May 16, 2021
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Sendai, Japan

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    1. Travis Henry
      Travis Henry
      How are you doing?? My reactive tinnitus and loudness hyperacusis is pure hell.
    2. Matchbox
      How is your T doing?
      1. NYCGuy, Damocles and Wrfortiscue like this.
      2. Tasty
        Pretty bad haha, well I'd consider brain surgery for it tbh, I'll go book an appointment at BRAI3N before I loose my mind and Im looking forward to DBS in the meantime it could get problematic it's reactive and 70db aswell as hyperacusis and VSS so I dunno how to stay calm, but there are only 2 ways stay calm and make it through or go mad lol I'd rather the 1st
        Jul 20, 2022
        tniuf, NYCGuy and Damocles like this.
    3. InNeedOfHelp
      Hi, how do you manage with Tinnitus in a country like Japan? Last time I visited (prior to tinnitus) I remember how loud the cities were, Jr lines, even the smaller cities! I'm craving for another trip but not sure if I can cope at the moment. Do you have any idea if the shinkansens are too loud for someone with tinnitus?
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
      2. Tasty
        Late reply sry, I have no strategy mainly, ngl I'm just a angry person who vents often
        Jul 19, 2022
    4. Ela Stefan
      Ela Stefan
      TNF-α and IL-1β influence NMDA and GABAA receptors, leading to an increased excitatory and decreased inhibitory neurotransmission. These changes can lead to neuroplasticity and thus chronic tinnitus. Whether inflammatory mediators still play a role in chronic tinnitus remains to be elucidated.
    5. Ela Stefan
      Ela Stefan
      ''Accumulating evidence suggests that inflammation plays a role in the pathogenesis of subjective tinnitus. Noise exposure and salicylate administration both lead to inflammation throughout the whole auditory pathway. In particular, TNF-α, IL-1β, glia and activated platelets are associated with acute tinnitus.
    6. Ela Stefan
      Ela Stefan
      TNF-α and IL-1β influence NMDA and GABAA receptors, leading to an increased excitatory and decreased inhibitory neurotransmission. These changes can lead to neuroplasticity and thus chronic tinnitus. Whether inflammatory mediators still play a role in chronic tinnitus remains to be elucidated.
    7. Ela Stefan
      Ela Stefan
      ''Accumulating evidence suggests that inflammation plays a role in the pathogenesis of subjective tinnitus. Noise exposure and salicylate administration both lead to inflammation throughout the whole auditory pathway. In particular, TNF-α, IL-1β, glia and activated platelets are associated with acute tinnitus.
      1. blamingeverything likes this.
    8. Ela Stefan
      Ela Stefan
      Hi, Tasty! Can I please ask you how did you get t and how does it sound? Is ears, brain, parts of the brain? thank you!
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
      2. Tasty
        I dunno, I have Visual Snow Syndrome since I was like 3 or 5 years old I dont know any triggers, I have ETD aswell as TMJ/Neck issues in addition to it. My tinnitus sounds very high pitched in both ears and it fluctuates daily aswell as it is somatic
        Jun 20, 2022
      3. Tasty
        No hearing loss
        Jun 20, 2022
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  • About

    Sendai, Japan
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Visual Snow Syndrome, possibly TMJD/Cervical Instability

