Is a High Protein Diet Bad for Tinnitus?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Geo, Feb 5, 2015.

    1. Geo

      Geo Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      is a high protein diet bad for T? i have been on a high protein diet since i was 18.. since i am a gym goer( but stopped for a while cause of t spikes recently).... i also would take high carb consumption it never affected my T but since my T is getting worse not due to food due to noise exposure ..and noticed tonight when i ate a protein bar( chocolate peanut butter) it gave me a spike for the first time ever chocolate spiked my T and i would always eat that i feel that chocolate affects me now which it never did before.. i never really eat out and when i do its healthy foods..dont really take in much salt and sugar..and been eating the same since i got T never seen any changes in T...
    2. Telis

      Telis Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Drugs barotrauma
      I've read a few of your posts seem paranoid more than anything to be honest. Try and work on reducing anxiety is my advise. Don't worry about eating the wrong thing, you will drive yourself nuts.
      • Agree Agree x 4
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    3. Ricky81

      Ricky81 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      July 14, 2014
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Assault/Contusion/Ear Infection
      I doubt it.
      • Winner Winner x 1
    4. Chelles

      Chelles Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Don't be offended by this but I think depression/anxiety is what's causing your t get worse. Our minds can be very powerful but it can also be our worse enemy. Have you tried taking anything to help you relax and not focus so much on the T?
      • Agree Agree x 2
    5. Kopesy

      Kopesy Member Benefactor

      East Midlands, England, United Kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I'll never know
      ^ Definitely. I've been treating depression since I got T for a few months now & can say that this mixed with anxiety really does affect it, so much so that I'm even having a hard time hearing even though my hearing tests reveal no major hearing loss. Carry on doing what you're doing keeping fit & keeping to a routine, I can't stress how much a routine can help, I've got a lot worse since I've stopped mine. Once you take a tumble, sometimes your fall all the way down if you're not thinking straight.
      • Agree Agree x 2
    6. I who love music

      I who love music Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      mid seventies
      Years ago I started eating according to the Body For Life plan, which is about 1/3 protein. That's a lot more than I used to eat. I still try to get a lot. I remember my earlier unhealthy years as also being bad tinnitus years.
    7. AUTHOR

      Geo Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      im not paranoid..i do stress but not as much its just lately my T has been spiking almost every other day for some reason...and my right ear is catching up to my left ear rapidly...its hard not to focus on it right now as i cant mask it anymore its gotten to that just sucks i cant go to the gym or hike or at least out the house as my ear is too sensitive to everything a little ding makes my ear ache my H never lasted this long before and its strong..
    8. AUTHOR

      Geo Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      and ive been eating protein bars for ever, this was the first time my ear spiked cause of it and i wasnt over reacting because been eating them forever with no hesitation..
    9. Chelles

      Chelles Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Did you go to the doctor to check for a possible ear infection?
    10. AUTHOR

      Geo Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      nahh doctor visits are just dumb, everytime i would go he said everything looks fine so why bother
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    11. Rube

      Rube Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud shit
      It can't hurt to try to find an ent dr who has experience with t. Have him check u out just to rule out any thing that may be exacerbating ur condition. I agree with the others, you may be focusing too much on this and making it seem worse.
    12. AUTHOR

      Geo Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      @Rube im pretty sure its my H its pretty bad every sound hurts my ears and i think thats why my ears have been spiking so much.. for instance just a moment ago my brother burped a little louder than normal he was about 2 feet away..and i felt that go straight in my ear as he was looking my way and now my now my ear canal feels like its blowing fire out after i was so careful all day not trying to set it off..not cool..
    13. uncle vikin

      uncle vikin Member

      nashville tennessee
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Subjective tinnitus r ear cause ( unknown)
      Geo, just realize we all have gone through many stages of T and we all want to help and be helped .I have not had it as long as you but my first 3 months we're H on earth so I can relate to your stress level.It scares the H out of you,Dan gave you some great info. It is in the brain .It will get better but it might take awhile I would really try to get help with anxiety mabe meds I had to for a while .Even a 1mg per day benzo long acting like klonipin might help just plan on weening off slowly after say 4 to 6 weeks .I don't like to know that you are suffering and we all try to support each other on here.There is no shame in it .Before T and H I never touched a drug of any kind but sometimes a medical condition just calls for it.This tinnitus is most likely affecting your limbic part of your brain right now .I have weened off my benzos I took 1 mg total per day of klonipin and in the first month took a total of 10 mg in 1 mg doses of xanax still have one 1 mg left just in case have had it for 5 months.I only take melatonin sr and a host of vit and supplements.I know your are into working out and fitness so you know what is healthy and how to eat right just keep doing what you have done as far .Take care of your stress.This is important right now.Go find a dr. might have to go to a pyhc. dr. to get a benzo I hate suggesting you to get meds and I ain't a doctor ,but if you go to a dr. he can then suggest these options with you .They kinda work right away but they can be addictive but you don't have to be on them long term .They are not intended to be used long term.As I know everyone will have a say on my post I don't care I'm gonna put this out there cause I don't want to see you go through this and this I believe it will be a fast relief for you till you can get a handle on it and it settles down.I don't believe T is a auditory condition alone it is a somatic brain nerves rewiring mixed with the auditory nervous system .It is hypersensitive parts of the brain going on and it won't stop untill the brain fixes what ever is causing the hyper-activity.WE all have the same thing we all just respond to it differently cause no two brains are alike .So Geo please get something that will help you now .Like I told you it will get better and it will but mabe meds ,time and a possitive mind will get you back to your life .I hesitate to recommend meds like these but it helped me when I was going crazy with my T& H and it has helped many on here .And some are against it.I know .

      I want you to get through this
      and you will .Mike K
    14. Shaun

      Shaun Member

      Cardiff wales
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2014
      No I don't think protein does make a difference to t I've got a high protein diet makes no difference to t,maybe try a different intake of protein see if it makes a difference.
      I know your in a tough place at moment but you can't leave in fear of your t I know it's hard but you will come out the other end a stronger person.if you get your anxiety in check your t should subside.we all go through it with this but it's how you deal with it.I continute to live my life as best I can I train Four times a week I won't give into it.
      you a stronger than you think you are mate,I hope you start feeling better soon and get back to living.
    15. becksnyc

      becksnyc Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Geo, may I ask the ingredients on the bar that triggers your T? I have a similar reaction to protein products and narrowed down my reaction to a specific set of ingredients.
    16. Hariz Nonis

      Hariz Nonis Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      If you're still around, mind sharing what those ingredients are?

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