Aug 14, 2020
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“A healthy man wants a thousand things, a sick man only wants one.” May 6, 2021

    1. Eleanor89
      Hello @Marin
      How are you…
      I’ve been reading your posts and hope your feeling better
      1. Marin likes this.
      2. Marin
        I have actually been doing sooooo much better, thank you. I really thought my life was over for a long time. After a lot of trial and a whole lot of error I found what works for me, and things have really improved.
        Dec 6, 2021
    2. Marin
      “A healthy man wants a thousand things, a sick man only wants one.”
      1. ECP, Samy, Freerunner and 14 others like this.
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      3. Marin
        @Ava Lugo I don’t mind. My days are pretty pitiful, sadly. I have 24/7 ear pain and extreme sound sensitivity that keeps me home bound and sometimes bed bound. So, my days are pretty much spent on research and trying to be my own doctor. If I didn’t have my two kids giving me reason to live I’m not sure I’d be able to keep this up because it truly is torture. I hope that you are at least doing better than I am.
        May 8, 2021
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      4. Damocles
        Dec 7, 2021
      5. Damocles
        That's fine, but just know that my post was still better.

        You obviously didn't remember to write it down word for word when you got back from the future. <( ̄︶ ̄)>
        Dec 7, 2021
    3. Forever hopeful
      Forever hopeful
      @Marin What kind of nitwit neurotologist says he/she does not know about migraine medication? That is ridiculous. I’m furious for you. Their specialty is in part neurology. You need to kick him/her to the curb.
      1. Guywithapug and Steph1710 like this.
      2. Marin
        Thank you! That’s what I thought. Unfortunately, he is the head neurotologist for my insurance for the whole city! I do pay out of pocket to see another one, so I emailed him after today’s fiasco.
        Mar 26, 2021
        Forever hopeful likes this.
      3. Forever hopeful
        Forever hopeful
        I’m sorry you have to pay out-of-pocket and have limited choices. I don’t know what country you’re in. I live in the US and I recognize that I am really lucky that I can see different doctors under my insurance.
        Mar 26, 2021
        Marin likes this.
      4. Marin
        Thank you. I’m in the US, too. Unfortunately, I have Kaiser and that neurotologist has done nothing but want to refer me to psychiatry. I was able to finally get the med prescribed by the “out of pocket” neurotologist who said they were very familiar with it. So frustrating that I have to pay extra for decent care.
        Mar 26, 2021
        Guywithapug and MBH like this.
    4. Marin
      I have become the “hot potato” that no doctor wants to touch.
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      2. Marin
        @Zugzug, same! What killed me this week is the specific medication I asked for was prescribed to another man by his neurotologist for ear pain. What does my neurotologist say? “Oh, I don’t know anything about migraine medications. Ask your GP.” And then the cycle continues...
        Mar 25, 2021
      3. Marin
        I will say that I had a pain doctor thrown in the mix this week who seemed genuinely sympathetic and said he’d discuss my condition with his colleges. He is the first doctor I’ve seen who even offered to give me a second thought after the appointment.
        Mar 25, 2021
        Zugzug likes this.
      4. Steph1710
        Thanks @Marin <3 I know exactly how you feel. For the past ten weeks, I’ve had this sensation that something is stuck to the back of my tongue, and it’s driving me insane, yet I’m too scared to call the doctor about it, because I’ve spoken to them so much lately, that I fear they won’t listen to me. And when they do, they always send me to the wrong person, who then sends me to other..
        Mar 25, 2021
        ECP and Marin like this.
    5. Marin
      Well shit.... now what?! And why can’t I just have these cursed ears removed?!
      1. Guywithapug likes this.
      2. Guywithapug
        I know right! But then again that wouldn't be a very good look! :))
        Mar 25, 2021
        Marin likes this.
      3. Marin
        Maybe if we could just have the ear “guts” removed. That would be even better.

        Please give your pugs a pet for me!
        Mar 25, 2021
        Guywithapug likes this.
      4. Guywithapug
        Done! Please do the same for yours, such a cutie!
        Mar 25, 2021
    6. Marin
      Is that hope?! Nope, just the Klonopin kickin in.
    7. Marin
      Help me I am in hell...
      1. Guywithapug, aot and Zugzug like this.
    8. twa
      Hi Marin,
      Checking in on you. How are you doing? Hope you had a better day!
      1. LilSass likes this.
      2. Marin
        Hi, twa! You are so sweet to check on me. I wish I could say better, but still struggling every minute with the constant pain and extreme sensitivity to sound. Its like some terrible twilight zone episode that won’t end.

        How are you? I hope that you are improving bit by bit
        Dec 8, 2020
        LilSass likes this.
      3. twa
        Hi Marin,
        I'm trying hard to focus on other things. I took a long walk this morning. I hope you have a better day today. Praying for you!
        Dec 8, 2020
        Marin and LilSass like this.
    9. twa
      You will be able to! Think good thoughts! You will get better and stronger! Sending love and prayers your way.
      1. LilSass likes this.
      2. Marin
        Thank you! I love your positivity ❤️ I can really use the encouragement.
        Dec 4, 2020
        LilSass likes this.
    10. Marin
      My eardrums feel so fragile that I’m afraid they won’t be able to handle the shots required for regen treatments when they become available.
    11. Marin
      And I thought it couldn’t get any worse... wrong!
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      2. twa
        I'm signing off for tonight. I will pray for you. I go on walks during the day and pray for different people from the forum who come to mind.
        Dec 2, 2020
        Marin and Bill Bauer like this.
      3. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        The first six month are the worst. It should eventually get better.
        Dec 2, 2020
        twa and Marin like this.
      4. Marin
        Thank you both. I sure hope it gets better. I’ve been home resting my ears for months and yet I still managed to get a setback on top of my worsened H. So much pain all day long. I’m a strong person, but this is breaking me!
        Dec 2, 2020
    12. twa
      Checking in with you, how are you doing? I know we are both moms and this is difficult for anyone, but especially when you have kids to care for. Sending prayers that you are doing a bit better.

      1. Tanni likes this.
      2. Marin
        Aw, thanks @twa! I appreciate you thinking of me and for the prayers. I’m hanging on for dear life. Lots of pain 24/7, but gotta stay strong for the kiddos. How are you? I hope that you’ve been seeing some improvements!
        Dec 1, 2020
      3. twa
        Slightly better days, emotions are a bit better. The despair lessens each day. The fullness is better, as are the headaches. The T is still there having a concert!
        Dec 2, 2020
        Marin likes this.
    13. Marin
      Trying to be a working mom of 2 while surviving T and painful H.
      1. Gabriel5050, ShaunR, Thuan and 2 others like this.
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      3. Marin
        @Bill Bauer Thank you for the information! I have seen many of your posts and have found them to be very helpful. On top of my ear problems, I’m also half way through treatment with braces, sigh. At my appointment yesterday I refused any elastics and adjustments because I didn’t want to worsen my condition. Any suggestions?
        Aug 26, 2020
      4. Marin
        Thank you, @Thuan, it has been awful. All I want is to get back to being the mom I used to be.
        Aug 26, 2020
      5. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        What was the cause of your T?

        > I refused any elastics and adjustments

        Are those adjustments being done manually? Ultrasonic tools aren't safe, but perhaps manual tools are ok?
        Aug 26, 2020
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    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    SSNHL (probably previous noise exposure, too)