Vibrations/Car Engine, Jaw Pain, Fluid Behind Eardrum, Bulging Eardrum, Neck Pain

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by kelmari, Feb 19, 2022.

    1. kelmari

      kelmari Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      High pitch 2020, rumbling 2021
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi all,

      I have quite an extensive history but I will try and keep to the point. Please read and skip to the end if you have to :sour:

      May 2020 I developed the worse headache I'd ever experienced. I had tingling in my left jaw, tingling in my nose and forehead, swollen neck, etc. Rushed to hospital and given IV steroids/antibiotics for suspected meningitis. A few days later I had to have a lumbar puncture. A week or so afterward, I woke up with high-pitched screaming tinnitus in my right ear. It was so loud I couldn't hear myself think, and my head felt hot. The noise would get louder as I got up and moved around, basically as my heart rate increased.

      It took a good year and a half but the noise eventually calmed down and I habituated. It would get loud again but it didn't bother me as it would calm down. However...

      December 2021 I woke up one Monday morning with a clogged ear. It was the first time I couldn't hear any external sound properly and it all seemed distorted. I had ear fullness too and I kept trying to pop my ear. I had severe sound distortion where I could hear the sound of escalators, fridges in the supermarket and even airplanes in the sky - I thought I was going mad.

      I was given a week's prescription of Cefalexin to take. I finished this, and the day after I took prochlorperazine for dizziness. I also had a lip biopsy in the middle of my lower lip as well as an MRI scan for my pelvis during this time!

      By the Friday I was awoken to the sound of a loud engine, car idling outside the house. I was like what is this?! It went away and would come in bursts. The audiologist said I had only slight hearing loss as well as fluid and a bulging eardrum. I still have a similar feeling and booked a private ENT appt who said I don't have any fluid, despite my GP and audiologist saying I do!

      A few weeks pass and it went away so I thought the fluid had drained. I was at the gym, hurt my back and at home, I was doing the dishes when I felt 'pop pop pop pop' in the same problem ear. The morning after this, the rumbling returned and it has been vibrating in the background since. Sometimes it can be so loud and intense it feels like my whole head is going to burst. The vibrations are intense.

      It's weird because when I plug my ear, it can stop it, but it returns again as soon as I unplug. If I don't, it can get so loud and I just can't function, sleep, eat or think.

      I'm wondering if anyone experienced similar and if their vibration/rumbling finally went? I do have inflammation in my face and jaw and I wonder if it's irritating my ear/middle ear somehow and causing fluid to accumulate which is irritating something in there? I also have a swollen neck so I wonder if it's vascular in nature, like a venous hum?

      I'm very stressed and worried about this. I feel silly for even stressing over the previous noise when this rumbling, vibration is absolute torture!
      • Hug Hug x 3
    2. Rockman

      Rockman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise, allergy
      The rumbling drone happened to me also. Sat down one night to go to bed and could hear this sound as if something was running outside. I searched the whole dang house trying to find the source, well I was the source. At first the fridge or AC would set it off. But slowly over time it settled down. I still have it but it's not as intrusive. Hopefully it fades fast for you.
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    3. AUTHOR

      kelmari Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      High pitch 2020, rumbling 2021
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thank you @Rockman. I hope it fades too. It actually went away for a few weeks but after my ear popping, it returned. It's very intrusive and alarming, almost difficult to ignore when it's bad. It woke me up one night and I felt like my entire head was vibrating.

      Do you know what this type of tone is related to? I do have the high pitch static but that's pretty much in the background now and doesn't bother me as much. This low generator type comes with vibrations that can cause pain which makes me really sick and uneasy, so it's hard to ignore.

      Did you find a cause for yours/how long did it last?
    4. Greg Sacramento

      Greg Sacramento Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Syringing + Somatic tinnitus from dental work
      Hi @kelmari, I saw today where you gave me a like and agree on two of my posts.

      Then I read your posts above.

      I think I can diagnose your causes and then provide you with some treatments.

      First could you answer a few questions?

      Have you had dental treatment where mouth was open for an extensive period?

      Have you had a procedure or operation where metal was placed?

      Do you have allergies and if so, when did this start - how long ago?
    5. AUTHOR

      kelmari Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      High pitch 2020, rumbling 2021
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hey @Greg Sacramento, thanks for your reply. Of course, see below:

      - I’ve had dental treatment in the past but I was told many times I have TMJ/D and need treatment. My jaw and face has been inflamed for the past 1.5 years.

