Vibrating Sound in the Ear

Discussion in 'Support' started by Tintintin, Mar 16, 2015.

    1. Tintintin

      Tintintin Member


      I'm 18 years old. Five days ago i noticed something strange before i went to bed. I felt vibration in my right ear and a mild sound in addition. My first thought was that it might be related to the muscles, because it sounded quite similar. But next day the sound was still there.
      It have kind of a motorboat like sound, the sound is actually not that high. The vibration makes it worse. it goes like zrrr zrr zrr zr zzzzr and is kind og spatial.

      I listen to music a lot. Especially when I'm sitting on the bus on the way to school. Sometimes very high. But nevertheless I don't think this was the main problem to the sound(tinnitus?). The day i got the tinnitus I didn't listen to music, instead i was thinking a lot. There was a riddle i was doing. I wanted to solve it, so i focused a lot to that. I visualised in my head, and maybe spent 30+ minutes on that riddle alone + i did the same on the way back with the train. And the same night i got this sound in my ears.

      The next four days I refrained from music. I didn't listen to it at all. And i tried Magnesium the third and the fourth day(don¨t know if this was the cause of the vanishment), suddenly it went away the fourth evening! But it didnt last long, the next day, in the evening, it came back. I took my precations and decided to not listen to music at all the next week, so i didnt listen to music this day, why did it come back? Is it really tinnitus? Whats disturbing me most are the vibrations. The sound is actually very low, but the vibrations are making it louder, but in total its mild. I can only hear it when its silent. But it is still disturbing. Help.
    2. AlecP

      AlecP Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma (I think)
      I would take this as an early warning sign and start to protect your ears a bit more. I was the same as you, always listening to music, using headphones and headsets with the sound up loud, over time damage that you won't notice just builds up. Except you have noticed something, it may be tinnitus, it's probably temporary but you've been given an early warning that's brought you hear.

      Now I'm not saying to never listen to music, or never go clubbing, or always wear ear plugs 24/7...what I'm saying is just be careful from now on. You don't want it getting worse and ending up with possibly permanent T like the majority of people here :)

      As far as dealing with the current sound, I would suggest simply going about your daily life, mask the sound as much as possible and eventually your brain should tune it out!

      Good luck!
      • Agree Agree x 1
    3. Chelles

      Chelles Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      I get the muscle spasms in my ear too it's called middle ear myoclonus and I've had it on and off for 5 months. I find that magnesium helps and if you want to stop the vibration try wearing s foam earplug it won't stop it all the way but you won't feel the teitching as much.
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    4. AUTHOR

      Tintintin Member

      Thanks AlecP! :)

      I've noticed that Chelles. When i put something in my ears like earplugs, or even my finger, it makes it less painful. Is this a permanent condition? And what is the cause of this? Loud music?
    5. Chelles

      Chelles Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      @Tintintin as far as the doctor said it might be a vitamin deficiency but there are cases when the muscles go into spasms for no apparent reason. I think the pain you feel is from your ear being sore from the continuous muscle twitching I get that too mine hurts and feels warm inside. I don't think is due to loud music since I never listen to music with headphones or any loud music at all. Have you had your vitamin d checked? Vitamin d deficiency causes muscle spasms I just started taking it lets hope it helps.
    6. AUTHOR

      Tintintin Member

      1.5 weeks now. I can still hear it when it's silent, everyday i wake up and hope it's gone. I've tried to protect my ears, stopped listening to music with headphones, just low volume on the computer. And I wear ear plugs sometimes. And I take vitamin D. Should I start worrying now?
    7. AUTHOR

      Tintintin Member

      Sometimes I wake up and I find out it is not there. But it comes back one way or another in a few hours. (or minutes)
    8. AlecP

      AlecP Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma (I think)
      @Tintintin that sucks man, but it's still very early days! Absolutely try not to worry about it as it will only raise your awareness of the sounds/feeling. Avoid silence as much as you can too :) Chances are that it will probably go away within 6 weeks. If not that soon, then a couple of months!
    9. Chelles

      Chelles Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      @Tintintin do you only have a noise or do you feel your middle ear moving?
    10. AUTHOR

      Tintintin Member

      Yes I feel something moving in there and that is the main problem to the noise, I think.

      Yesterday, it was gone for 1 and half day, I could hear the silence. Now, it is back again.
    11. AUTHOR

      Tintintin Member

      Sitting behind the computer a lot as it is exams-periods. Therefore i need to listen to music and it makes a relief. I'm using mini-speakers, and the lowest decibels i can listen to get relief is around 60decibels(meassured with my android phone right close to the speaker), should i avoid music? What do you think?
    12. AUTHOR

      Tintintin Member

      I listened to music the whole day yesterday, whewn i woke up the tinnitus was kind of gone, it is still gone. (My ear feels kind of normal now, like when it was before i got the tinnitus)
      Should i continue to listen to music through speakers? (on low volume of course) The previous days i just had silence around me most of the time, but i wanted to try something new...

      Im still afraid of it coming back.
    13. AlecP

      AlecP Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma (I think)
      @Tintintin Keep doing whatever it is you're doing that reduces your tinnitus and your awareness of it! If you think it's getting better it probably is :) Listening to music that quiet is fine! Make sure that you don't monitor it, just go about your life!
    14. AUTHOR

      Tintintin Member

      Thanks, i will try!

      But i noticed something very strange. My "tinnitus" in the right ear is completely gone now, it feels normal. It has been gone for 2 days now, suddenly now something strange happened. I got tinntus in my left ear?? The sound is very different, its more like a tone((tttt tt ttttttt tttt ttt), and a bit higher, its not even vibrating, and when i put my fingers in the ear i can like hear the tone(which i couldnt when i had tinnitus in my right ear)

      Its a bit more high pitched, it scares me more than the first one.

      What is happening? Help?
    15. AUTHOR

      Tintintin Member

      What does this mean? Maybe i wasnt exposed to loud music anyway? Because then it should have been in the ear which had the hair cells damaged? What do you guys think?
    16. AlecP

      AlecP Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma (I think)
      @Tintintin Don't freak out! Just do the same as you did for your right ear :) You'll most likely find that it will go in your left as well.
    17. alin

      alin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud sound
      Hey..Tintinti are you feeling with the vibration ear? i think i have the same problem with my left one.
      Hope you are better !

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