L along the way
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Jun 15, 2024 at 9:16 AM
Aug 26, 2023
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L along the way

Member, Male

There's just a lot of sadness here.. last few weeks have been very rough. I try to allow the emotions. Praying for things to get better Jun 14, 2024 at 10:55 AM

L along the way was last seen:
Jun 15, 2024 at 9:16 AM
    1. L along the way
      L along the way
      Sorry for the negativity.. just venting i guess.. and also authentic expression.. of the sadness and pain.. ufff
      1. Juliane, 4Grace and tpj like this.
      2. 4Grace
        It’s how you feel. Thats okay.
        May 10, 2024
        L along the way likes this.
    2. L along the way
      L along the way
      What a ridiculous joke this all have been.. pfft.. cheer up.. the future looks bright right. Why oh why all this... pfffft...
      1. tpj likes this.
    3. L along the way
      L along the way
      I only gotta be cautious im not becoming a day time drinker.. i now only drink before sleep.. and well.. that did help me to fall asleep..
      1. 4Grace and Juliane like this.
      2. Juliane
        By all means if it helps you drink! I so would if I could
        May 7, 2024
        4Grace and L along the way like this.
    4. L along the way
      L along the way
      I'm not really religious and im not advocating alcoholism, but thank god for alcohol if i may say.. lolz
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    5. L along the way
      L along the way
      Do i have to endure, to find better days? It just fkn hurts.. burning ears.. tsskskkstsksktk
    6. L along the way
      L along the way
      Last years, so many moments which felt beyond what was bearable.. pfff
      1. tpj likes this.
    7. L along the way
      L along the way
      I hope it to be over soon, either by healing if it be possible, or that life takes me away.
      1. 4Grace and tpj like this.
    8. L along the way
      L along the way
      I'm kind of reserved using harsh words, but really, daily life has become mostly a painful experience.. the blasting t is hurting me so much
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. L along the way
        L along the way
        But then i feel in the actual situation the discomfort (to put it mildly), and just feel like overpowered by the painful sensation. I guess when i feel more calm it's a relief in itself.
        May 10, 2024
      4. L along the way
        L along the way
        So then i say, okay i have to try to accept the t for now.. but my thoughts i can try to let them calm, t i cannot control, but thoughts calm down please. Somehow i do feel that's the right way to go about it for now, but it has been a massive struggle to say the least. Because it's real damage, and there's really no real sense of comfort or wellbeing in that situation..
        May 10, 2024
      5. L along the way
        L along the way
        But yes, somehow to find some sense of calm in the storm feels like a right direction.. i hope somehow that can happen (i feel like it can't be forced, it has to come from a place of non force).. How are you doing? Hope you're doing well brother
        May 10, 2024
    9. L along the way
      L along the way
      Pfff... am not gonna lie, it's has been just crazy painfully :(
    10. L along the way
      L along the way
      Just heard a song.. 'easy, take it easy'.. in this weird situation.. breathing.. trying to just go as easy with life as possible..
      1. streifzug and BrOKeN_1 like this.
      2. Varda
        "Breathing...is the hardest thing to do
        With all I've said and all that's dead for you"
        - Stone Temple Pilots
        May 2, 2024
    11. L along the way
      L along the way
      New day.. trying to go with the flow of a new day
      1. tpj and Kiyomi like this.
    12. L along the way
      L along the way
      (6) of course, i, like we all, want to have pleasant life experience too.. so i hope and pray i/we can find calm natural wellbeing some day
    13. L along the way
      L along the way
      (5) Personally, i find eating of animals 1 thing (not the worst), but a mass industry where they are treated like objects is just berserk
    14. L along the way
      L along the way
      (4) is just hellish cruel for the animals.. i mean.. they're still sentient beings with the ability to feel joy and suffer..
      1. gameover and BlueMoon86 like this.
    15. L along the way
      L along the way
      (3) but it has given me more solidarity with animals.. they have nervous sytem/emotions too.. and the way the "meat industry" is nowadays
    16. L along the way
      L along the way
      (2) however sadly.. it hasn't solved all my issues..life isn't that easy, just eat healthy and everything is fine. But food is a cornerstone
    17. L along the way
      L along the way
      (1) The only thing that really improved my overall wellbeing & health has been the upgrade to a plant based diet lifestyle
    18. L along the way
      L along the way
      Calmth & rest.. natural lifestyle, praying for the possibility of healing
      1. Juliane likes this.
    19. L along the way
      L along the way
