Internet 'Super Hubs'


Jul 31, 2012
West Cornwall, England, UK
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Not sure
Have just moved and had five and a half days without a main internet connection (just a dongle that didn't connect for longer than a few seconds at a time). It was bliss. The T was there but SO low I hardly noticed it much.

Yesterday Virgin Media installed their 'Super Hub' modem/router and the T started screaming. I wasn't even thinking about it when it happenned. Now I remember that BT had just installed their 'Super Hub' when my T started in April this year.

On both hubs wireless was turned 'off' & instead connected with ethernet cables.

I can't work without the net so have ordered some old virgin media routers to see if they will connect. Have also investigated with network expert whether the wireless part of the hub can be actually removed (as apparently 'turning off wireless' doesn't actually stop all the wireless activity.. it just stops you using it).

Anyone else had any experiences with these hubs and T?
No unfortunately, my job relies heavily on computers and computer equipment both at work and home. I cannot escape EMF's. However, I do turn off and unplug from the outlet as many electronics as I can at night (phones, laptops, ipads etc) and even my wireless router when I sleep though. I do use the Dom white noise machine in my bedroom but other than that I don't use any other electronics in my bedroom not even an alarm clock.
After moving back to Hampshire at the end of the first week in September I was without BT services until yesterday. Apparently they're so run off their feet that it takes them over a month to reconnect you if you move house.

Anyway - I plugged in my wonderful BT superhub yesterday evening & sat back exhausted after fiddling with all the filters and cables and hiding the trailing leads.

After about 5 minutes I noticed a weird noise amongst the T noises... just on the left hand side in my head.

Then I remembered that the BT superhub was on my very long 'list of possible causes' because it had been installed in my previous house a short while before me getting T. (I'd never had one before that).

So I unplugged it and all the silly cables. The new noise in my head went away.

I waited half an hour and (bravely I thought!) plugged it back in again. A few minutes later the weird sound in amongst the T came back - totally different from my normal T sounds. No external noise from the hub tho.

Needless to say... I'm not plugging it in again & today I've contacted BT for the costs of breaking my 2 yr contract with them (God this T is costing me a fortune:eek:). I need 2 internet connections at home, have Virgin Cable (with a superhub 4 times the size of the BT one - but that doesn't give me noises in my head :)) and will replace the BT one with O2 (which I had before moving to Cornwall).

It could have been coincidence that this happened but I don't think so... that new different noise has not reappeared since unplugging the hub for the final time last night. Doesn't even mean that it was the initial cause of my T... could be something that just makes a new noise appear... but I thought it was interesting. Looked it up for a bit on the net afterwards and there are some people who say that they can hear a high pitched noise emanating from router/hub power plugs. I couldn't hear any external noises - just the new one in my head.
After moving back to Hampshire at the end of the first week in September I was without BT services until yesterday. Apparently they're so run off their feet that it takes them over a month to reconnect you if you move house.

Anyway - I plugged in my wonderful BT superhub yesterday evening & sat back exhausted after fiddling with all the filters and cables and hiding the trailing leads.

After about 5 minutes I noticed a weird noise amongst the T noises... just on the left hand side in my head.

Then I remembered that the BT superhub was on my very long 'list of possible causes' because it had been installed in my previous house a short while before me getting T. (I'd never had one before that).

So I unplugged it and all the silly cables. The new noise in my head went away.

I waited half an hour and (bravely I thought!) plugged it back in again. A few minutes later the weird sound in amongst the T came back - totally different from my normal T sounds. No external noise from the hub tho.

Needless to say... I'm not plugging it in again & today I've contacted BT for the costs of breaking my 2 yr contract with them (God this T is costing me a fortune:eek:). I need 2 internet connections at home, have Virgin Cable (with a superhub 4 times the size of the BT one - but that doesn't give me noises in my head :)) and will replace the BT one with O2 (which I had before moving to Cornwall).

It could have been coincidence that this happened but I don't think so... that new different noise has not reappeared since unplugging the hub for the final time last night. Doesn't even mean that it was the initial cause of my T... could be something that just makes a new noise appear... but I thought it was interesting. Looked it up for a bit on the net afterwards and there are some people who say that they can hear a high pitched noise emanating from router/hub power plugs. I couldn't hear any external noises - just the new one in my head.
Yes... I did a whole trhead on EMFs.

Good for you for unplugging it.

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