I wear earplugs again and hope the ears need rest from db over 60, in this case maybe the damage will heal.
      With earplugs the noise actually went down quite a bit, but just one day at school without it brought it right back.

      I'm waiting two months for to see a T specialist.
    4. Petloy

      Petloy Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Dont wear earplugs all the time you might develop hyperacusis which is sensitivity to sound...less than 80-85 dcb is fine.
    5. AUTHOR

      Niko Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Is 8 hours a day ok? When going out to, at and from uni? Thinking people wear protection in certain work situations daily, maybe it shouldn't be a problem if I do it for two months.

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