      Is healing too late? Is it possible? Discomfort t.. searching for answers.. biology and psychology.. i mean fk this has been harsh..
    20. L along the way
      L along the way
      Meaning, all that is valuable.. learned afterwards of it being damaged.. natural wellbeing is best dream..
      1. tpj and Juliane like this.
    21. L along the way
      L along the way
      The holiday was nice, but life is just hard.. natural wellbeing feels to be the most valuable thing, why did i learn after acoustic trauma
      1. tpj and Juliane like this.
    22. L along the way
      L along the way
      I'm on holiday with my dear mom for a week, i won't be around on the forum. Trying to go easy, going moment to moment, much love to you guys
      1. 4Grace, Angieuurope, weehiru and 2 others like this.
    23. L along the way
      L along the way
      Today just breathe and trying to go with flow, as much as possible.. go slow.. naturalness is wealth, i hope we can all find back our health
      1. Juliane, Chess, 4Grace and 1 other person like this.
    24. L along the way
      L along the way
      Quietude once was natural.. now it's a long lost friend. I hope that friend somehow returns, in the end
      1. Juliane, tpj, gameover and 3 others like this.
      2. 4Grace
        This am first time ever I woke up and T was a strong wind. The harshness of the ring was down for 20 min. It felt like heaven. Then the strong T returned. I just wish it was a little less loud that’s all. I was able to meditate and relax prior to my latest worsening. Stay on your path.
        Apr 17, 2024
    25. L along the way
      L along the way
      Okay, today a new day.. don't know what to say.. wishing time can make painful t go away.. and we can feel okay
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    26. L along the way
      L along the way
      @4Grace I feel your words.. every second a mountain.. man.. i don't know what to say.. the doubt of it not healing with time is also harsh
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. 4Grace
        @L along the way - you are so very kind my friend. Stay strong. I am living in a world of no understanding from anyone in my family.
        Apr 28, 2024
        L along the way likes this.
      4. L along the way
        L along the way
        @4Grace thank you.. well day by day friend.. im not always kind, i'm grumpy and agitated most of the time sadly enough.. painful t.. suffering/confusion/damaged nerves however we want to describe it.. with family and friends, i believe nobody can really understand this kind of things without having it experienced themselves.. i don't even understand it myself..
        Apr 29, 2024
      5. L along the way
        L along the way
        i have no solid advice, and i don't believe anybody can really say anything about these things.. just a new day and praying for improvement.. naturally living would be best dream
        Apr 29, 2024
    27. L along the way
      L along the way
      I feel silly repeating so much.. but without hope of it getting better.. this is no life.. it's suffering in it's purest form @4Grace
      1. Juliane likes this.
      2. 4Grace
        I keep repeating negative things, it is so much better to keep repeating positive things. I feel silly repeating the same complaints. Please don’t feel silly we need a daily reminder of your hopeful quotes. I beg of you to keep repeating. Every time I read your quote it helps me. Rest time and hope. Everyday is a new day, just breath and go with the flow.
        Apr 17, 2024
        L along the way likes this.
      3. L along the way
        L along the way
        Love brother.. really.. i appreciate you a lot man!! Well.. i got a new quote yesterday evening.. maybe the new mantra is just "tomorrow".. lool.. i was in harsh t pain.. and that same feeling about how am i going to bare bla bla. That's also a thing.. i hope somehow even with the t.. my mind can somehow stop the mental activity around it..
        Apr 18, 2024
      4. L along the way
        L along the way
        But yeah.. then i said to myself.. okay.. just maybe.. tomorrow it's magically gone. Well.. today is tomorrow, and it's not gone.. but even if it be a lie.. maybe it helps to just keep saying that every evening.. maybe tomorrow it will all be gone.. it sounds almost childish.. but maybe it helps.. and who knows.. there have been people with all kinds of things who gotten mysteriously healed agains all odds
        Apr 18, 2024
    28. L along the way
      L along the way
      But there's just this longing for quietude.. every evening.. so much hurt, painful t.. harsh harsh.. pff i wish somehow.. quietude...
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    29. L along the way
      L along the way
      Today i woke up with a hangover.. and an alcohol lifestyle in the long run, would be harmful to me..
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    30. L along the way
      L along the way
      During the day, i try to live healthy lifestyle, foods, nature walks, calming activities, and also just distracting myself with gaming
      1. 4Grace, _Shoto_, BrOKeN_1 and 2 others like this.
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    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Acoustic trauma