      - No I haven’t had any procedures where metal was placed, unless dental fillings count? I only have these on the bottom teeth (top ones are all white fillings).

      - Known allergies are: nickel, cobalt, latex and gluten. I believe these started a few years ago.
    6. Rockman

      Rockman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise, allergy
      I guess I'm not sure what caused mine. I've had it for about 5 months.
    7. AUTHOR

      kelmari Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      High pitch 2020, rumbling 2021
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I’m glad it’s not as intrusive now for you at least. Keep us updated! Did you try anything to help or just waited?
    8. Rockman

      Rockman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise, allergy
      I just waited.
      • Like Like x 1
    9. Greg Sacramento

      Greg Sacramento Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Syringing + Somatic tinnitus from dental work
      Allergies may be the problem - extensive reaction to nickel and cobalt can also cause dermatitis. Inflammation from this is first directed to ear, but then often gets directed to jaw, facial and neck muscles. You can research causes, reactions and solutions to nickel and cobalt if you haven't already. Gluten can also cause inflammation and TMJ.

      A poor back and neck alignment can alter the jaw’s natural alignment. This causes neck muscle tension and sometimes flattening, and osteophyte formation is noted in the median atlantoaxial joints - top of neck. I don't think that any of this is primary for you.

      TMJ caused by allergy inflammation will often cause cortical thickening along the superior surface of the condyles.

      In the closed position the right condyle can be anterior to the center of the fossa - chewing gum can also increase this. Resultant space can be wide in right TMJ. The palatal vault and mandibular plane are sometimes deep and narrow. All this can be seen by a CBCT scan.

      I'll wait for comment before I continue.
    10. AUTHOR

      kelmari Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      High pitch 2020, rumbling 2021
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thanks for sharing @Rockman.

      How long did it last before it eased?

      I sometimes feel other parts of my body vibrating with this but it’s mostly from my neck and jaw I believe. My left side lower jaw feels so hot and inflamed, all down my neck to my shoulder and chest.

      So weird. I’ll update here regularly.
    11. AUTHOR

      kelmari Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      High pitch 2020, rumbling 2021
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thanks @Greg Sacramento.

      It does seem possible. I’ve ignored TMJ issues for years.

      I do know my jaw swells and hurts every day. I also have a tooth which had root canal many years ago that seems to be dying and hurting - could this be a cause?

      I’m guessing my lower lip biopsy can’t be it, perhaps too superficial? Although it did cut through to the muscle and I have tingling where they took tissue from.

      I can think of a few things that may have caused it. I hope the fluid in my ear drains soon, it looked like it was pushing my eardrum out.

      The sound distortion I had seemed to go back to normal for a bit but the weird hyperacusis returned. Now trying to deal with the weird, loud, intense, intermittent ‘vrmmmm’ generator in my ear
    12. Rockman

      Rockman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise, allergy
      It used to be very intense, then feel like it was off in the distance. Other times it would just shut off like a switch. It settled down after about a month. Now that I'm thinking about it, when the season changed into winter it really went down. I'm thinking it was the air conditioner that made it worse.
    13. AUTHOR

      kelmari Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      High pitch 2020, rumbling 2021
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Interesting. Did you ever have facial numbness or tingling? Any neck involvement, etc? Sorry if I asked before, rough night. ‍♀️
    14. Rockman

      Rockman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise, allergy
      No, I didn't have any numbness, tingling or neck involvement.
    15. Greg Sacramento

      Greg Sacramento Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Syringing + Somatic tinnitus from dental work
      Hi @kelmari, some thoughts - discussion. You will get better.

      I asked if you had any allergies and if you ever had any metal placed by a procedure because those being allergenic to metals also can have systematic or jaw inflammation.

      Reduced cerebrospinal fluid pressure after lumbar puncture could explain the origin of your vestibulocochlear dysfunction of slight hearing loss and tinnitus. Cerebrospinal fluid should not now be a continuing problem. Your sounds - hum should lessen.

      Lower lip biopsy maybe to test for Sjogren's is not a concern.

      A tooth which had root canal many years ago that seems to be dying and hurting is possible to cause inflammation.

      A sore pelvis can also relate to inflammation if caused from injury, but bad posture can also have association.

      TMJ can relate to this:

      How Do You Know If You Have TMJ Or Something Else? | TMJ Plus

      TMJ can be caused from having mouth open too wide for a long period when getting a dental procedure.

