Hissing within the Head

Discussion in 'Support' started by Tadeusz S, Apr 23, 2016.

    1. Tadeusz S

      Tadeusz S Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I have had what I think is tinnitus since spring 2013. Yesterday I saw my GP, and told him the hissing sound was within my head, and not from the ears. He said is may not be tinnitus, because it is not from the ears.

      Essentially ..... do I have tinnitus, or some other problem? If it's not at the ears, could it be something else?
    2. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, @Tadeusz S,

      That is a good question, but I think it's more likely that you have some form of tinnitus than anything else. I have a constant hissing noise, too, but mine is all in my right ear. It is a constant noise, just like you describe, that never really changes. There are many people on this forum who have said they feel that their tinnitus is in their entire head, not just the ears.

      Have you had your hearing checked lately? If so, do you know if you have any degree of hearing loss? If it's hissing, I think it's more likely your hearing loss would be in the high range. Gradual hearing loss is a common cause of tinnitus.

      Since you've only been to a GP regarding this sound, it might be a good idea to see an ENT or audiologist, to see if they can at least diagnose the problem. There, you could have an audiogram to see if you do have hearing loss. Then, you can decide what forms of treatment (hearing aid/masker, etc.) would be most beneficial to you.

      Good luck, and please let us know what you find out.

      Best wishes,
    3. jeannie

      jeannie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise-induced, Ear Infection, Medication... Who knows?
      My tinnitus goes from ears one day to head the next day.
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    4. click

      click Member Benefactor

      West Cornwall, England, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure
      Apparently any noise that we can hear that others cannot is put into the tinnitus category.

      Mine has always been in my head, never in my ears. Can be in different places - down low at the top of my neck, darting from side to side, at one side or another or near the top of my head.

      Quite often it's a hissing noise. The volume varies.

      It also goes away - completely. No chance of 'getting used to it' because it goes away and comes back.

      I used to believe that moving from a noisy environment to a house & street that was in total silence caused it but now I think it may be TMJ / jaw & bite issues.

      Hope this gives you some help Jeannie.

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    5. jeannie

      jeannie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise-induced, Ear Infection, Medication... Who knows?
      Thanks Click,I have been told I have tmj.jaw crunches too but splint made tinnitus louder.
    6. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      Always worth having a MRI and hearing test.
      Tinnitus can be in one ear or both ears and in your head also so try not to worry as it does sound like tinnitus.
      The unwanted emotions it can cause like anxiety can be hard too .
      Keep posting for support as we are here to support you....lots of love glynis
    7. jeannie

      jeannie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise-induced, Ear Infection, Medication... Who knows?
      Thanks Glynis.yes I had an MRI a few years ago.....showed old stroke but neurologist said it looked like a cyst from birth.so who knows?

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