Very Sensitive to Antidepressants, Any Advice?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Atara, Jan 29, 2017.

    1. Atara

      Atara Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Strongly believe it to be Otomize ear spray
      Have had tinnitus for a month, developed, I believe, after taking prescribed Optimize ear spray. I think I definitely need help with an anti depressant. Am signed off teaching and am experiencing severe anxiety from tinnitus.. Tried mirtazapine, helped a little with anxiety but bad physical reaction. Anyone else very sensitive to anti depressants/ drugs (had bad reaction to Nytol). Need recommendations on anti depressant. Am a (too) slim woman, aged 48.

      Stuck on Zopiclone for three weeks now, any better sleeping pill for longer term use? Had a week and a half of no sleep without a sleeping pill. Find it impossible to relax down to sleep.

      Hope someone can help with one or both enquiries.
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
    2. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      Antidepressants can spike tinnitus and not all help with sleep.
      Nortryptaline is a well tolerated AD and will help you sleep and better for long term use than zopiclone.
      Nortryptaline can help reduce tinnitus for some people and help sleep and anxiety...I take 50mg and sleep well and has helped my tinnitus .
      Amitryptaline is its cousin and can do the same but not as gentle with side effects....lots of love glynis
      • Like Like x 1
    3. Jett

      Jett Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Post concussion syndrome
      I am also hypersensitive to virtually
      Every AD and anxiety drug (only benzo ones have helped)l have tried ( maybe 8 of the AD ones)for my terrible post concussion anxiety and resultant
      severe depression that has been going on for a year now.I basically can't find any AD that doesn't kill me with side effects.You might try Buspar , a different type of drug,for the anxiety, but even it didn't help much for me, I tried Nortryptaline like Glynis but it also was a
      No go, my latest drug attempt is Trileptal
      Which is actually a seizure med that can be used off label for anxiety, so far it seems to not help much and only aggravates the ringing hours after I take it.Only Klonopin (benzo)has worked for helping slow the anxiety so far ,with any relief at all,but it's not for depression and
      It's not good long term.If u first get the awful anxiety under control ,the depression should hopefully drop some.So If u
      Can't seem to tolerate anything ,try Klonopin
      To slow the anxiety. For the moment for me only Zolpidem works for 4- 5 hours of sleep now, u could try Restoril(Tamazapam) for sleep to
      Catch your breath , but I kept waking up after only acouple hours on it ,hypersensitivity makes this whole thing a thousand times worse, but take it one day at a time.these are not drugs u want long term but if
      It's all u can do for any relief right now, try to use as little of them as u can.
    4. Candy

      Candy Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      The first few weeks are the worst, you will eventually resume your routine or some routine and feel more tired as a result and hopefully it will result in easier sleep. Do you hear your T in the day?

      Where are you based in the UK?

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