Wisdom Teeth — The Risk of Tinnitus Increase When Taking Them Out?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Dulberget, Jan 3, 2018.

    1. Dulberget

      Dulberget Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sudden hearing loss of 50DB
      Hey, posted here before. I'm 26 who suffered from sudden hearing loss 2 months ago. Now I am suffering from a mild tinnitus(most of the time).

      I have 6 (!!) wisdom teeth, 4 on the top of my jaw and 2 at the bottom. It doesn't really bother me except for the fact I had braces before and now my bottom teeth are messed up. Medical literature is prob about 50%-50% whether wisdom teeth can move other teeth.

      My question is if there any risk to permantely/temporarily increase my tinnitus if I do take them out ?
      CT shows one of my bottom wisdom teeth is about 1MM from the nerve, but doc said he is willing to operate it himself without going to the hospital.

      Thanks and Happy new year to all of us.

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