TMJ Therapy

Discussion in 'Support' started by Carlos1, Dec 10, 2013.

    1. Carlos1

      Carlos1 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Root Canal
      Ok so I've had 3 TMJ therapy sessions and last nite I woke up and my T was gone I stayed awake for 30 min enjoying the silence went back to sleep woke up this morning and its back again. Not sure what to think about what happened. One thing I know is that sleep is a crucial element to getting any relief.
      Maybe just maybe one day it will be gone. I hope and pray for all.
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    2. Golly

      Golly Member Benefactor

      New York City
      Tinnitus Since:

      Like many of us, you might find that sleep can either relieve or trigger tinnitus, regardless of the root cause. As far as I can tell, this property is typical of intermittent tinnitus. Certainly in my case, tinnitus never simply vanishes during the day, whether it be through exercise, medication, trigger point therapy, whatever! What turns it off is sleep. And after a wonderful day of silence, I will typically wake up to find the tinnitus has returned.

      One of many things that is unclear about this phenomenon is whether the tinnitus sets in (or disappears) upon waking or at some other point in the night. Why or how this happens is a mystery.

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    3. NeoM

      NeoM Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      What kind of symptoms where you having before someone officially diagnosed you with TMJ?
    4. Liesel

      Liesel Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      What kind of therapy have you been using?

      I'm experiencing TMJ problems as well, and I'll be starting treatment soon.
    5. Dan Reagan

      Dan Reagan Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      What kind of doctor does TMJ treatments? I was told by a specialized dentist all they could do was sell me a $2000 apparatus to wear over my bottom teeth at night for the rest of my life.
    6. Liesel

      Liesel Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Dentists sometimes, but more often orthodontists.

      I'm not sure if the price on that is correct, but the treatment assessment is. That's all most people need. A simple mouth guard. It can also potentially be fixed with braces, rescaping the enamel, or surgery. But none of those are quite as likely to solve the problem, and aren't reversible.

      And just so you're aware, the process should be more than just "selling you it". Most mouth guards need minor adjustments in the first few months.
    7. Stevek

      Stevek Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I am planning to see a neuromuscular dentist to see if TMJ is causing my unilateral tinnitus - would love to know if anyone has had success with this
    8. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Carlos1 hello mate,anyway you can see if you are grinding your teeth at night? that will put massive pressure on the TMjs

      TMJ if you have it is no quick fix ,trust me,If you genuinly have TMJD it can take month and months of treatment ,difficult to treat and cure ,much work putting the teeth in the right angles etc.

      Been there got the T shirt ,Your better off not having TMJD. than hoping its the reason for your Tinnitus.
    9. Per

      Per Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I remember waking up grinding my teeth the day I got T. I remember it vividly cause in addition to that terrible loud high pitched sound I suddenly had going on I noticed my jaw was tired. After that day I've noticed that I grind my teeth periodically at daytime as well. None of this grinding business went on prior to T. Although I've shared this at my two ENT assessments TMJ has never been a topic. I have also shared this with the audiologist, same silent response. A couple of months ago I actually called a hospital to track down a specialist in jaw dysfunctions, to my surprise I managed to get him on the phone directly. He dismissed me totally and seemed uninterested in my problems, he made it short telling me that TMJ is extremely rare and never been proven to create T. I was very surprised to hear this cause it didn't correspond with the information I had read.

      I guess I tick a lot of boxes making it almost impossible to identify the cause of my T&H. I honestly think this is one of the hardest things, not knowing can be a heavy load to carry, especially in terms of potential treatment methods. To know HOW to treat something one needs to know WHAT caused it, TMJ is one of those foggy weird potential T provocateurs. Add to growing list of potential causes :(

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