Who Honestly Thinks They're Going to Go Crazy from the Ringing

Discussion in 'Support' started by SCORPION, Oct 31, 2017.


      SCORPION Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Usmc shooting weapons
      I just want to raise awareness for folks that are going through this that you will not go crazy you just have to learn to adapt and overcome.

      Just to give you some positive feedback. I've been dealing with the ringing and the vertigo and anxiety attacks for 23yrs.

      Just relax give it time find out what white noise works for you don't reach for the pills all that does is ruin your health and makes you just not want to do anything.

      The mind is an incredible thing if you use it to your advantage Mind Over Matter and stay busy.

      Learn how to breathe you will be amazed what that does for the body and mind.

      A little feedback about my issue, I was in the usmc and experienced some major events I was 20. Due to that fun I lost a lot of my hearing and develop tinnitus vertigo and the awesome panic attacks!

      So for the first two years I tried everything from not drinking coffee eating candy drinking beer and whatever else they said would affect the ringing cuz it was driving me crazy to the point where I was just shutting everything down.

      I was basically suffering in silence did not want to explain anything to anybody why I was in bad moods or just didn't want to talk or even listen to the radio. You could say I was pretty damn miserable.

      And to lose so much quality of life at a young age was just devastating to me and very hard to comprehend. And then there was the pity parties and that got me nowhere but lonely.

      But enough about me, if you are feeling lost take a step back there is hope it does get better but it starts with you. You have to make your life better it's your Journey you have to own it!

      What got me moving in the right direction I would tell myself "you know what it's going to ring anyways so might as well not let it ruin me and enjoy myself".

      As time goes on your body will adapt so please don't give up don't hurt yourself enjoy yourself !!!

      I have been silent about this for the last 20 years and I just found this site 2 day's ago and it feels pretty good to talk about it and to help others that are going through this major life change .. " If it doesn't kill you it only makes you stronger" . Hope this helps ... CURLY
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    2. alleycat

      alleycat Member

      Santa Monica, CA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      glad you feel you can finally talk about it! That is what has helped me (im only 2 months in so quite different from you). I talk about it with anyone and everyone, I have never tried to hide when I'm not feeling great. This has helped a lot, just being open and it actually has helped make me feel normal. When I try to hide it and pretend i'm perfect is when I feel I could go crazy haha.

      Overall I'm doing okay- and have hope to feel better sometime in the future, whether that be near or far.

      Thanks for sharing!
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    3. fishbone

      fishbone Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud noise and very bad sickness
      We share the same mentality. I always preach the warrior mentality here and how we can cope and overcome tinnitus. We are a lot stronger than we think.
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    4. AUTHOR

      SCORPION Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Usmc shooting weapons
      Thanks for the kind words everyone.

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    5. Dan RVA

      Dan RVA Member Benefactor

      Richmond, VA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not really sure
      Thank you Curly for what you wrote. The fear of "going crazy" likes to lurk out there, but we can push it aside. I am glad you spoke up!

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