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  • Hi. Hope you're okay these days. Found you in a static hiss thread. Please give us an update if you see this.
    I really wish it hadn't spiked up 4 days ago. I was adjusting a tiny bit, then it got so much louder after that girl screamed at the pool.
    It's hard to know what kind of damage is done to a person's inner ear. It can be cumulative I was told. Part of it is related to the limbic system and sleep. Lack of sleep makes it worse I'm sure.
    I'm even trying an old CPAP machine to see if that helps. I have a certain amount of sleep apnea. I need to have another sleep study done to get a new one. My Insurance pays for 70% of sleep study and new CPAP.
    @CAgirl, I hope you are doing better! I noticed my noise went crazy when my jaw got off. If you have any kind of TMJ problem it can affect your ear canal I was told. I used my TMD appliance last night and I'm much better. This condition can have many origins.

    Oversleeping seemed to help me today.
    I feel like my only chance was if I could've tolerated the Prednisone. Now it's been a month and so is likely here to stay. :(
    Woke up at 3 am. Major spike!!! Hissing so loud!! I'm shaking and pacing around. Why did it get louder!?!
    Just want this to go away or at least improve a little.
    Bill Bauer
    Quiet hissing means that eventually you will get over T(!) Even if it won't go away (and it should), one can actually habituate to a quiet hiss and not be bothered by it.

    Personally I haven't experienced pain, but I am pretty sure that you just need to give it time. I've read posts by people who have been experiencing pain as a result of H.
    Bill Bauer
    I confess that I haven't followed followed how their condition developed over time, but on the other hand I don't remember reading a post where someone said "Initially I had pain to go with my H, and it has never gone away."

    I am pretty sure that eventually you will get back to normal.
    @Bill Bauer Lord, I hope so!!! I'd give all my money away to have my normal ears again!
    @CAgirl I'm sorry, it's really a horrible condition. :(
    @Bill Bauer Similar to me. I developed mild, maskable T in my right ear 15 years ago and although it bothered me at night, I eventually got used to it. I read how other people say have T that is unmaskable and loud and was horrified.
    I was thankful that mine wasn't that bad and that allowed me to accept what I had and move forward. I vowed to protect my hearing to avoid that happening to me. Now against all odds, I have that exact loud, unmaskable hissing T (and a few other rings and tones) after a freak event of blast exposure and I'm living a nightmare. It's surreal. It's so loud and intrusive. I'm just surviving and not living right now. :(
    Bill Bauer
    >so any change to a Lower tone is progress?

    Most definitely. Lower-pitch tone is easier to ignore.
    @Bill Bauer how does someone fly with this condition? I am an avid traveler and go to Aruba every year. Not this year for the first time in year due to corona and this ear issue, but if this is going to take some time I can't completely put my life on hold. I'm going to be 33, I still need to live.
    Bill Bauer
    If you are worried about this, just wear Peltor muffs during landings. You will also want to make sure that you are not suffering from stuffy nose - so bring a good decongestant with you. Of the people who got T or got a T spike as a result of being in a plane, all (or the vast majority) had a stuffy nose.
    Bill Bauer
    By the way, I don't play any music through my headphones, I just turn on the noise cancelling and that's it.
    @Bill Bauer what type of ear plugs do you recommend for day to day things? (Gym, restaurants, driving) I currently have Vibes 15db and worried it's not enough. Also If I go to a bar at night I'm afraid that's not enough.
    Oh I've had quieter moments recently, but mentally I'm not ok still. I think it's my anxiety over if this is ever going to go away or not.
    Totally get it. I'm three weeks in and a mess. Major anxiety and barely sleeping/eating. Even when I am functional and go out and do something I hear the hiss and it makes my stomach turn. I am just constantly miserable because never have any peace and quiet. Hear it all day. Only the shower masks it. :(
    Bill Bauer
    If you had experienced improvement, there is no reason for it to not continue to improve. Of course the more it improves, the slower it begins to improve, but 1-2.5 years after the onset you ought to get your life back.
    I also have hyperacusis which I think has improved but gave me some physical pain. Also a lot of strange sensations in my ears aside from ringing. I'm just over it honestly.
    I'm not doing well, at 6 months in I'm losing hope of ever hearing silence again. I don't know what caused this. I'm thinking loud noise exposure maybe. I was never too careful with the radio in my car or headphones. I don't know. It makes me sick to think I did this to myself. Ugh. I just want it to go away. I'm never happy since this started. I just can't live normally
    Shoot. I thought I just saw a post where you thought you were finally doing a little better at 6 months out. So sorry. :(
    Hi. Is this first time experiencing tinnitus?
    No. I've had it in my right ear for 15 years after a medication, but that is a very maskable tone that I only hear in quiet rooms or at night. But even that took me awhile to get used to.
    The ear that is bothering me now (my left) has been fine. No T. Although looking back 10 years ago a balloon popped by it and it hissed for a couple days. Then another time I went to a loud event and didn't think to bring plugs and it had a slight reactive hiss for a couple weeks. Nothing like the constant loud hiss and ringing it's doing now.
    I've been very careful to protect my ears the last 15 years, wearing plugs to all events including weddings and concerts. So it's frustrating that this happened despite all my careful precautions against noise. I was caught off guard by those three LOUD blasts. Now I'm so scared it's here to stay. :(
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