Interesting primer article about Tinnitus from Buzzfeed: Nothing none of us here don't already know, unfortunately, but nice to see a big online publication talking about it. And yet they still throw in some information that is just not very good advice (in my opinion): Just goes to show how much we still have to do to educate the general public about dangerous noise!
The UK government hasn't spent a single penny raising awareness for tinnitus...Now for fireworks related injures they spend quite a bit.
I just shared this with my peeps on FB... I think some of them know that I have T, but perhaps not all. I'll be interested to see if anyone reacts. I also shared a link to the earplugs I wear for everyday (loading/unloading the dishwasher, vacuuming the floor, on the Metro, etc.).
What if we could get the try-guys at Buzzfeed try tinnitus for a day? It would definitely raise a lot of awareness