Hello, I'm New to Tinnitus, and I Will Help the World

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Leonardo Aguiar, Jan 19, 2017.

    1. Leonardo Aguiar

      Leonardo Aguiar Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Probably some weird drug I took
      Hello to everyone.

      I am new to tinnitus. Diagnosed with sudden deaf and a severe tinnitus in response to that. Doctors still couldn't find out why my tinnitus is so much louder than others.

      But I am here to say hello, that I live in joy and happiness, and to add that I will help everyone.

      With love
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    2. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      Welcome to Tinnitus Talk.
      Your positivity will get you through your life with tinnitus and hearing loss and a uplifting post for members to read...keep them coming...lots of love Glynis
    3. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      We welcome you and your positive contribution to the forum. People can learn your positivity and perhaps you can share how you overcome your negative emotional reaction to the loud T to be able to live happily within a short time.
    4. AUTHOR
      Leonardo Aguiar

      Leonardo Aguiar Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Probably some weird drug I took
      I registered ilovetinnitus.com, made a joke out of it, and explained the mechanics of it into the website. It is not only the cure for tinnitus, but the cure for all illusory suffering we have.

      Tinnitus and deafness is new for me, but dealing with difficulties isn't. What happens, happens. But we decide what we do experience. All of it.

      I wish I could upload this realization.
    5. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      You sound like a zen teacher. But if it works to eliminate mental suffering from T and deafness, why not? I learned from the late Darlene Cohen, a zen teacher, the concept of 'finding joy amid the pain', and accepting all sensations including her acute chronic pain, and make no preference among the sensations such that they co-exist in harmony as they are all a part of our being. Some deep thinking stuff.
    6. AUTHOR
      Leonardo Aguiar

      Leonardo Aguiar Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Probably some weird drug I took
      teacher? haha no I'm far from it, I barely know what zen stands for. I will probably lose credibility for that, but all what I can tell you, I know by looking. I'm trying to convey this because I notice how many people are suffering from this Tinnitus thing.

      Look around you, pay full attention and you will see it. Everything, absolutely everything, we got all wrong. We name things too fast. We cannot possibly "know" anything, but we keep doing it thousands times a day in automatic mode. And every single time we do it we are wrong, we just decide the "most convenient" meaning for things for practical reasons I guess, to go through life, but they are all traps.

      The "knowing" process, at least in my subjective experience, is kinda messy. I look at a new thing, and somehow, I understand it. Than I look again and see that my understanding of that thing is polluted with a lot of previous "understandings". It gets more obvious when I compare my understanding with the person next to me. I noticed that I see the world around me the way I am. I noticed that no one is capable of really understanding anything.

      What do I mean by "anything"? By anything I guess I mean everything. We say that born is good and death is bad, we have words to project an imagination in someone's head like "It would have been" or "I may have done", and we take these imaginations as another "possible realities", and although we always see only one thing happening, always one, we think there are other ways and we "choose" them. Can you see it? If we misunderstood such fundamental things, imagine the whole.

      This place, my beloved friends, is a game of perceptions. There are no actual "things" around you. You create those things. It is no magic. There's nothing glamorous about it. But once you realize that, you get free from trusting yours "understandings".

      I read some of the threads in this forum, people trying to find the "cure" for Tinnitus, assuming it is bad. Don't get me wrong, I will also try to hear again, I miss music and talks with friends, flirting with girls. But I am not attached to the idea that it is bad. How do I do that? By accepting that I cannot possibly know anything.

      Did you noticed that most of people here got actually healthier? They changed their lifestyle to eat better, have supplements and vitamins, started reading more, became more social and have compassion? Maybe for that they avoided getting cancer, maybe for that some found the love of their lives.

      Everything is a matter of perspective. Everyone has their own. Everyone is wrong.

      Next time you think you know something, put it to the test. See it without understanding it. That is the closest you can get to what it really is. Maybe you will see it now, maybe tomorrow. Maybe you will find out the difference between "normal" and "real".

      I decided to believe that I will, someday, be able to convey this to people, and I also decided to believe that this is good. Am I right? Most certainly not. But I will experience this decision every second of my life.
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    7. PanM
      Smoking joe

      PanM Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi Leonardo did you take cortisone?

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