Two sounds from the same ear?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Angelique, Jul 15, 2013.

    1. Angelique

      Angelique Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Guys,

      Not sure what time it is over there but here's it is 1.30 a.m. in the morning. Now I was asleep until it woke me again, a pulslating whoosing sound coming from my right ear. It wasn't loud but enough to wake me into concensious. It happened on Sunday morning around the same time, go figure?

      It's bad enough having to get to sleep with the hissing/ringing in my both ears but to have this noise compete is scaring the hell out of me, what's going on? I haven't read anyone talking about hearing two sounds before?

      I have noticed over the past few days that I have been feeling a litle off but put that down to the fact that I'm not sleeping properly and worrying about this T stuff. I am not dizzy or feeling sick, just a sensation of heat from within and a mild headache (not enough to warrant a painkiller). Any ideas folks? I saw another doctor yesterday who wasn't even wanting to get it checked out by an ENT, I had to insist that he refer me.

      Someone please respond, I'm all alone here and frightened to go back to sleep.

    2. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Multiple sounds are common. I hear high-pitched ringing and clicking sounds in my left ear.

      Pulsatile tinnitus + high-pitched ringing isn't an uncommon combination either. I think our @Karen has that, amongst some others.

      Try not to worry, but if the pulsating sound continues, there may be an underlying, even treatable cause for it. It's wise to mention to your ENT that you experience pulsatile tinnitus. He or she can then refer you for further tests.

      Some people with high blood pressure experience pulsatile whooshing. There are a multitude of other causes, also. Is your blood pressure normal?

      There's a good site for pulsatile tinnitus here:
    3. JayD

      JayD Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:

      I have the same thing. Pulsating, whooshing deeper sound in my left ear that pulsates unevenly, not at heart rate. Plus hissing/ringing high pitched continuous sound on the right/center. Funny thing with the pulsating deeper sound is that it tends to be masked easily with ambient sounds. Like for example when I hear some traffic going by outside my window it completely stops, when the traffic passes it comes slowly back on. I am also new to tinnitus. I have it for about two months now. The first few weeks were very tough for me, as I didn't know what was going on. I've got all the usual reactions: panic, anxiousness, sleeplessness, depression, change of personality and fear. I have some sleeping pills and I wake up every day at 3 or 4 am. I believe - as many people on this site say - things will get better with time. A few months ago I was taking life for granted. Now I know what really matters in life. It has been a real eye opener for me.

      Wishing you well a many thanks to the makers of this wonderful website.

    4. Per

      Per Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      It's been a real eye opener for me too JayD. I have cried a lot and in just a month I've changed in concern to my life values. I actually have more compassion for people now, I see the world with different eyes, almost like I'm not interested in the small problems any more. Sound has become so important now, hope for it to be less so. I need my life back. A life with T. Hm, it's tuff to acknowledge and accept but this forum gives me hope.
    5. JayD

      JayD Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Per,

      I've cried too. I am 48 years old. I think, this may be the biggest challenge I have faced so far. Perhaps, I put it right next to the time when my wife was diagnosed with cancer and she went through chemotherapy. I prayed everyday for her to beat the illness and so far (knock on wood) it looks like she did. At that time we had one year old baby. I know one thing - we must just hang in there, pray and let the brain to try to adjust to it. I wish as well to have the pre-tinnitus life back and be my old self and maybe we will, if the tinnitus decides to disappear on its own or there will be something for it. However, I think the new self may not be necessarily miserable and thinking about tinnitus all the time. At least I wish that's how it will go. My son is 9 now. I need to be here for him and do all the things dads and sons do together. I am determined to do that.

      Recently, I found out that my father-in-law has had tinnitus for about 35 years. When he was just 20 years old he had contracted a virus while in swimming pool. The virus killed 2 young people a left him partially deaf. His tinnitus developed out of that. I know him for about 20 years and I had no slightest idea he has ringing in his ears. He was, and is, always cheerful and fun guy to be around.

      • Like Like x 1
    6. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, @Angelique,

      I hope you're doing better this afternoon. It is not unusual to have two or more sounds with tinnitus. I have the high-pitched, continuous hissing sound, too, and I also have pulsatile tinnitus (both are in my right ear only). My pulsating is continuous, however. I don't notice it very much during the day, but at night, it is hard to get to sleep.

      Did it just start suddenly, in the middle of the night? That's pretty much what happened to me, too. I first noticed mine three years ago, at night. Since then, I've been to several doctors, and had an MRI/MRA and a CT scan. So far, no one has been able to determine a cause.

      As Markku says, there are many causes for PT, and it is best to be checked out to see if there is any underlying condition that may be treatable. I'm glad you've been referred to an ENT; possibly he can help you, or give you some guidance on what to do next.

