Anyone with Big Brains Help out a Lady on Another Forum

Discussion in 'Support' started by carlover, Oct 26, 2012.

    1. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi all

      This from another forum ,any thoughts for her please,Pete

      ok so having recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia i was prescribed lyrica pregabalin by my GP.
      reluctant to take this without first googling it-i opened a can of worms.
      it seems that on the one hand it has been said that as well as helping pain it helps quiten tinnitus as it works on quiteing down the nerve receptors in the brain-something to do with glutamate-well i am sure i have heard that faulty signals and glutamate are involved in tinnitus so maybe this is why is is said to help-however i also found that some poeple who have taken it reported actually getting tinnitus from it or it making it louder. so what do you believe. i have also heard that other anti-seizure drugs such as lamictal, and some others i cannot recall also act on glutamate receptors so help tinnitus.

      i am so confused, i have not started the meds yet as not sure what to believe.

      and if these drugs are meant to help tinnitus why is more not being researched into using them for potential treatment?

      can anyone shed any light?
    2. AUTHOR

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Sorry the Thread shoud have Brains not brians:eek:
    3. Petloy

      Petloy Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Most posts I read on other boards say Lyrica lowers their T, but again no two people are alike what might work for others might not work for your friend. I say if the pain is worth taking the med then do it, if the T spikes she can always stop taking it and tell her GP about it.

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