Hi Folks



Just found your group and hope to gain some information regarding tinnitus.
Mine started in 2010 when I had a dizzy spell and have since found out I have Meneries or silent migranes their not sure which one I have.
Glad I have found you.
Just found your group and hope to gain some information regarding tinnitus.
Mine started in 2010 when I had a dizzy spell and have since found out I have Meneries or silent migranes their not sure which one I have.
Glad I have found you.

Yours started in 2010!? God...I'd hope mine is cured or treated within 5 years...I've had mine since July 2014 and this feel too long.
Just found your group and hope to gain some information regarding tinnitus.
Mine started in 2010 when I had a dizzy spell and have since found out I have Meneries or silent migranes their not sure which one I have.
Glad I have found you.

Welcome Cweig to the forum. TT is loaded with resources to help you. There are forums on treatments being out there and forums on Tinnitus, Hyperacusis etc, there is the success stories forum with many members posting their insights on how to get better. In the main Support Forum we have the Positivity Thread which is a good read for struggling members. It contains positive stories and things members enjoy to do regardless of their T. It gives a sense of normalcy to life even after T. Hope you find the site helpful to you.

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