      TMJ can be caused by a poor back, pelvis (posture) and neck alignment - caused by muscle neck spasms that can alter the jaw’s natural alignment median C1 and atlantoaxial joints.

      Facial issues are caused by TMJ joints being excited by jaw muscle and often tongue twisting. Try to keep your jaw relaxed. Any tongue twisting will go away.

      Rumbling is from trauma - blood flow heard in ear - not often just due to only inflammation and within in ears, but from lumbar and C spine problems caused by muscle pressure. Your carotid arteries are fine. Rumbling, vibrations, unsteadiness, feeling disoriented and sick will go away - caused by muscle pressure to spine and C spine.

      Inflammation is an issue and it's saying why don't I go here - to other body weakness.

      Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome can be the result of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems and/or upper cervical spine problems - C1 and C2 vertebrae being out of proper alignment. Both can happen at the same time.

      Thinking that your ENT has ruled out ear problems.


      Agree - on inflammation (systematic) that is playing tag with jaw, neck and spine (pressure to muscles and joints). as all are sensitive.

      What is needed:

      Correct head posture - keep head straight to shoulders when using a keyboard. When using a computer or bending head to use an iPhone - every few minutes relax shoulders and straighten head to shoulders. This is needed for both neck and jaw health.

      See a physical therapist to examine lumber and C spine and associated muscles. Pelvis if needed as well.

      Visit your dentist and to look at your concerned tooth.

      You should consider seeing a Periodontal dentist for inflammation. Then maybe a TMJ specialist.

      Consider liquid Glycinate Magnesium three times a day with no more than 400 mg intake within 24 hours. This will help neck and jaw muscles, relax you a bit, and will help prevent hearing loss.

      Warmth compresses when needed on jaw, sides and back of neck, jaw and cheekbones with rung-out washcloths.

      Stay in touch.
      • Like Like x 1
    16. AUTHOR

      kelmari Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      High pitch 2020, rumbling 2021
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thank you for this! It’s very detailed. I was actually at the emergency dentist today because I thought I had a tooth infection. My face was tingling, head tingling, ear rumbling, shoulder all tight.

      The X-Ray showed I had the beginning of an infection in the root canal tooth - it was very small so not too advanced. I was given a Penicillin-based antibiotic in liquid form to take - as far as I know this isn’t ototoxic so it shouldn’t affect my ears.

      She also examined my jaw and cheek and said I had severe inflammation and a severe case of TMD It would be very much a coincidence if the fact I have all this inflammation on my left side and it isn’t somehow contributing to my vibration/humming sound!

      The dentist has told me to check in with myself every 30 minutes to ensure my jaw is relaxed and I’m on a strict liquid diet until I can meet with my max fax surgeon to discuss options to help my jaw.

      I also do have very bad posture and a hump at the back of my neck. I know the cause of this but it isn’t an easy fix (clue - at the front). My pelvis is also out if alignment and I have slipped discs in my lower spine. I do hope maybe some physio and strengthening can fix this. Also, I have flat feet, so that affects my knees which in turn affects my hips and spine.

      I plan to work on all of these areas and will update in the coming weeks.

      Thank you for your advice - stay tuned x
      • Like Like x 1
    17. AUTHOR

      kelmari Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      High pitch 2020, rumbling 2021
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Quick update - I've been following some instructions from my dentist while I await to see Max Fax about further treatment, and last night I performed some TMJ/Eustachian tube exercises/massages. I felt my jaw relax last night and drifted off to sleep but I awoke to really tight neck muscles and it seemed to set things off again.

      Tonight as I was sitting on my phone, I noticed more pressure in my ears and fluid feeling, then the tinnitus ramped up with some new tones/rhythms. This was in addition to strange tremors and pulling on the top of my head and twitching in my face/neck.

      I'm still having the vibration and hyperacusis along with that, but I wonder if this is a sign that any trapped fluid is moving or more accumulating?

      P.S. I do need a root canal done but worried how this will affect my ears?!

      I'm going to meet with another ENT as I'm so tired of my ears constantly popping, filling up, new sounds, no sleep, etc. I'll keep this thread updated. :)
      • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    18. Rockman

      Rockman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise, allergy
      Sometimes things get worse before they get better. Hopefully the exercises got the fluid moving out and you find some relief.
    19. Rockman

      Rockman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise, allergy
      How are you doing?
      • Good Question Good Question x 1
    20. GoatSheep

      GoatSheep Guest

      How are you doing? I also developed an engine running like sound and have no idea what caused it.
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