A Newbie: Developed Tinnitus Following an Ear Infection and Stressful/Anxious Time at Work

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by CLB2020, Sep 5, 2020.

    1. Orions Pain

      Orions Pain Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sorry you’re suffering with this. Sounds like hyperacusis. Could be TMJD or referred pain from neck issues but these things can be ruled out

      If it’s not TJMD causing face pain and numbness it could be irritation of the trigeminal Nerve which is a fairly common phenomenon amongst people with hyperacusis. No one really knows why it happens unfortunately.
      • Informative Informative x 1
    2. AUTHOR

      CLB2020 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Infection & Stress/ Anxiety
      Uuurggh. I feel awful.

      I've caught a heavy cold from my son and it is playing havoc with my head and ears.

      It's 3.48 am and I'm lying here awake in bed with both ears ringing loudly. The level is very similar to what I was experiencing 8 weeks ago.

      I'm concerned that the recent progress (!) that I'd made has been for nothing.

      The question is whether to medicate or not...

      I hope the cold passes ASAP so that I can try and cope with the tinnitus. The noise is really invasive and my head is banging!

      My inability to sleep is a concern. This is usually my respite from the noise. I feel terrible and my mind feels like its on full alert. I'm going to try and relax to if that has any impact.

      My usual coping mechanism would be to listen to a podcast or music, but since the tinnitus arrived I am concerned about using headphones. I'm more and more convinced that my tinnitus is related to stress and anxiety, but there is a nagging doubt about the health of my ears (given the ongoing pain).

      I really miss silence.
    3. Gareth Davies

      Gareth Davies Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Middle Ear Infection & ETD
      The cold will have affected your tinnitus. But it should return to what is was, after the cold is past. Sorry you have it!

      A bit of paracetamol should be fine.

      If you don’t already, try to ease into your sleep.
      Sit in bed for an hour with a book with a low light on. Play a bit of chill out music mixed in with the ambient noise you use to partially / fully mask.

      Or go for an hour walk (if you can) to make yourself tired - I know, the “last” thing you want to hear “when” you are tired but it helps me. Probably good for my legs too!

      If you still can’t sleep; go watch a bit of TV or read a book again until you feel even sleepier.

      You can listen to music and podcasts, but, yeah, no headphones I’m afraid.

      (Avoid reading negative TT stories as well at night; that will just stress you out - read a positive one instead - https://www.tinnitustalk.com/threads/thought-id-post-after-9-months-for-new-sufferers.10784/)

      The affects of ear infections take a long time to clear out. It’s a bit like flooding in your basement; takes a long while to get things back to normal, fixing the furniture, getting the fish out, etc.
      It may take months is all.

      Someone gave me some good advice about the noise (“another” ear infection survivor - no tinnitus after 9 months):

      “Don’t dwell on it (easier said than done I know) and keep yourself preoccupied, otherwise the overthinking is going to drive you insane”.

      By all means keeping researching though; and see if you can speak to an ENT (a better one) about the pain.

      I’ll be speaking to mine in a few weeks, and I have the same question anyway - I’ll let you know!

      All the best!

      Gaz :D
      • Like Like x 1
    4. Gareth Davies

      Gareth Davies Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Middle Ear Infection & ETD
      How are you getting on @CLB2020 ?

      Notice any improvement?

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