Hello :-) I have tinnitus

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Lucinda, Nov 30, 2013.

    1. Lucinda

      Lucinda Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Well usually at the age of 13 you're aloud to join forums, so here I am. I woke up one morning and I heard a loud ringing sound in my ear. I hear many different sounds in each...
      It has gotten worse, maybe because I'm more aware of it... Its difficult because I'm at school. Some days I hardly hear it, unless its really silent. But on other days Its like Mozart has decided toave a practice in my ear. My left ear isn't so bad, it plays the 'base' sounds, but the right ear has like 5 different sounds in it. I have gone to an ENT quite a few times and now I'm getting therapy. I have a cold though so its technically deafening. Some days I cry myself to sleep. I don't want to have this for the rest of my life :*(
      Its nice to know there's a forum about it..
      • Hug Hug x 10
    2. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Welcome, Lucinda!

      You're definitely not alone in having tinnitus, and this is a wonderful forum to join. Everyone here is very supportive of one another, and we have lots of suggestions to offer. It looks like you've had tinnitus for over 4 years! That's a long time for such a young person. Do you know if there was one thing that happened that might have caused it?

      We wish you well, and are very glad you've joined us!!

      Best wishes,
      • Like Like x 4
    3. Lulubug69

      Lulubug69 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Welcome Lucinda,
      Your definitely not alone. It can be scary dealing with T. It's good to hear your getting some help. Maybe you'll be sharing some tips for others in the future. Take care of yourself first. :)
      • Like Like x 2
    4. christine kauhane

      christine kauhane Member

      honolulu hawaii
      Tinnitus Since:
      june 9th 2013
      welcome lucinda. :welcomesignanimation:you are a blessing to have come here to share your storie 13 years old and you had T for 4 years you are a very strong girl.:love: U have come to the right place we all have T and understand what we face each and every second,:dunno: but we get stronger each day through hearing others stories and suggestions.. plus i made wonderful new friends:huganimation: ! there are wonderful post if you get a chance to read some they are all great advice.. :pTake care and God bless.. Mahalooooooo...
      • Like Like x 3
    5. AUTHOR

      Lucinda Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Aww thanks guys :) That cheered me up a lot!
      Well my dad has it and he told me what it was like to have it, so I went o bed thinking about what it would be like to have it. And I ended up getting it.
      Either that or I strained my ears too much listening to both my parents snoring so I could close their bedroom door to get some peace.
      • Hug Hug x 3
    6. carol kane

      carol kane Member

      Lincolnshire united kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      Welcome Lucinda, i am new to t and this forum and you have inspired me, for such a young girl to be suffering in any way is just not fair, you are a brave young lady and i´m glad you´ve joined us. I´m no expert but i don´t think you can get T by just imagining what it would be like to have it, also i know all to well how loud snoring can get, my husband is the loudest snorer i´ve ever heard but i´m sure his snoring has absolutely nothing to do with me getting T, maybe members on here will tell me different as i said i´m new to this and know very little about it, i hope the ENT specialist can help you as you are so young i´d like to think that you will not have this for the rest of your life. So for now go out there and enjoy your young life, be with your friends and have all the fun you can get, laugh loud, walk with a spring in your step and ignore the sounds that creep up on you, you´ll be so busy having fun that you wont even notice them. xxx
      • Like Like x 3
    7. AnneG

      AnneG Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hiya there Lucinda! Welcome to Tinnitus Talk :) :welcomesignanimation: I hope you are doing well. Your only 13 yet you already had tinnitus for 4 years. I say your a very strong girl. I just want to let you know that you are not alone, What ever you are going through we have all been there, We know exactly how it feels. Just always remember that no matter what happens you are gonna be ok, This isn't an easy journey but just believe! Just like a quote from the Catching Fire says "Hope is the only thing stronger than FEAR"

      • Like Like x 4
    8. Tenna

      Tenna Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello Lucinda!
      My brother who is 24 years today has lived since seconth grade with his tinnitus. He asked the teacher one day whether he could hear that loud pitched noise too and so he stared oddly at my brother lol.
      None can say if it's permanent or not :) But, as for my brother, since he had it from such young age it doesn't bother him at all to this day. One thing is the trouble provided by age and hearing loss related t, another is getting tinnitus when you're only about to start your life. My brother was in a similar situation to yours where it shown out to be an advantage that he got it that early. It's really hard right now I know, and it might be really hard to see the bright sides at this point, but know that in my brother's case then as he grew up with it, his brain has completely learned to ignore the sounds :)
      • Like Like x 1
    9. Emil Mikalsen

      Emil Mikalsen Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      10.2013 - concert
      All the best wishes to you Lucinda! i hope it gets better. :)
    10. AUTHOR

      Lucinda Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hehe thanks :3
      It will most likely be the same for me in years to come, I hope o: Apparently this therapist said they needed to 'retrain my brain' o:
    11. Austin Clarke

      Austin Clarke Member

      Hello I m new guy.
    12. carol kane

      carol kane Member

      Lincolnshire united kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Austin, welcome to T T, what´s your story?
    13. Jonny Walkley
      Question it

      Jonny Walkley Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I have noise induced tinnitus from listening to music loud through headphones and the fire alarm went off (I'm in uni halls so have one in my room, so loud!), so all that noise at once has caused it. I've been to three doctors and all of them have said it will go 100%, generally within a couple weeks or months, one of the doctors say minimum 6-8 weeks no longer than a year. I've had it roughly 8 weeks and wow this is the hardest thing I've ever had to go through, and it's not over yet! Has anyone else been told anything similar by doctors? because I have not found one post on the Internet suggesting so, I don't know whether that's a good thing meaning people have accepted it will go and not worried therefore not posting on the Internet, and it has gone for them.
    14. Steve

      Steve Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Sheffield, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Flu, Noise-induced, Jaw trauma
      Hi Lucinda and welcome,

      As others have said, it's fairly distressing at any time of life, but getting it so young is much more difficult to deal with. Very few people would be as gutsy as you are in coming forward with it and searching for help.

      You mentioned that it first came on after thinking about what your dad was going through, so it sounds like the therapy of retraining your brain (is it CBT you're getting?) may be the perfect thing for you. The way that you deal with it makes all the difference, it usually takes some sort of guidance to get you there though. And by joining here and getting what is hopefully good quality therapy, you're doing everything right to help you get back to living life normally.

      Best of luck and keep us updated on your progress.
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