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Member, Male, from Germany

Tinnitus seems to be also quite stable. Foam plugs seem to work quite well for the wind and guys cutting trees with chainsaws. (2/2) Jun 19, 2022

xyz was last seen:
Jul 7, 2024
    1. Zigs
      Hey, how is your pain now? What did you do to help? I’m starting with this and not sure what to do for best
    2. in_LA
      The sound system at work was finally repaired, and now the store speakers are not as basy, however I still took music home, I know I should be grateful that my music today is fainter than usual but my anxiety gets the best of me :(
      Tell me in what ways has your palinacusis improved? And has it improved significantly?
      1. xyz
        I would rather not want to talk about that. Not to jinx anything. Probably Corona and home office has helped. Maybe try to find a job where you can work from home. But that's probably easier said than done.
        Sep 1, 2022
        in_LA likes this.
    3. in_LA
      Dude sorry to ask, do you take anything for anxiety? I've read our issue has been treated with anti anxiety meds in some cases, also anti epilepsy meds too. What did your mri say?
      1. JPGL likes this.
      2. xyz
        The MRI came back clear. There was nothing out of the ordinary. I am just supplementing with Magnesium and Potassium. I am not taking any meds.
        Anti epilepsy meds are quite strong, so I would first test if you can cope by better protecting your hearing.
        Aug 25, 2022
        in_LA likes this.
    4. in_LA
      Just dropping by to say hi
      1. JPGL, xyz and NYCGuy like this.
    5. in_LA
      Hi, do you still have your palinacousis? How are you coping? I feel so lost.
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. in_LA
        @xyz I take it you don't use headphones at all, for me it's been a major blow, as I enjoyed listening to music, and was always careful with volume as if the last 2 years. I wonder if it even goes away, if I'll ever be able to resume back normalcy, like music without being worried about it.
        Aug 19, 2022
      4. xyz
        Yes, I haven't listened music for years now.
        Aug 20, 2022
        in_LA and Damocles like this.
      5. in_LA
        @xyz bummer you don't listen to music anymore, I hope I can make a recovery.
        Aug 20, 2022
    6. xyz
      Tinnitus seems to be also quite stable. Foam plugs seem to work quite well for the wind and guys cutting trees with chainsaws. (2/2)
      1. in_LA, NYCGuy and Steph1710 like this.
    7. xyz
      First time in three years I was mountainbiking in our forest here. Only my legs and butt hurt and not my ears as it should be. (1/2)
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
    8. danielthor
      Any improvement?
      1. JPGL likes this.
      2. xyz
        Yes, if I am in silence my ears (H & T) do improve. Although quite slowly.
        Jun 23, 2021
    9. xyz
      May our ears recover in 2021.
    10. xyz
      What a mess.
    11. xyz
      The sun is shining. Normally I would do a trip with my mountain bike.But now sitting in front of my computer because of pain hyperacusis.
      1. LilSass and Croaker like this.
      2. Christiaan
        Sorry to hear that XYZ. I hope you'll a better hyperacusis day soon with this nice weather
        May 21, 2020
        xyz and Steph1710 like this.
      3. xyz
        Yes, but if silence, NAC, magnesium doesn't help this will be more summer 2025 + x if ever.
        May 21, 2020
      4. Christiaan
        Let's hope that FX-322 will help you with the pain issue.
        May 22, 2020
        xyz likes this.
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    2006 mild T 2019 T worsening H onset
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    unknown / probably noise induced