      Take care and keep us posted. If you would like to talk more about PT, I'd be happy for you to send me a private message.

      Best wishes,
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
    7. Per

      Per Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      We have both been trough a lot of stuff, we know how unpredictable life can be. I'm glad to hear your wife got well and that you have a nice relationship with your kid. Treasure that. I will have a look at my life now and see if I can be more outgoing and perhaps let love into my life - it's been almost a life without it.

      Sometimes I have strange toughs like "I wonder if Warren Buffet got loud T, would that result in a cure?" I just can't understand why this condition is so incurable and I've been so set down by the negativity of the doctors. C'mon! It's 2013, people was sent to the moon 43 years ago, it should be achievable to cure this thing. When President Kennedy stated officially that the moon project was going to be a main goal the ball started rolling, imaging if he said: "I am officially declaring the beginning of the war against tinnitus. We are going to beat this thing, not matter what!" Do we really believe they would fail? Don't thinks so. It's all about focus, resources, will and money of course. Research cost money and it has to be a will to find a cure. The medication industry and the chemist business needs to see the cash-point. It's just how the world ticks. I mean, imagine if the five most richest people in the world had loud T? I think that would make the ball role.

      Yes Jay, let's stick together and feel the power of that. The internet is in many ways a great pill when used correctly. Support is the best medicine for me right now.
    8. JayD

      JayD Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Angelique,

      Hope you are doing well and things are getting better. I am also so glad that I have found Tinnitus Talk, I can't stop reading it. Wishing you all the best and I believe that we'll come out if it strong.

    9. Paint girl

      Paint girl Member

      British Columbia Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Car accident/ head injury.
      I to have more then one sound, a humming and a few frequencies on a higher pitch. It's tough, I know, I'm going through a hard time as mine has gotten louder and I should be sleeping but I can't due to anxiety.
    10. Jade

      Jade Member Benefactor

      Sunshine Coast, Australia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Genetics, Beats by Dre, Work
      @Paint girl,

      I am so sorry to hear you are struggling :cry: what was it that actually caused your (T) to get louder and when I am anxious that all I can hear is my (T) im sure like myself when your having a PA and so so anxious about the constant ringing in your ears it appears so much louder then it is normally, I hope you catch some Z's

    11. Paint girl

      Paint girl Member

      British Columbia Canada
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Car accident/ head injury.
      I did manage to catch some sleep it was a rough night though. Mine was caused by dental work, but then I had ozone therapy in my ears a couple days ago and it seems worse. It's hard to cope with, and it was the sound of the stream on my iPhone that helped me to relax. I hope yours gets better, I know what your going through and how scary it is. I wish there was a call in line when your in the middle of sheer panic. Take care and talk to you later
      • Like Like x 1
    12. Robert Fahey

      Robert Fahey Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Jan, 2012
      After I got an MRI two years ago, I swore up and down the T was louder, but in hindsight I was just anxious about the noise exposure. I don't think it really became louder.

      Two noises yes: If I say up late enough and I'm really tired, I start picking up the thrum of a distant helicopter that never seems to arrive -- this in addition to the usual electric mosquito, so that's two noises. The thrum vanishes if I tilt my head a certain way.
    13. AUTHOR

      Angelique Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Guys,

      When I thought that I was coping with my T the whooshing sound came back, I was trying to read but couldn't so I tried to sleep but couldn't. I saw an ENT recently and had a MRI which came back 'no problems'. The ENT didn't seem to care, said that if I had my T for a year then he might think about doing something. Easy for him to say, what if the tables were turned? Should I go back to my Doctor and tell her about the whooshing or am I wasting my time? I had two days when my T was so low it was like heaven but now it's back to normal except with this whooshing pulsatile tinnitus is also back.

      Karen what do you do to cope? I am not coping well at all.
    14. Per

      Per Member

      Tinnitus Since:

      An ENT that obviously doesn't care is not worth re-visiting in my mind. Doctors needs to deserve the money they take from us. Money for nothing? Forget it. It's important that we make them aware of this. I'm planning more assessments in my own country when I move back this autumn, I'll make sure to bring a player with a synthesized simulation of my T with me, I think they need to hear what we are struggling with - but something tells me that many doctors wouldn't care anyhow, they just want to get you out of the door.
    15. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi all,its rotten this isnt it absoloutely rotten ,but by the looks of it we can all put some sounds on and knock it out.
      When its bad try an remember Portsmouth a guy on the RNID forums .Completely deaf and many different sounds of Tinnitus ....imagine that and get some comfort that we are not that poor guy.He can never ever get away from it
    16. aura

      aura Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      This is by far my biggest nightmare... going deaf and still having tinnitus! Considering I've been diagnosed with incipient otosclerosis, this could be my future! How can you deal with something like that?!

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