Ear Candling Helps Tinnitus? (Nope. Please Avoid.)

Discussion in 'Alternative Treatments and Research' started by bob, Feb 2, 2014.

    1. bob

      bob Member

      Has anybody tried this treatment and how was the results.
    2. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      hi bob been there done that a good few times,sorry mate waste of time for me
    3. gary

      gary Member Benefactor

      Macomb, MI. USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Who Knows
      I just went over to youtube and typed in ear candling, lot's of demos there plus different opinions.worth a look if you are trying to decide on this treatment.
    4. AUTHOR

      bob Member

      I'm going to give it a shot. Just because it did not work for one person it could work for another person.
    5. gary

      gary Member Benefactor

      Macomb, MI. USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Who Knows
      True. let us know how it goes....
    6. Catarina
      Old hag

      Catarina Member

      Lund, Sweden
      Tinnitus Since:
      While I wouldn't discourage anyone to try something, I would be careful with ear candling. The general view is that it is at best useless, at worst dangerous. Institutions like Health Canada and the FDA in the USA are discouraging the use and have issued warnings. Sometimes they are said to be an old practice originating from the Hopi indians, but this has been denied by the Hopis. The stuff that is said to come from your ears during the treatment actually comes from the candle itself. Should you decide to try it, be careful the treatment is done by someone experienced. Absolutely don't try to do it yourself, you could damage your ears quite badly.
      • Agree Agree x 1
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    7. Steve

      Steve Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Sheffield, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Flu, Noise-induced, Jaw trauma
      I echo what Catarina says, it's potentially dangerous and has been proven to do absolutely zero benefit to your ears.

      The best outcome is a placebo effect, the worst is damage to your ears from the candle wax.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    8. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Wouldnt pay someone to do it either,get them online and do it yourself its not rocket science ,easy enough,doesnt do diddly squat by the way.
    9. DebInAustralia
      No Mood

      DebInAustralia Member Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Geelong, Victoria
      Tinnitus Since:
      tried it once hesitantly... didn't help whatsoever.....

      wont try it again with what I have read about its potential dangers........
    10. Mad maggot

      Mad maggot Member

      New zealand
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      At the market I saw some people advertising ear candling where they put some weird candle in your ear, light it and it's supposed to clean your ears or something! It looks bizarre to me. Has anyone tried this? To me it looks dangerous.
    11. RichL

      RichL Member Benefactor

      Palmerston North NZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
      Quite simply, it is a crock of shit and can be dangerous for nothing more than witch doctor therapy! ;)
      • Agree Agree x 1
    12. erik

      erik Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Washington State, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      04/15/2012 or earlier?
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Most likely hearing loss
      ear candling is wack!
      • Agree Agree x 2
    13. Mad maggot

      Mad maggot Member

      New zealand
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Don't think I'll try it then... Looks dangerous
    14. jimH

      jimH Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      30 years+
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
      Agreed,...useless for T,... however, if you let the candle burn all the way down it could be useful for us guys that want to get rid of those unsightly ear hairs....:D

      • Funny Funny x 1
    15. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      You may as well shove them up ya jacksy ,at least that would be more fun
      • Like Like x 1
    16. Mark662

      Mark662 Member Benefactor

      United Kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      I have used Biosun (Hopi) ear candles for over ten years, maybe 4 or 5 times a year. They have had nothing but positive effect on my tinnitus, albeit temporarily. They do actually remove ear wax. You hear it being drawn into the candle tube and it is definitely ear wax residues left in the unburnt section after use. They aren't a substitute for other conventional methods of wax removal, as they will not remove compacted and excessive amounts.

      I believe some of my tinnitus was brought on by an ENT assistant vacuuming my ear.

      'Candle' is a misnomer. Biosun ear candles are not made of wax, but an impregnated cloth-type material. There is nothing to drip.

      I know it looks dangerous having something burning in one's ear. However, I have used them on my own with the aid of a mirror to check the burn progress, without issue.

      The process is relaxing and calming like the blurb says. I do not know why, but it is.

      These things get a bad press. Maybe someone has had a negative experience with them. I haven't.
      • Like Like x 1
    17. ElsieDee

      ElsieDee Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      My adult daughter 12/2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      car accident
      This often demonized ancient therapeutic procedure can stop tinnitus in some. I prefer to use 100% bees wax candles. The first time may take 2-3 ear candles for each ear. Results can be miraculous from my personal experience. Read up and know what you're doing, or have a naturopathic dr. do the candling, even better.
    18. Aroma16

      Aroma16 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Wow! Lots of views and misinformation on this thread. I'm a complimentary therapist and qualified in ear candling in 2006. It's not a sure fire cure for tinnitus. It's had no effect on mine at all, but I have had clients with tinnitus that have found it very beneficial so it is horses for courses.

      It's only dangerous is you use unregulated candles and don't know what you're doing. It's not a difficult therapy to administer but there is obviously fire involved!

      Biosun are the only candles I use. They meet EU safety standards which are pretty stringent!

      The wax you find in the candle after treatment isn't from the ears, it's the beeswax from the candle. Some unrepeatable practioners will tell you it's the residue from your ears, but that's rubbish. The candle does produce a slight vacuum but it's not strong enough to such ear wax out of the ear canal. What it does do is equalise the pressure in the ears, which is why you have to do both. The warmth from the candle does soften ear wax and therefore makes it easier for your ears, which are self cleaning, to get rid of it. Also means it's more likely to come out in the shower and some people do find it deposited on their pillow! But the candles don't suck it out, that's a ridiculous claim really.

      It is also a very relaxing treatment in it's own right. There's something very calming about the crackle and the smell is lovely too. I have clients who have ear candles specifically for relieving stress.

      It's unlikely that much difference would be made to tinnitus after one treatment. I find a minimum of 4 treatments are needed to make a difference, but like I said, it doesn't help everyone, myself included. But I definitely wouldn't dismiss it if you've not yet given it a go.

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