Why Is It That Some People Can Subject Themselves to Loud Noises and Not Get Tinnitus?

Discussion in 'Support' started by baddream, Jan 31, 2014.

    1. baddream

      baddream Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Can go to loud gigs, band practice, stand next to loud ass speakers day after day and have NO problems, no ringing or anything? my band mate says he never rings after practice but I suffer for DAYS after even using hearing protection! is my body just broken and flawed extremely or something?
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    2. Stina

      Stina Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      I think everyone's body is very individual. Your weakness is your ears, someone elses weakness may be his eyes, legs etc. None of my business but if plugs dont seem to help maybe stop playing loud music and switch to acoustic music or smth:) of course depends on how much you care about the ringing. if it doesnt bother, then no problem anyway.
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    3. pef

      pef Member

      Georgia, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Just the way it is, and you have no control over it, so don't worry about it.
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    4. shan

      shan Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      God knows
      @baddream I feel you. I still find noises loud with plugs in and sometimes go away with spikes. My mother has tinnitus in her right ear and she attends concerts, dance lessons and recently, the new year countdown party with no after effects in either ear whilst I was at home counting down the new year with the TV... I feel very short-changed initially but like Stina said, our body make-up is different so there's no point comparing. There are always people worst off than us and people better off than us.

      I try to find a right balance in hearing protection and try my best to go about life in the best way I can. As for being caught in unforeseen loud situations, I cry and panic, and then adjust again. That's life!

      We will adjust and pull through somehow!
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    5. Hudson

      Hudson Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:

      As Stina said, every individual is different. Why can some people be morbidly obese, drink sodas every day yet not develop diabetes? Why can some people drink like a fish their whole lives yet still live a long life? Why can some people smoke cigarettes yet never develop lung cancer?

      There is a lot to heredity here man. In my experience, every family has some "issue" that runs in that family. It could be cancer, heart health, diabetes, hair loss, whatever the case may be. In our case, I think that we have "weaker" ears than some. Be cognizant of and always wear hearing protection in your band. I must admit, it always pissed me off long ago when I would meet people that went to shows, went shooting, whatever the case may be, and did not have hearing problems. Life is unfair and uneven.
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    6. Stina

      Stina Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      @baddream maybe you can focus on your body's strengths :) For example, I can eat like a pig and never gain weight. :D yes life is unfair and sometimes we all have bad periods for long time. c'est la vie!
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